GMD Poll: Immolation's Discography Ranked

#2 Close to a World Below (2000)


Average points per vote: 7.77/10

First place votes: 3

I listened to Close to a World Below today and its brilliant, easily one of the best and most epic DM albums ever

The Ozzman said:
I don't understand the hype behind Close to a World Below. It is good, but you fuckers overrate it (per usual)

I strongly recommend Close to a World Below and Unholy Cult, as they are both face-crushing, standard-setting albums for death metal. Children of Bodom fans need not apply.
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no country for old wainds said:
dawn of possession is one of those that most people really like but nobody would put right up among their favourites.

14 people had this on their 1991 lists and NONE had it at number 1. post validated.
Dawn of Possession isn't my favourite, but it is my most listened to. It's an easier listen than their mid period stuff - I can just throw it on mostly whenever. But the others I have to be in the mood for.
I gave so many chances to Dawn of Possession. The first two tracks and the opening to "Those Left Behind" are the only stand out moments. The rest is death metal elevator music. I find it laughable that people even think it belongs in the discussion with the next four albums, which are all masterpieces. There's a chasm between them.
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Was going through some decibel backissues and came across this ...

Erik Rutan
: "Immolation have a certain dark and evil vibe to their music that's unmatched in death metal. Their unique melodies and heaviness make them special. They just have an immediately distinguishable sound, and to see how they've evolved from the early stages to now has been awesome"

John McEntee - "Immolation are sincere about what they do, and they've grown into their own eerie style. They're not following any trends, and they're still putting out killers music 30 years later. They're definitely one of the most imoprtant bands in death metal. Even if i wasn't great friends with them, i'll always hold them in high regard."

Alex Webster: "For me, Immolation is one of the bands that define the sound of pure *death metal. They have that particular dark, eerie vibe that distinguishes death metal form thrash and other subgenres. That's imoprtant--death metal is more than low-tuned thrash with guttural vocals; it has unique musical characteristics, too. Immolation contributed a lot to the development of these characteristics, most notably with the use of pinch harmonics in rhythm guitar parts. They also took dark melodies and complex,unnatural arrangements to a level not previously heard in death metal."

Terrance Hobbs - "I think the key to Immolation surviving the test of time is the simple fact that they never changed the style, intensity and sheer power of their music. They've never compromised their writing style, and they always bring a raw power to the stage, so what you hear on records is what you get live. They're a great band, and they deserve the utmost respect from every death metaller out there!"
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