GMD Poll: Immolation's Discography Ranked

I'm going to post my list just to cancel out Turkdodger's vote and fight this disgusting, racist post tax being levied on the voting citizens of this thread like Bobzilla7954.

1. Close to a World Below
2. Unholy Cult
3. Failures for Gods
4. Here in After
5. Dawn of a Pozzed Armenian

Personally, I think members that registered their accounts after September 22, 2010 should not be allowed to vote.

There's a six album minimum for your list to count.
You're acting like I'm attacking you haha I just want to know what's going on. No ulterior motive in my asking, trust.

Are we thinking it's someone's alt, conveniently revived to vote twice?
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wat? how am i acting like youre attacking me? Dont get your panties in a bunch man.

Im surprised that you're asking me why i would have a problem with an account that has never posted before being included here A) There is a 99% chance its someones alt. Or do you think maybe someone who has been lurking here for 8 years decided to make his single post in an Immolation poll that we are doing as a community and then quietly disappear back into the darkness?? And B) why should we count their vote in a UM poll if he's not a regular here?
1. Here in After
2. Unholy Cult
3. Close to a World Below
4. Failure of Gods
(really these top 4 are neck-and-neck. phenomenal stretch of releases)

5. Harnessing Ruin

6. Atonement
7. Shadows in the Light

8. Kingdom of Conspiracy
9. Dawn of Possession
10. Majesty and Decay
#10 Kingdom of Conspiracy (2013)


Average points per vote: 1.56/10

-Immolation is one of the greatest bands of our time. "Kingdom of Conspiracy" was a bit of a letdown and somewhat of a misstep, but everything preceding that is untouchable.
#9 Harnessing Ruin (2005)


Average points per vote: 2.86/10

I've had it few quite some time now and have played the living hell out of it. It's got a bit more variation introduced into their style. For instance the couple whispered lines in the track Dead To Me. Plus the quasi middle eastern sound to the title track. It has all the signature Immolation elements throughout and is, of coarse, heavy as fuck. I can not fathom why anyone would be dissatisfied with this album.

Harnessing Ruin is their low point for sure, but it's still not bad.
#5 Failures for Gods (1999)


Average points per vote: 6.74/10

First place Votes: 2

Immolation's Failures for Gods is another one of those "good music, shit production" albums

Failures For Gods has some crazy structures

Yes.. Here in After and Failures have some really strange time signatures, structures and weird riffing.. it's just all over the place and the use of polyrhythms and dissonance is mind boggling.. best deathmetal band out there hands down.
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#4 Unholy Cult (2002)


Average points per vote: 7.09/10

Unholy Cult is quickly becoming my favorite Immolation album.
The drums aren't as overbearing in the mix as they are on Close to a World Below and the songs are more brooding and varied too. Great stuff.

Just saw them live. they rule. and the songs are fuckin sweet live. especially the title track and the last song.
#3 Dawn of Possession (1991)


Average points per vote: 7.3/10

First place votes: 3

Got a Dawn of Possession shirt that means more to me than my own sister.

Dawn of Possession wows me every time I hear it. The riffing on it is just so fucked up. I love it.

dawn of possession is one of those that most people really like but nobody would put right up among their favourites.
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