GMDer of 2014

I believe starting out my name was LightningRider or some garbage. It's been changed for a long time.
Kyank aper.

:lol: awesome.

Don't know how your name wasn't in my post. Yea, just way too many cool peeps here to list. Same goes for some of the other guys from the beer thread that i forgot about.

I also like technical barbarity even though he's got some serious ADD.

What happened to all that talk about being polite and respectful?? :lol: jfwy

I believe starting out my name was LightningRider or some garbage. It's been changed for a long time.

Hah, that must have been a good while ago. You've been Krow for as long as i've been here ... i think.



Buttface! Don't think we forgot about you, son.
U_C, you get your vote taken away for the simple fact youve been polite and want recognition for it. This is a metal forum, not my Grandma's house. Learn how to fight back and youll earn more street cred around here.

I don't even remotely care about 'street cred' on an Internet message board, to be honest. My only point was that an ounce of class would do this place some good. Oh and I've been here 8 years longer than you, so I own you.
Kafka gets my vote because he has become my source for all things SoCal related at this point. Don't even need to use moshking or Bandsintown with homeboy around. Plus he has damn good taste in metal AND electronic music.

Other than that, I love reading TBB fighting everyone and everything. Plus he's an armenian so that's a plus. Kyank aper.

Ozzman brought the most hilarious thread in recent memory, but unfortunately because he is a mod, I can't vote for him. DISQUALIFIED!

HBB got some balls, I'll give him that. Of every forum I've ever been to, I can without a doubt say he is the most candid motherfucker out there. He should win whatever award this is based on that alone.

Krow and Jimmy for being some of the funniest douchebags around.

Yoda clearly has the best taste on the forum, so he gets kudos, but he needs more stories about fucking fat bitches to win the award.

Onder cracks me up. Probably the best writer on the site, he has translated comedic timing into writing, and it should frankly be profitable. Sell books or something. Or just descend into the eternal abyss of alcoholism. Or both.
My thread is hilarious for reasons unbeknownst to me yet it brings people back from the dead to post. I'll take it.
My vote goes to TB. Even when I disagree and have different opinion about certain things, he still stand his ground and has a solid Thrash taste and knowledge. :kickass:

Still got to give cred to:
Krow, Onder and D_T who gives me great laughs.
Ozzman for great threads.
Baroque with great posts on Thrash! -thread.
KafkaX seems like a laid back and great dude but I do not really have an opinion about him yet. Hope to get a clearer one in the future about him and a few more.
-Ozz put in a lot of work on the board, so he's up there.
-Schmidt for his talks about PBRs and trve dööm. Probably has the best taste of anyone here.
-Onder for making consistently funny posts across the board.
-TB, I can feel is passionate about what he writes, even if I disagree with nearly everything.
-Kafka, Krow, D_T for being good and funny guys all around.
-CyanideChrist for "BANISHED!!"
-HBB for consistently annoying the piss out of me.
-Honorable Mention: Metal Paddy even though he never posted in 2014. Goodnight sweet prince.

Actually, I vote Paddy. Just to be a dick.
Audiophileguy and life sucks. I choose these posters because they new when to shut the fuck up.
All this thread is is giving you a chance to suck eachothers dicks.
(DoNT baN mE oZz)
The 15 year old obese child strikes again
I'm really not sure who does what and/or how much they do. If you guys say Ozz that's cool, seems like a solid dude. I'd say Zeph just because he's cool as shit

and I'd blow Cody