GMDer of 2014

I'm going to vote for Unknown because he gets my Seinfeld jokes. For the others, it's time to start my airing of grievances. I GOT A LOT OF PROBLEMS WITH YOU PEOPLE!

Also, no love for my man Zephyrus? He's responsible for banning Monoxide_Child, which I think makes him a strong candidate alone.
Well I think it's great to give shoutouts to everyone (can't believe I got one from Dave), but I was trying to get at someone who puts the most effort into the forum. Maybe a "Best Rec'er of 2014" would be a good other award, but wasn't what I was really getting at here.
I think everyone got the point by nominating Ozz because he really has done great this year. The rest is just a bunch of mutual masturbation. So it worked out even better I think.
What, seeing Father Testicle every time Krig posts isn't enough?