

Jan 31, 2004
Just wondering... what are your ideas on religion and God? I myself am an atheist, but I was interested to know what the majority of Symphony X choose to devote their lives to, whether it be God, Satan, Buddha, or themselves (as I do). I'm not meaning to spark hatred, only an intelligent discussion.
TotenMitMacht said:
Just wondering... what are your ideas on religion and God? I myself am an atheist, but I was interested to know what the majority of Symphony X choose to devote their lives to, whether it be God, Satan, Buddha, or themselves (as I do). I'm not meaning to spark hatred, only an intelligent discussion.

I'm also an atheist. I believe no one on this earth can understand how things are created; we are to dumb for that.
I don't disrespect religious people, but I HATE religions. Most wars in this world are because of religion. Technically I'm a christian, but the world would be a much better place if nobody believed in some kind of God.
I'm agnostic - I can't pretend to know whether or not the universe was created, nor whether we were put here for a reason or not. I sometimes postulate on stuff like this, and I think it's probably likely that something did make our universe, but given that it's beyond my understanding, that's about as far as I get ;)

I don't agree with a lot of stuff that many religions tell you to do (worship a god you can never see or know is there, die for your religion etc), however the Western world as we know it was shaped a great deal by Christianity and Christian concepts - even things we take for granted like everyone being made equal (although it took long enough for this to start taking effect).

My current belief system is sort of based on Christian morals because I was brought up that way. I rejected the idea of God though because to my mind, faith is asking a little too much - you must trust absolutely an idea with no proof, other than the fact that others have believed it before you. I also find myself confused by the concept of a soul. Life after death implies that there is something that isn't the body that lives on after you die, but then how can our personalities be so dictated by the physical brain, and how can brain damage so alter a person if the person is defined by their soul which isn't physical?

Also, I asked a curate (like the assistant vicar) at my church (church of england when I still attended) whether people who lived virtuous and good lives, but hadn't had the opportunity to hear about Jesus, would get into heaven. He said that the only way to heaven was through Jesus, which I think is absolutely stupid for a religion that is supposed to be about loving your neighbour, and being nice to people regardless of sex or race - how can you send a person to hell on the basis that they don't even know about your religion - how is that your fault. A doctrine like that is utterly foolish in my opinion; although some people believe otherwise, you end up with a split in your religion even though you both believe essentially the same thing. Which is correct? I don't know, but if you have a religion where something that is pretty central can be interpreted drastically in different ways, it seems a bit odd to me.

Given what I said earlier about the idea of a soul, it's my opinion that consciousness arises from our physical brains, and once the brain has died so does the consciousness. From this I don't believe there is life after death, but then again without knowing if we were created or not, who can say? We won't know till we actually do pass on, so it doesn't matter what you believe happens afterwards, be it heaven, hell or valhalla ;)

As far as I'm concerned, all that's important is treating everyone fairly and equally and leading as good and virtuous a life as you know how. Who judges that? You do, not an invisible, intangible god.

Oops, that turned into a huge essay - sorry.
kazahana - interesting insight...

Like so many things in this world, religion is a great idea on paper, but unfortunately, in reality it has been behind almost every major war that has ever broken out, as well as much of the hatred and racism that exists in the world. So because of that I don't choose to follow any specific religion. Lots of em have good ideas; I do believe a lot of the morals preached in christianity are very good. As far as what I am, I'm gonna fall back on the "agnostic" label, since its the closest to how I think. ;)
Im an atheist/agnostic something. Never really thought about it. But I live in the southern US, and for those of you who live in the US its exactly like you think it would be, truck driving rednecks and crazy bible beating baptists everywhere. Whenever they say anything to me about it i just ask them how they know there is a god and they say the bible. So i ask them why they think the bible is right and they say its the word of god, and its the word of god because it was dictated by him, and it was dictated by him because its true, and its true because its the word of god, and its the word of god because it was dictated by him, and it was dictated by him because its true, and its true because its the word of god... same shit over and over. Im just glad im not gay, if i was theyd probably lynch me here. (i dont have anything against gays)
I am agnostic only because nobody really knows for sure how the universe and we were created. I fall closer to what the leading scientists say (r.e. "Big Bang") as I think science is the best guide for our future.

I do not believe in any God although I would never tell anyone who does that they are silly, ridiculous, whatever. However, I do have a real problem with the "thumpers" who's faith is mind blowing! They are so sure that God exists and have no problem saying so. That drives me crazy! They are the people who I think are ridiculous because even if you are a believer you still have to consider the fact that there is no proof of the existence of God, so those of us who don't believe are just as right as you. I think most ordinary religious people can accept this and therefore keep their beliefs to themselves. I don't go around trying to make everyone believe there is no God, so they shouldn't try to shove it down my throat that there is.

Anyway, just my 2 cents. :)
I'm a lifelong atheist - the concept of a god is meaningless to me beyond cultural reference. I don't give a hoot about who believes what as long as they don't use their beliefs to harm or degrade others.
Yeah. I've long thought of the idea of organized religion as piss poor. It seems that basing your beliefs on what you are told to believe is a weak thing to do. Consequently, I have run into trouble. I have been threatened with expulsion from my scout troop for being atheist. Here is the question- should I tell the truth and be kicked out or lie and continue on? I am leaning towards lying because I really enjoy the activities, and I figure that if they are going to be bastards and bar certain groups, I might as well play their game of bastardshipismness (?)
I should remind everyone that, even tho a lot of bad stuff like wars and bigotry came out of religion, lets not forget some of the good things it gave us - wonderful artwork, archetecture, and MUSIC (how many classical composers wrote masses and devoted their works to god?).
"The only good thing that came out of religion was the music" - George Carlin.
Haha, speaking of that, I'm going to see Carlin at the South Shore Music Circus this August :cool:
But to say something having to do with the topic, I'm athiest. It annoys me when people never leave me alone about worshipping god, but thats a very rare few.
The idea of afterlife is very peasant and extremely old, but... totally absurd, I'm afraid.

The proof? Reproduction. You more or less teach your children your beliefs and your way of thinking (unconciously for most people). Thus your ideas, conceptions and thoughts live on through your children, there's no NEED of reproduction. If you're still sceptical, ask your parents about to what degree they transformed to their parents with time.

I quite frankly still believe that there's some kind of 'grand design' :D, but I'm not sure if it includes us.

Oh, and BTW, the 'big bang' theory is totally wrong. I don't have the time to explain it myself but here is a good site:

*Moderator Note*
As this is a potentially hot topic, please bear in mind that religious beliefs (or lack thereof) are a very personal thing, and there is no right or wrong..please respect the beliefs of others, even if they clash with your own. So far so good, thanks to you all. :)
I would also have to add (as per Jax) that I am very impressed by how people haven't started attacking each other by the 4th-5th post on this thread (as usually happens). Very impressed :)

Personally I am a Christian, total believer in God. Too many things have happened along my way in this 'ol life, at particular times when I was having a little talk with the big man upstairs, to be written off as pure coincidence. Do I have a hard time believing, actually a better word is conceptualizing, in God and all his wonders? You better believe it. That's not to say I don't believe though, it's just beyond my puny human brain to comprehend all the wonders of him :)

As far as religion goes, religion isn't anything but a man made thing. One guy at some point decided he didn't like all that he read or interpreted the Bible in his own way so we get all these religions from it like Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, etc. etc. Religion/Christians have gotten a bad name because a lot of people think that what they see/read on the news, in the newspapers, and in headlines of various media outlets is what being "Christian" is all about. Couldn't be further from the truth. Good Christian stories don't make for good news headlines on the evening news :) Anyways, don't think the "Christians" you see scamming money, embezzling, condemning all people in their path or pointing fingers at the "sinners", molesting kids etc. represents us all...I get quite sickened myself at times from it all.