Got Guns?

dorian gray

Returning videotapes
Apr 8, 2004
any of you guys have a gun/guns?

on sunday, we had a bunch of friends over and i sequestered all their babies in our bedroom with a sitter. i was lying in bed last night when i realized i had left my loaded handgun just sitting under my bed. uhhhhh......woops. obviously, no one killed themselves but i keep thinking about what couldve happened.

anyway, i got a .44 special. i've never even fired it. :erk: not many places in downtown nashville to fire a gun......waiting for the next time my car gets busted in to.
Not yet anyways. I will inherit my fathers and uncle huge gun collection someday though. My gf says that she doesn't want me having a gun because she "doesn't trust me w/ it." :err: Not for her sake, obviously.

I'm more of a fan of knives though. I would rather carry around and/or use a knife, if weapons were concerned, in combat. Just every thug piece of shit and their mother has their hands on a stolen gun nowadays, and having not a freaking clue on the responsibility of the matter.
i'm a gun advocate turned mostly-pacifist. as such i believe in the right to bear arms, but at the same time wish guns didn't exist to begin with. :loco:

don't own any. have shot several. have lots and lots of knives.
knives are pretty cool. i have my gun purely for home-defense. i cant see a knife coming in handy in that situation. gerber makes some neat ones though.
"guns for show, knives for a pro." :kickass:

i've never had to defend myself with a knife, but i always have at least one on me because they come in handy. i mean i guess i could open a can of beans with a gun if i really wanted to, but it might get messy.
ive never had to defend myself with a gun. itd be alot easier than with a knife though. not many would-be muggers and wife-rapers are carrying knives. if they were, i'd still use a gun.....just to incapacitate of course. i would *never* kill anyone trying to break into my house to kill me and my family. ha

times dorian has summoned the cops to his house in the past year: 3
I'm a gun owner. A while back a few of my friends got into it. Started going to the range with some frequency. So, I decided to get one. Use to feel that I wouldn't feel safe with a gun in the house. Now I feel as though I wouldn't feel safe with out. Which really, is just me being paranoid. I live in a very safe neighborhood, have an alarm system, and two dogs (one of which is a 120 pound male Rottweiler).

I'm familiar with rifles and would probably not be adverse to buying just a .22 cause my neighborhood is not particularly safe. my wife qualified as a marksman in the Army so I could leave the shooting to her.

plus the wife knows the proper deployment of claymore mines so if we had to establish a defensive perimeter it would not be difficult. we have limited fields of fire but I believe we could deter any crack addicts from the second floor.
Well over here is Australia it seems relatively safe, I have only ever been in fight with randoms once in my life, I wish I had a weapon then because I got my ass kicked.
Handguns are illegal as far as I know, and carrying a knife or trolleybar in public could get you in a bit of trouble.
As for home security, well we have never had any trouble, locks on the doors, no security system though, and our dog is about as fearsome as Profanity. Roaming crack addicts/rapists/communists are pretty rare anyway, I don't think we have ever had a burgulary anywhere near our house.

And on the gun topic, I think any country would be better off banning handguns altogether, most countries with no guns seem to have lower crimesrates, but obviously there is more to it than just how many people own a gun, you also have to take into account the "gun toting homie:pacifict ratio."
Night Mare said:
And on the gun topic, I think any country would be better off banning handguns altogether, most countries with no guns seem to have lower crimesrates,

Tell that to Charlton Heston.
id like to have some claymore mines. just to see if i could withstand the blast.
I'm really glad I don't have a gun, especially for the occasions I get into fights with random people I have a problem with whilst drunk. If I had a gun I'd kill a few, go to jail and probably regret it a lot, but as it is I just get my ass kicked and regret it for a few days until I'm all healed up and then guess they were kinda right to kick my ass because I was most likely being a dick.
Yeah so, is there any good starting point to learn about this shit? I've gone shooting a few times and know what I'm doing, but I need to actual buy one or two at this point.

Why? Paranoia. Nothing more.