Got Guns?

@Krigloch the Furious

Glock 17 3rd Gen pretty decent breh? Been looking at some firearms the past few days before the libtards enact so many laws, that the only thing that will be permitted going forward are single shot wrist rockets. These CA laws seem to be a damn pain in the dick for something I never want to use. Bleh
@Krigloch the Furious

Glock 17 3rd Gen pretty decent breh? Been looking at some firearms the past few days before the libtards enact so many laws, that the only thing that will be permitted going forward are single shot wrist rockets. These CA laws seem to be a damn pain in the dick for something I never want to use. Bleh
Yeah man, 3rd Gen is great. We have 2 Glock 26's and a 17.
Plan on carrying the 26 and the 17 is my bedside gun with a 33 round mag loaded with Speer Gold dot hollow pointers.
I've done some trigger work on the 17. Accurate and smooth as hell.
is it just me or do all these peeps suddenly buying guns just seem like paranoid nuts?

they do know that the chances of being caught in a terrorist attack is akin to the chances of winning the lottery, right?

i would love to own a gun, but not as a means to fulfill my 2nd amendment rights, but to just destroy shit.

and fuck the NRA and Heston
The NRA is embarrassing. Also embarrassing is that our government allowed the NRA to bully them into effectively ending research into gun deaths. We now don't know shit about shit and have to rely on data collected on us by OTHER countries to understand what's going on.
@dorian gray What research you looking for? Don't move to Chicago.

@J. Not really sweating that all too much. Can't carry one concealed in this state anyhow. Just want one for the home, and to go shooting with my PD chums. Also the fact that libtards seem so adamant on destroying our liberties one by one, makes me ever so desirous. Jeff I used to have the same outlook on em' as ye. Never wanted one, because I didn't want to be put into a predicament where that was an option. Now that I'm an old fuddy duddy who is as mellow as a kitten, I don't see the harm. Apparently going out to the range is a phenomenal stress reliever as well.

@Krigloch the Furious, looking at Smith & Wesson M&P 9 now. :heh:
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havent shot either a whole lot, but i think i prefer the m&p to the glock. if you dont have friends with either, go to a range that rents guns and rent them and shoot them and see which one you like better. i personally like SIG Sauer as well.
The NRA is pretty much solely responsible for the lack of any kind of gun reforms. I'm not a 'omg ban all urrr gunz' type of person but there probably are some things that can be done to help out. Most of Republicans are hilarious because they want to limit refugees from entering the country but will then block efforts to keep them from buying guns legally. Makes sense.
By research I meant epidemiological data on gun violence. The CDC was previously charged with this responsibility but the NRA lobbied Congress and got those retards to defund any gun-related research. The CDC hasn't been able to conduct any research since. You'd think that in a nation that has more guns than people, such research would be helpful but nope. NRA saw to that.
I went to the new gun store here in Belle Meade recently. They had some H&Ks that I really wanted. Need more money though. Also, I heard that H&K was kinda shady so.....might need to go with another manu.
Most of Republicans are hilarious because they want to limit refugees from entering the country but will then block efforts to keep them from buying guns legally. Makes sense.

Do you honestly believe a Jihad warrior is walking into Turner's to purchase weaponry? Gun control laws are about as ineffectual as our Cuckmander in Chief. Actually I take that back, he's rather effective at what he set out to do 7 yrs ago.

The left is claiming that only 1% of all Muslims fit the profile to be radicalized. Is that supposed to quell our suspicions of them as a whole? If these leftist libtards were right, which they never are, that would make only 15 million of 1.5 billion people "suspect." It only takes one breh. Man the ramparts and raise the draw bridge I say.

Unfortunately congress just shot down a bill that will put a hold on 33 countries which house these radicalized cockroaches. All the while reports come in that the Islamo-Nazis have in their possession a Syrian passport making machine.
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Do you honestly believe a Jihad warrior is walking into Turner's to purchase weaponry? Gun control laws are about as ineffectual as our Cuckmander in Chief. Actually I take that back, he's rather effective at what he set out to do 7 yrs ago.

The left is claiming that only 1% of all Muslims fit the profile to be radicalized. Is that supposed to quell our suspicions of them as a whole? If these leftist libtards were right, which they never are, that would make only 15 million of 1.5 billion people "suspect." It only takes one breh. Man the ramparts and raise the draw bridge I say.

Unfortunately congress just shot down a bill that will put a hold on 33 countries which house these radicalized cockroaches. All the while reports come in that the Islamo-Nazis have in their possession a Syrian passport making machine.

A lot of the 'mass shootings' lately have been done with legal purchases. I think making it harder for certain groups (non citizens, the mentally ill/their caretakers) to get guns would do some good.
I believe that the mentally ill should not be able to walk among the able minded. Lock em up, before they end up blathering to themselves on a boulevard with soiled underoos.

Non-Citizens, GTFO. This sanctuary city nonsense is bullshit. Any crime of significance should equate into deportation. As it stands currently, local authorities catch and release, ignoring the entreaties of I.C.E

What a world of lawlessness in which we dwell. :erk: