Got Guns?

Best Thread Ever. :loco:
Yeah so, is there any good starting point to learn about this shit? I've gone shooting a few times and know what I'm doing, but I need to actual buy one or two at this point.

Why? Paranoia. Nothing more.

Anyway, NAD, I don't think there's much "learning" to be had. Go to a shooting range and squeeze off some rounds. As far as getting into the "gun culture", I'd say avoid it like the plague unless you fancy yourself hanging out at Bass Pro Shops talkin' 'bout boats and the Titans.

For me, I'm turning my illegal firearm into the police department and then try taking a route that won't get me thrown in jail. Or maybe just not own a gun. I don't know.
i do consider it my given right to be able to carry a firearm

This seems to be a cultural difference - no one I know (apart from a few virtual nazis) has outspoken views about wishing it was their legal right to own guns - over here I think they're more seen as the tools of criminals, and inner-city criminals at that. So if anything there should be even less guns in the country, if the government actually cracked down on them as hard as they should.

Now that brings in the issue of government incompetence against one's personal ability to defend one's self, and which should be relied on more. Clearly the predominant US attitude seems to be the more anarchic 'every man for himself' scenario. While that is indeed the only relevant scenario in the split second situation of an attack/break in, it seems like broadly speaking in the UK the emphasis is on an unarmed population governed by anti-gun laws.

My final thoughts are that legalizing guns would simply make them more prevalent, fashionable, and accessible in a country where the vast majority DO NOT NEED THEM; witness for example that half the posts in this thread are basically people wanting them because of their cool appearance, or to pointlessly "shoot stuff up". The issue of defence seems quite a marginalized justification. Every petty criminal could get hold of a firearm (not just through illegal smuggling) and I can see it causing waaaay more problems than it would solve. I just don't see it as a healthy thing for every household to have a gun, or several guns, and it doesn't reflect well on a country's general mentality or sense of confidence, regardless of any "given right".
Ironically, that's the exact argument I'd use, in the U.S., for keeping them legal. If we banned guns, the only people who would have them are the criminals.

That's because you have so fucking many of both already. If you had done shit right away, only hunters and cops would have 'em. And a very tiny percentage overall of weapons actually made to kill people and not food.
The UK seems to get away with being gun-free. Good fot them. I think America's problem is it's about a billion times larger than the UK. It also has a border so porous that actual PEOPLE just walk or swim across daily. We could make gun ownership illegal here (and fine with me) but it would be completely impossible to enforce. Like someone else said here, the only people with guns at that point would be the criminals.
For now I'm content with my one little knife :p
Kershaws rule! I had a black one as my #1 for years, but lost it just recently. Thankfully ze woman has an identical one, but hers isn't scarred from battle damage (read: opening beers with the butt of it).

Anyway, NAD, I don't think there's much "learning" to be had. Go to a shooting range and squeeze off some rounds.
I know how to shoot, I just need to know Gun Shit, like what to buy. Two friends recommended a Remington 870, so I'll probably go with that.
This seems to be a cultural difference - no one I know (apart from a few virtual nazis) has outspoken views about wishing it was their legal right to own guns - over here I think they're more seen as the tools of criminals, and inner-city criminals at that. So if anything there should be even less guns in the country, if the government actually cracked down on them as hard as they should.

Now that brings in the issue of government incompetence against one's personal ability to defend one's self, and which should be relied on more. Clearly the predominant US attitude seems to be the more anarchic 'every man for himself' scenario. While that is indeed the only relevant scenario in the split second situation of an attack/break in, it seems like broadly speaking in the UK the emphasis is on an unarmed population governed by anti-gun laws.

My final thoughts are that legalizing guns would simply make them more prevalent, fashionable, and accessible in a country where the vast majority DO NOT NEED THEM; witness for example that half the posts in this thread are basically people wanting them because of their cool appearance, or to pointlessly "shoot stuff up". The issue of defence seems quite a marginalized justification. Every petty criminal could get hold of a firearm (not just through illegal smuggling) and I can see it causing waaaay more problems than it would solve. I just don't see it as a healthy thing for every household to have a gun, or several guns, and it doesn't reflect well on a country's general mentality or sense of confidence, regardless of any "given right".
I wish I could agree with this, but where I live, I simply cannot.

Ironically, that's the exact argument I'd use, in the U.S., for keeping them legal. If we banned guns, the only people who would have them are the criminals.


That's because you have so fucking many of both already. If you had done shit right away, only hunters and cops would have 'em. And a very tiny percentage overall of weapons actually made to kill people and not food.
Exactly. But since it is too late, we have to live in Zod's World.
I wish I could agree with this, but where I live, I simply cannot.

Like someone said after me, it seems the US situation was screwed from a very early stage with regards to the firearms stance, so now they're so prevalent that you couldn't really reverse the situation - the size of the US would no doubt also pose enforcement problems.
So that Berdoo shooting was about 10 minutes from my house. One dead, one arrested, and they are currently after the third fucko in my neighborhood. Pretty neat stuff really. I went on the Faux Newz website to make sure that it was all Obama's fault, and it was, obviously. I have to chuckle at all the LIBERALS DID THIS mentality though. If you've ever been to my hood you would know that we're all a bunch of meat eating, lifted truck driving, gun toting whackos out here. And damn fucking proud. :mad:

I still haven't bought a gun. But I'd like to. I don't think that has any bearing on what happened today. Or will it...?!
im probably the only person in texas that doesnt own a gun. never saw the appeal. the 2nd amendment fuckwits drive me crazy. whats even better down here is those same 2nd amendment wackos are "conservative christians". Yay, lets all follow a pacifist while carrying AKs!

my therapist from many years ago said i should never own a gun. the wife wont allow it either
Helicopters finally cleared out about an hour ago. I guess that means the bomb squad finished up, or the media got bored. I didn't hear any explosions, but I packed trail mix, water, and sleeping bags into the Jeep in case we had to GTFO. I can pretty much solve any problem in the world with enough trail mix.
No gun control bill is fixing this either. Libtards starting to sound desperate tbh. All these fucktwits
do is speak in platitudes, what have they proposed? Aside from allowing dune coons in for more magic carpet rides. Guess were going to have to ban pipe bombs, considering these nuts had a garage full of em.
Clearly we need [MORE/LESS] guns because this was all the [LIBERALS/CONSERVATIVES] fault.
As soon as I heard about this I thought about Adrian.
Also lol @ at that Daily News cover. I can't fucking stand when people say "thoughts and prayers". Fuck your prayers!
As soon as I heard about this I thought about Adrian.
Their little bomb shack was about 3 minutes from my house. I drive by it all the time. The last few days have been a little weird out here.

The joke in Redlands is that the south side is the good part of town (low crime rate, high property values), and the north side is ghetto (meth labs, fruit stands). I live on the north side, of course, but at least now if/when I sell the house, my Zillow ad will say "no problems with fucking ISIS strongholds on the north end of town!"

Well. So far.