
What a weird thread. Anyway, the definition of goth in the first place is wrong. The way it was used in the first post is talking about 14 year old rebellious teens. My personal experience of 'goths' are those crazy fuckers pierced up to hell, who on hearing Skinny Puppy and Gary Oldman, turn into dancing zombies.

Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but let's keep it civil. :-D
because his music consists of him rapping about a sex affair with his mother, in a mono-tone voice(used in every track), while being backed by a couple of looped instrument tracks that he stole from respectable bands. So ya know what i say? KILL HIM!
Fredy_Brown said:
May I know why?

Maybe because he, after hearing the almightyness of metal, listened to Eminem and got pissed off at the shitty lyrics and shitty synthesized instruments.
ProjectedBlack said:
Maybe because he's part of the brain-dead pop-culture rush?
The Eminem Shown album is one of the best products in latest Hip-Hop culture .

The Greys said:
Probably because he's a talentless wigger fuck making millions.
Huh he definitely isn´t talenless. His lyrics are more inteligent than 95% of metal lyrics. He has very original style of rapping. He can do enjoyable music. He is also good singer but don´t sing too much often.
You begrudge him money? So go and make your own if it´s so easy and you can be even talenless ;)

Lord Divine said:
Maybe because he, after hearing the almightyness of metal, listened to Eminem and got pissed off at the shitty lyrics and shitty synthesized instruments.
Shitty Lyrics? Nah.
Heh you will have more more synthesized instruments in metal, it´s evolution.
Fredy_Brown said:
The Eminem Shown album is one of the best products in latest Hip-Hop culture .
You mean the Eminem Show. It's pretty gay actually.
Fredy_Brown said:
His lyrics are more inteligent than 95% of metal lyrics. He has very original style of rapping.
No they fucking suck, 3/4 of his songs are about his ex-wife, the rest are about how he's hardcore for being a white rapper.
Fredy_Brown said:
He is also good singer but don´t sing too much often.
Yeah...bzzt wrong.
Fredy_Brown said:
You begrudge him money? So go and make your own if it´s so easy and you can be even talenless ;)
Some people still have dignity.
1.Your opinion.
2.About his mother, dude ;) and it´s not 3/4.
3.Not wrong, true....listen to sing for the moment f. ex...or 8 mile movie...
4.You talk about dignity? You won´t take a chance to make milion? I don´t believe you.
Perdition's Light said:

"I so totally agree.

That bottle of water to her right is also rather obese.
dEaThToFaLsEmEtAl34 said:
Well I guess it depends on the metalhead. If it's one that likes only mainstream metal bands than that's a comformist. If it's one that likes black, death, thrash, and maybe some slightly mainstream bands like old metallica than that's not a comformist.

Thanks retard. You can sit down and shut that facial asshole of yours for the rest of your life. It'S So kEwL ThaT U knOw What'z teh ShiaTT...

Vital Remains said:
wow shes really hot.:yuk:
fucking poser korn bitch

Weeeeeeeeeeeh, man, this made you look so cool and dangerous. And you're totally a part of gmd's flamer gods....
Vital Remains said:
because his music consists of him rapping about a sex affair with his mother, in a mono-tone voice(used in every track), while being backed by a couple of looped instrument tracks that he stole from respectable bands. So ya know what i say? KILL HIM!

Couldn't have said it better.
skinnybone said:
Thanks retard. You can sit down and shut that facial asshole of yours for the rest of your life. It'S So kEwL ThaT U knOw What'z teh ShiaTT...

Weeeeeeeeeeeh, man, this made you look so cool and dangerous. And you're totally a part of gmd's flamer gods....

I'm not saying what's the shit I'm just saying that if you like mainstream bands that are heavy and you think you're a noncomformist than your being a hypocrite and just following a trend.