Gotta give it to Alexi

Mheh, I don't like seeing Alexi puke..or knowing he does it ever so often. Like has been said, I hope he gets it checked or at least starts eating a bit more/better. So, all in all, I agree with Sleeper; I hope he'll take a bit more care of himself..
I think accusing the band members of unfounded drug abuse should be grounds for a ban from this particular board. We aren't really supposed to be discussing the band's personal lives you know, talking about him being sick is one thing, and he;s addressed it publicly so it's ok but accusing him of doing drugs (unless joking) is going too far. That's just my opinion anyways :loco:
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Anyway, I have to agree that so much barfing can't be good. He should get his tummy checked out if it doesn't get better!
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Besides I was half joking. Ban me if you want...I could give a fuck.

I don't really see a big problem with what you posted but.. You have to consider there's idiots who take everything seriously they read on the internet and I don't think it benefits anyone when you make jokes about stuff you don't know anything about. I think you should restrain yourself from joking on the possible expense of other people's reputation.

If you don't care even about getting banned or the friendly advice Heartless_Name gave you, then maybe you really should stop posting. But I hope you're smart enough to see that it was out of line and we don't have to take any unnecessary action.
ahha gee so much concern...Alexi's a big boy, I'm sure he can worry about his own tummy. hahaha
pretty awesum his 'i just puked my guts out' tho, Alexi is god WOOP!
^Big?;) Nah, he's short and cute, but kicks some serious ass - and is NOT behaving like some freakin' diva even tho he's sick. Gotta give it to him, indeed.:)