Guesses - New SymX CD


Oct 16, 2002
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What do you predict the new CD will be? What direction do you think they will take? Not a "what you would like thread", but what you think may come about.

I predict a more symphonic keyboard sound overall....very heavy but melodic songs, a combination of "V" and "DWOT".
I'm sure it's been discussed many times here, but I think it would be pretty cool at some point to see them work with a live orchestra in the studio. While I like them, I think sometimes the synths show their weaknesses a bit (particularly when there are no rock instruments), and it would be interesting to see Symphony X actually have a symphony. :)
I would like to hear a pirate oriented album. Allen needs to sing about how cool and powerfull pirates are and how johnny depp is cute
"I predict a more symphonic keyboard sound overall....very heavy but melodic songs, a combination of "V" and "DWOT"."

That would be AWESOME!!!!

Do you reckon they will have an epic on there new cd?
I doubt an epic, I expect heavier SX, an album with more "King of Terrors" like material, less prog oriented, and a couple 10-15 minute songs, but not a TRUE epic.

I also expect a strong showing, and it to be well received in the metal community, and for SX's next headlining tour to have a better suited opener, and larger venues (at least a step or two higher than last years tour)
OK, it appears I've managed to offend a bunch of people with the symphony risk of looking even worse, exactly why is that idea so horrible? :erk:
Rose Immortal said:
OK, it appears I've managed to offend a bunch of people with the symphony risk of looking even worse, exactly why is that idea so horrible? :erk:

Because in an interview in 2003, Michael LePond said he wanted to play with a full orchestra, and thats the last thing SX needs to do... Listen to the bassist.
OK I'm going back Rose up on this one. I like the idea of an orchestra. I didn't like how The Odyssey came out, and seeing them go more melodic than heavy like how they did on V or Divine Wings would be nice.
Um... in a few interviews Romeo has said that there won't be an epic, they're going more in the direction of the Odyssey, no huge symphonic stuff. And Mike Lepond scared the hell out of me when he said, "I really want to capture the power of our live performances." Translation: Let's make a whole album of "King of Terrors."

I hope not, but it's seeming like it'll be more metal and less melody. It'll still rule because it's SX, but... damn. If things keep going in this direction, I foresee the name of the band being changed to "X".

Who misses the harpsichord?
OfSinsAndShred said:
Um... in a few interviews Romeo has said that there won't be an epic, they're going more in the direction of the Odyssey, no huge symphonic stuff. And Mike Lepond scared the hell out of me when he said, "I really want to capture the power of our live performances." Translation: Let's make a whole album of "King of Terrors."

I hope not, but it's seeming like it'll be more metal and less melody. It'll still rule because it's SX, but... damn. If things keep going in this direction, I foresee the name of the band being changed to "X".

Who misses the harpsichord?

It's a shame there won't be an epic, I think that's an essential piece of the SymX catalog if you ask me. Now I say amen to going more heavy like the Odyssey since I thought that album slammed, but no symphonic stuff? I don't know, the more I think about that one interview I read where Romeo talked about the new album and how it was just gonna 'be a bunch of tunes'...THAT worried me a bit. But like you say, it's SymX, so it will rule nonetheless. I just hope that the epics and orchestration aren't gone forever...

As for doing it with a symphony, i'm not really all for that idea. Reminds me too much of Metallica's S&M...
I no pepole are going to eat me alive but I think most of the albums all kind of have the same formula. Not really sound the same because I like certian albums better than others. They all have heavy rockers like Dressed To Kill, Damnation Game, Of Sins and Shadows, The Relic, In The Dragon's Den, Evolution, Inferno. Then they have some songs that are more neoclassical like Masquerade, Smoke and Mirrors, A Fool's Paradise,etc... Then they 10 minute prog songs like Accolade, A Lesson Before Dying, Edge of Forever, Through The Looking Glass. Then they have little epic/kind of a mix of everything like Lady of the snow, Awakenings, Candlelight Fantasia, Communion & The Oracle, Winters Dream. Then you have big epics Dwot, The Odyssey. Then you have all out rockers like, Wicked, Fallen, Orion The Hunter, Savage Curtain, Raging Season. Then You have power metal songs like Witching Hour, Secrets, & others

oh well just an opinion/observation