Guesses - New SymX CD

Its time for an 80's revival and i would like SyX at the forefront. Spandex, Hairspray and songs about doing it in the back of a limo with stippers and porn stars. They could still do epics but base the lyrical content on 'having a big night on the town'.
The Metal Chick said:
As for doing it with a symphony, i'm not really all for that idea. Reminds me too much of Metallica's S&M...

Hey, careful with dissing S & M! ;)

Even if you guys don't like it, you should be grateful to it for one thing: getting me into metal. Had it not been for Michael Kamen and S & M, I would've never got into Opeth, SymX, Ayreon, or any of that stuff. See--before there was ever metal in my world, there was classic rock and classical music. Had there not been the symphony, I can guarantee I would've never discovered my liking for metal. Now, I do think Metallica has stupid lyrics; just about every other band I've encountered is way better than in that regard.

But still. BIG sentimental favorite that I'll defend to the death. :D
Ummm... well, that's a tough question... I don't think they'll use the same "The Odyssey-sound-quality-look-alike" in their new record. At least I hope not... and I also believe they'll give some turn-around in their music direction. New soundbits, new orientation, new "timbre" (I don't know how's the translation of this portuguese word), but with the Symphony X Seal of Quality... hehehhe... :D
"Timbre" can be an English word. Most often it's used to describe the tonal quality of a sound (rough, smooth, etc.).
I see no one respecting Pharaoh's 'Not a "what you would like thread", but what you think may come about' request.

Anyway yeah according to some interview, like what OfSinsAndShred said.. Romeo indicated he wanted to do a heavier less proggy album next one with no epic *cries*, as much as thats my worst nightmare for Symphony X, it's apparently the way of their future album, at least for this next one.
I would LIKE to see a highly symphonic album. I predict a heavier thrash/power influenced sound. Personally if the songwriting kicks half the ass that any of their other albums I'll be a happy camper.

Actually I'd like to hear some choir atmospheres and two epics... that's it.
SilentRealm said:
I see no one respecting Pharaoh's 'Not a "what you would like thread", but what you think may come about' request.
I just said that because there have been other "what we would like" threads. It would be interesting to see who is close in their predictions.

dargormudshark....I agree with your observation. And I think that "consistent mix" within each release adds to the appeal and somewhat the mystery of this band, also keeps the music from a monotonous trend.
I hope they go death metal.... LOL just kiddin dont hate me

i think they WILL go heavier than the odyssey, heavier than king of terrors, and it will be an album that will kill some old fans and bring some new ones. its a shame cause romeo can do great stuff and SyX needs to do more Masquerades and Rediscoverys. Maybe some good classical adaptations like the one in A fools Paradise... that part is just awesome...
I hope romeo is just kidding when he says that he is going heavier and stuff... i hope he just says that so when the new album comes out every one is amazed and says "cool, he was just kiddin, this is their best album"
Symphony X kicks so much ass doing what they do, and I'm mildly afraid of the next CD being "heavier." I was drawn into them in the first place because of their ability to balance melodies with metal. As to what direction the album will go in, I have this gut feeling that it'll be 70 minutes of "King of Terrors."
Bah if i want heavier ill listen to pantera or machine head or whatever...
there enough metal only bands out there (lot's of shit but still a lot),
symphony x's classical and even a lil jazz influences is what makes them
as awesome as they are!
xeroX. said:
i hope he just says that so when the new album comes out every one is amazed and says "cool, he was just kiddin, this is their best album"

god I hope so!

adam123 said:
Bah if i want heavier ill listen to pantera or machine head or whatever...
there enough metal only bands out there (lot's of shit but still a lot),
symphony x's classical and even a lil jazz influences is what makes them
as awesome as they are!

my sentiments exactly! The reason I love SyX is because they sound like SyX. They have their style that is purely theirs. Bits and pieces of heaviness surrounded by lots of progginess is what I adore with them so if they go more 'metal' and less 'prog', I'm going to be really disappointed.
I hope its gonna be a mixture between Dwot and TiO with a good bit of The Odyssey.
But we will see, I will buy it anyway, because the name Symphony X will be on top of the booklet :)
Rose Immortal said:
Hey, careful with dissing S & M! ;)

Even if you guys don't like it, you should be grateful to it for one thing: getting me into metal. Had it not been for Michael Kamen and S & M, I would've never got into Opeth, SymX, Ayreon, or any of that stuff. See--before there was ever metal in my world, there was classic rock and classical music. Had there not been the symphony, I can guarantee I would've never discovered my liking for metal. Now, I do think Metallica has stupid lyrics; just about every other band I've encountered is way better than in that regard.

But still. BIG sentimental favorite that I'll defend to the death. :D

Metallica? Stupid lyrics? Have you ever heard 'Master of Puppets'?
I'd like more prog, more acoustic guitars, more odd times, more complicated songs (just like Through the looking glass and similar...) than in Odyssey (the album). And I'd like the "Dear Harpsichord"and a real piano for all the piano parts!