New website, new label, new cd?!

For some reason I had a feeling that there would be a new label. I always thought Inside Out was a good label in that they weren't as money hungry and allowed their artists full freedom in their works? Whats with people leaving Inside Out lately, are they doing something wrong? Evergrey, I THINK PoS, and now SyX. I don't think the label has any bands I care a great deal about anymore.

Other than that news there really is nothing new. We already knew they were working on a new CD, and I could care less about a new website as they usually change their website and forum for every new release anyway..
Fuck you guys I was trying to create excitement here and all you can muster is "AUUUUUH NEWS ABOUT NEWS AGAIN?! FUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu".

If we act super excited they'll say something. I know it.
It's 'that time that Jax really hates when the band works on a new cd & the fans bitch that there's no news'..gotta take what you can get, folks. This is the best I can do right now..we're waiting for the green light from the label before we can announce who they are (they get dibs on announcing it), but as soon as they give the go ahead, I'll post the press release.

Oh, we have a new webmaster, too..that'll be announced when the new site launches, though.

And yeah, Century Media did buy InsideOut, & they just announced a new marketing guy I think it was yesterday for the IO division. Should be interesting to see how thing progress for them; as is, I'm glad someone decent scooped them up.
For some reason I had a feeling that there would be a new label. I always thought Inside Out was a good label in that they weren't as money hungry and allowed their artists full freedom in their works? Whats with people leaving Inside Out lately, are they doing something wrong? Evergrey, I THINK PoS, and now SyX. I don't think the label has any bands I care a great deal about anymore.

Often times, it's about what a label will do to get their artists to the next level. It's ALL speculation as I have no idea what their personal and professional relationship with Inside Out is, but if I were to venture a guess, I'd say that on the business end, IO has done everything they can to promote Symphony X and it's just time to move on to something bigger where they can get more promotion... essentially, it appears that Symphony X have outgrown the label and they're "big" enough now that they won't be lost as the small fish in a big pond on a big larger label, unlike when they released V via Metal Blade who did fuckall to promote it (it was their first domestic american release after all... such is the business world).

But for the record, I HIGHLY doubt they're Roadrunner status yet. Maybe Metal Blade, Nuclear Blast or Century Media, but Roadrunner seems to go for the bigger guns. And let's face it, Symphony X can't sell half the seats in most towns that Opeth can... not an insult, just reality. Maybe someday they could.
Often times, it's about what a label will do to get their artists to the next level. It's ALL speculation as I have no idea what their personal and professional relationship with Inside Out is, but if I were to venture a guess, I'd say that on the business end, IO has done everything they can to promote Symphony X and it's just time to move on to something bigger where they can get more promotion... essentially, it appears that Symphony X have outgrown the label and they're "big" enough now that they won't be lost as the small fish in a big pond on a big larger label, unlike when they released V via Metal Blade who did fuckall to promote it (it was their first domestic american release after all... such is the business world).

But for the record, I HIGHLY doubt they're Roadrunner status yet. Maybe Metal Blade, Nuclear Blast or Century Media, but Roadrunner seems to go for the bigger guns. And let's face it, Symphony X can't sell half the seats in most towns that Opeth can... not an insult, just reality. Maybe someday they could.

Well I was thinking it could be either Nuclear Blast or Century Media; however, I guess now if it was Century Media they really wouldn't be switching labels?
The century family is strange... it would be switching labels because it's a new label, new contract, new reps, new people to deal with etc. Remember, Nuclear Blast is part of the Century family in America as well, but they are still their own entity overseas. As far as my understanding goes, Century brings smaller labels into their family which brings perks such as wider distribution and maybe even better promotional opportunities, but Inside Out won't have anything to do with Century Media artists and (this is purely hypothetical) IF Symphony X were to get signed on to Century Media, they would not deal with their old label contacts at all in the business sense. Though depending on how close they all are, they may still exchange Christmas cards :lol:

edit: side note jax... i know you probably can't say a LOT, but reading between the lines, if they have a new label does that mean they've got the new album written or at least a few demos of songs that they sent to their new label? Or were they signed based only upon their previous works?
If they go to Nuclear blast - An album of 12 shittier 'Set the World on Fire's, oh boy.

If they go to Roadrunner - An album of 12 shittier 'Domination's, oh boy.

Metal Blade, whatever, they're fine. FW recently left Metal Blade to join Inside Out, though, so it's be like prog metal musical chairs going on here. Then again, some actual music from either band would be nice. I'm thinking 2012, maybe - just get it done before the world ends, please, or I'll die without seeing a good record released by anyone in years.

Time to become a Krautrock fan or some shit.
edit: side note jax... i know you probably can't say a LOT, but reading between the lines, if they have a new label does that mean they've got the new album written or at least a few demos of songs that they sent to their new label? Or were they signed based only upon their previous works?

They're still writing the new cd so there hasn't been any demo'ing yet that I'm aware of, at least as of the last time Mike & I spoke about ten days ago (and the label stuff began LONG before that). As I understand it, they were signed based on their accomplishments up to this point.