New website, new label, new cd?!

SPV went under, case and point. Also IO being bought out by CM.

Honestly I could care less what their record label is. IO did a terrible job with symphony x, such an awesome band with such horrible marketing tactics. That shitty SPV video thing with that annoying dude for paradise lost, remember that shit? Or all the promised announcements that don't come, but than shit gets canceled, albums getting leaked. (might not be there fault) but wtv. Needless to say I'm welcome to a change, since I would assume it will only be for the better. Stop reading into this too much, can't wait to see the new site, hear the new album. As far as new label, its not as exciting as it sounds, just leaves me optimistic on symphony x's future!

Like some dude once said "Don't Worry...Be Happy!!!"! Its a shame so many people get butt sore over good news.

NOTE: DT can't write worth shit as of late, don't blame the record company for them getting tired and old!
And if SX moved to one of those two, I would be *extremely* surprised if they continued to make albums as good as V or even as good as PL for that matter.

This is funny, because after hearing The Odyssey for the first time I could have told you that they'd never release anything as amazing as V (my personal favorite) ever again. Did I blame it on Inside Out's influence? Nah, I just realized Romeo is the main songwriter and he made a masterpiece, now he wants to rock hard.

The label has little influence. AeonicSlumber summed it up pretty fuckin' awesome (nice Dissection reference btw). Symphony X have established themselves to a point where they probably have plenty of say.
dont think its the label exactly but more, the fame that comes with the label. Opeth is fantastic example, Ghost Reveries = my favorite album of all time and watershed = letdown of the decade, not that roadrunner had any DIRECT impact, but they undeniably wanted to sooth their newly found raging progfan idiots who scream "damnation part 2 or nothing!" this just comes from their newfound popularity and their greed for selling records.
Oh pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee don't fall back on that "its your opinion" junk. It's apparent with or without him saying "in my opinion" that whatever he is typing is his opinion unless he states a fact, of which you would know if it's a fact or not. Thats what a good English teacher taught me.. theres no need to say "in my opinion" because you're the writer.. of course it's your opinion.

I think that record labels do effect the bands/artists. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. It's rare in today's music where a band has complete creative control while being on a huge record label with tons of promotion. You have to make music that sells in order to get that kind of promotion.

How about please reading my post before getting overly butthurt. I never said anything about fact vs opinion, what I said was "well I didn't like the albums DT did under RR so therefore RR told them what to do" is a horrible argument. If you can't see that, then I don't know what else to say except shame on you for even bringing up academia into this thread!

Having heard stories, and having spoken to label people and bands, I can say that most metal labels do not tell their bands how to sound for the above reason I listed. Roadrunner I know has done so, but only with debut bands and not well known acts who can easily take their business elsewhere. Porcupine Tree's first ever album released for RR worldwide was a one-song album; a very "unsafe" move on their part but RR had no problem. It's cause they sell records and the label needs those sales. Simple as that.
dont think its the label exactly but more, the fame that comes with the label. Opeth is fantastic example, Ghost Reveries = my favorite album of all time and watershed = letdown of the decade, not that roadrunner had any DIRECT impact, but they undeniably wanted to sooth their newly found raging progfan idiots who scream "damnation part 2 or nothing!" this just comes from their newfound popularity and their greed for selling records.

Once again, I'm a fan of their older stuff and figured Opeth started their decline after MAYH/Still Life. Deliverance was pretty good, but i thought ghost reveries was awful. So once again we are talking about an opinion on what the strong point of a band's career is, not how a label impacts a band. A band will naturally go through evolution over their career and
Okay, first off - can the 4chan language/imagery stop? I've been trying to get away from that shit, thanks.

The idea of a label telling a larger band who sells lots of records how to sound is hilariously wrong. They could take their business elsewhere. DT had other offers before signing to RR.

They could, but they don't. Why? They're getting the best business with them. So like I said, it *is* sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy in that DT was already ready to make shitty music which is why they came to Roadrunner, a label that houses shitty bands. Influence does not have to be felt in the form of actually standing over someone and telling them what to do. It doesn't always work that way - it's like being consumed into a culture. It's an unspoken agreement, almost. But it's very real, and impacts the music very powerfully. What the fuck do you call the vocals in "The Dark Eternal Night?" I call it Roadrunner. Maybe they didn't come into the studio and say "hey guys, make some shitty nu metal, please," but DT knows that's what they have to make if they want to stay on the label because that's what sells and that's what the label likes, and they know it. They know it now, they knew it when they signed on. Period.

And even if the label had no impact on the music (which is complete bullshit, IMO), you can pretty much tell a band is done if they go onto a label like Roadrunner. So it works as a prediction tactic either way.

As for Nightwish, my fault. I had thought they were signed onto Nuclear Blast. I still think pretty much everything on that label is annoying power metal / melodeath, though.

dont think its the label exactly but more, the fame that comes with the label. Opeth is fantastic example, Ghost Reveries = my favorite album of all time and watershed = letdown of the decade, not that roadrunner had any DIRECT impact, but they undeniably wanted to sooth their newly found raging progfan idiots who scream "damnation part 2 or nothing!" this just comes from their newfound popularity and their greed for selling records.

Bingo. It all ties in together. But what you also have to consider is - the members of Opeth aren't stupid. They knew what fame/pressure the label would bring, and that they, ultimately like everyone else who goes on the label, would have to compromise. Acting like they're innocent bystanders with full creative control is totally disingenuous.

This is funny, because after hearing The Odyssey for the first time I could have told you that they'd never release anything as amazing as V (my personal favorite) ever again.

Call me a pessimist, but I'll throw out a prediction now...that the Odyssey was miles ahead of what's to come. :/ And yes, if you couldn't tell, I'm bitter, because good progressive music is about as common as diamonds in the Sahara these days.
Bingo. It all ties in together. But what you also have to consider is - the members of Opeth aren't stupid. They knew what fame/pressure the label would bring, and that they, ultimately like everyone else who goes on the label, would have to compromise. Acting like they're innocent bystanders with full creative control is totally disingenuous.

Seriously, LOL again dude. Not the impression I'm getting. If Opeth were to succumb to label and fan pressure, they'd be releasing MAYH2, MAYH3, Still Life 2, etc...
If they go to Nuclear blast - An album of 12 shittier 'Set the World on Fire's, oh boy.

If they go to Roadrunner - An album of 12 shittier 'Domination's, oh boy.

Metal Blade, whatever, they're fine. FW recently left Metal Blade to join Inside Out, though, so it's be like prog metal musical chairs going on here. Then again, some actual music from either band would be nice. I'm thinking 2012, maybe - just get it done before the world ends, please, or I'll die without seeing a good record released by anyone in years.

Time to become a Krautrock fan or some shit.

....Yeah, labels as small as NB or Century don't affect their bands' music, dude. It's not like we're talking about Sony or something.
Oh get over yourself! :yuk:

Nice cop-out dude. You can't read, attack me, I call you out on it, and you don't even apologize. Tsk tsk bro.

Right now I'm agreeing with Postulate on this one. Everything he stated n post #50 was awesome.

It may be "awesome" but it's factually incorrect on many levels and he has no idea of what he's talking about whatsoever whereas I actually do lol. I *know* and have worked with some of these people.

I'm gonna go destroy this bottle of Southern Tier Hefeweizen, peace!

and by destroy I mean drink the shit out of.
Nice cop-out dude. You can't read, attack me, I call you out on it, and you don't even apologize. Tsk tsk bro.

No.. you trolled me and I was ignoring it and telling you to get over yourself. I wasn't attacking you in anyway and just saying that telling someone that its just their opinion and posting an image of "its your opinion" is unnecessary.. but you somehow saw that as me being "butthurt"? I saw that as a personal and irrelevant troll, so I said to get over yourself.

Now you're just baiting me/trolling some more. I sincerely ask you to stop.

QUIET! you bumbling fools, We finally get a semblance of information, and you fuss like gassy infants. We are Symphony X fans, there is absolutely nothing to argue about. if you continue, I have a feeling Romeo will transform into a raging 20 ton gargoyle and individually probe us with a Twilightning album. and CantoX, never use the verb "Troll" here again.