Guitar Player's Thread

Awesome dude! Can't wait for the full song! I like your vocals, and as reaperscythe said your guitar tone is awesome!

BTW guys, I have a lot of chances of geting an ADA MP-1 really soon :kickass::kickass::kickass: I went to the studio the other day to do some soloing as I told you and the dude at the studio had it, and I recorded the leads with it and talking about it he said he wants to get rid of it as soon as his Laney head is fixed (it broke down a week ago or so, he took it to be repaired the other day), so I may be gettin it really soon and for a quite cool price, somewhere between 250 and 300€ :kickass:
Your song kickass:rock:
+your guitar tone is awesome

Just wait till the real deal is done.:rock:

Awesome dude! Can't wait for the full song! I like your vocals, and as reaperscythe said your guitar tone is awesome!

BTW guys, I have a lot of chances of geting an ADA MP-1 really soon :kickass::kickass::kickass: I went to the studio the other day to do some soloing as I told you and the dude at the studio had it, and I recorded the leads with it and talking about it he said he wants to get rid of it as soon as his Laney head is fixed (it broke down a week ago or so, he took it to be repaired the other day), so I may be gettin it really soon and for a quite cool price, somewhere between 250 and 300€ :kickass:

Thanks man. It'll be within the next 2 months fa sho. + a special cover. :lol:

The Mp1 rules dude, I played one a few weeks ago. My guitarist is hurtin for one, they are on ebay for 200 bucks USD all the time. :notworthy
:lol: 8 strings is just too wide for me. Get a damn bassist and you're good to go :lol:

Also, today I did my first full cover besides a couple of crap vids on my Youtube channel from when I was younger. It's audio only but besides a couple of fuck ups on the rythm guitars (they're done in maximum 2 takes, not by parts, so I messed up a couple of times). Tell me what you all think!

Hate Me! full cover (no vocals)

Necromancer is getting us used to awesome vocals lately, but as mine suck ass and I don't have means to record them, my cover doesn't have vocals :p
:lol: 8 strings is just too wide for me. Get a damn bassist and you're good to go :lol:

Also, today I did my first full cover besides a couple of crap vids on my Youtube channel from when I was younger. It's audio only but besides a couple of fuck ups on the rythm guitars (they're done in maximum 2 takes, not by parts, so I messed up a couple of times). Tell me what you all think!

Hate Me! full cover (no vocals)

Necromancer is getting us used to awesome vocals lately, but as mine suck ass and I don't have means to record them, my cover doesn't have vocals :p

Awesome chops man, super clean. details on recording setup?
:lol: 8 strings is just too wide for me. Get a damn bassist and you're good to go :lol:

Also, today I did my first full cover besides a couple of crap vids on my Youtube channel from when I was younger. It's audio only but besides a couple of fuck ups on the rythm guitars (they're done in maximum 2 takes, not by parts, so I messed up a couple of times). Tell me what you all think!

Hate Me! full cover (no vocals)

Necromancer is getting us used to awesome vocals lately, but as mine suck ass and I don't have means to record them, my cover doesn't have vocals :p

Sweet cover man!

I finally decided last night that I should throw something fast together for the second COBOT Album, and since evey body seems to be in the mood for recording clips, here is a short sample of what I've been doing in the past 24 hours :lol:

Just click "play Hi-Fi"

I decided to not write this in guitar pro (how I usually write songs) so I wrote it as I recorded it piece by piece. I just used the Line6 Tones for scratch guitar tracks and was going to re-record them later with something else but I'm kind of digging the balls it has. I'm going to re-record them anyways just because they are sloppy but I might use the Line6 stuff on the final recording.

oh and my old band is talking about maybe getting back together for the summer, but idk lol :confused: