Guitar Player's Thread

I haven't been on in a while.
I am going to take AP music theory as a class next year so I can learn to compose my own music and I get college credit for taking it,granted I pass the tests. Oh and I don't know if I mentioned I got a schecter classic!

Awesome dude!
I'm taking AP music aswell.
Are you gonna be a junior or senior?
I've been really wanting to do a metal cover of The Thrill Is Gone (by BB King), actually.

But I would really have to do it justice.

EDIT: 666th, I should never post again, haha.
Haven't been on in a while.

I bought an Ibanez 1077 XL some weeks ago. It's one of three Ibanez series with a 27" scale (they don't make them anymore). It's a sevenstring. It's black with cream binding (pretty rare, regularly they sold it in Royal Blue). It has abalone offset dots. It has the old amazing Ibanez LoPro Trem. PUs are DiMario Custom 7s.

Payed too much considering it's some years old - but they're hard to find and I really wanted it. Plus, it came in great condition.

Congrats! Pics and recordings please? I'd (and quite some more people I guess) like to see that baby and hear how it sounds :kickass:
Hey Guys,
i want to start to play guitar.
Could you say me wich guitar is good for the start, shouldnt be to expensive.
I thought of an Yamaha Pacifica 112, but somebody told me, this guitar cant do a good metal sound.

sry my bad english plx

Hey Guys,
i want to start to play guitar.
Could you say me wich guitar is good for the start, shouldnt be to expensive.
I thought of an Yamaha Pacifica 112, but somebody told me, this guitar cant do a good metal sound.

sry my bad english plx


The guitar in itself does not matter that much, but the amp does. Of course you're not going to sound really good at first, but buying a good amp will be much more important for now. Although you should consider buying a good guitar too, you can always buy a cheap squier and replace the pickups later when you get better. Go for a good amp, it should sound pretty good with pretty much any guitar.

Also, a good trick to pay less for a good guitar is to buy it used. Make sure to bring an experienced guitarist with you though, to make sure the guitar has no problem or anything.