Guitar Player's Thread

+1 Jose. It seems that he's the only person who can give good arguments/pros/cons. Btw. I'm also a person who just need a bridge pickup and no neck cause I don't like the sound of a neck pickup... it's really muddy. Imo a neck pickup is good for people who aren't able to play clean (COB) solos cause whenever I see Youtube vids of people with 2 or more pickups, they always switch to the neck pickup to avoid their sloppiness but thats my opinion.
@ Andry: what about Edwards guitars? They are at the same price level as the RR24 but better and with the look of the CS guitars.

when I started playing guitar people always told me to use the neck pu for clean sounds because it isnt so treblish.
I never knew people would use it to cover up mistakes:lol:
I rarely use neck pus (to be honest just the one of my dot) but I dont see the reason why you should pay more money for getting the same guitar without a neck pick up.
Maybe I got it wrong and its the other way round :P
I think Andry wants to buy a new guitar with the style of those CS Alexi guitars but then this turns into a Neck vs. Bridge pickup; Jackson vs. ESP; ESP SV vs. ESP CS; RR24 vs. ESP CS, 6 vs. 7 string guitar, Floyd Rose vs. locking trem,... shit.

@ Andry: the Edwards guitars are the same as the Alexi 600 and as good as a STD guitar (I bet) and replicas of the CS guitars. If I were you, I would buy one of those guitars. You can have them for 1000€ with MM-04 boost. Just search for ESP Edwards in ebay

Do you know how much does a MM-04 boost cost? If i buy it apart
115€ plus 30€ shipping or so. You can get it from Musamaailma or from Bmusic.

@ Andry: what about Edwards guitars? They are at the same price level as the RR24 but better and with the look of the CS guitars.

Good call, I totally forgot about them!

I was thinking about buying the STD intead of the CS...the CS is overpriced(and you pay the name)....the STD is always a ESP guitar and about 1k € cheaper
I don't know much about the edwards by the way....

Edwards is as Arcane said the RR24 but with the shape and looks of Alexi's. Only difference is that in the headstock it says ESP in one and Edwards on the other. And well, I guess there'll be differences on the woods and more things, but the general specs (neck thru, alder body, ebony fretboard, offset V shape, one pickup, floyd, 24 frets...) are the same.

Take a look at them, Thomann has them and the price is really nice :)

Scythe model

Sawtooth model
+1 Jose. It seems that he's the only person who can give good arguments/pros/cons. Btw. I'm also a person who just need a bridge pickup and no neck cause I don't like the sound of a neck pickup... it's really muddy. Imo a neck pickup is good for people who aren't able to play clean (COB) solos cause whenever I see Youtube vids of people with 2 or more pickups, they always switch to the neck pickup to avoid their sloppiness but thats my opinion.



and Arcane, the neck pickup is used to get smoooooooooth lead sounds. Yes it hides sloppines, but it gets that smooth round sound.


Do you know how much does a MM-04 boost cost? If i buy it apart


i agree

listen to the solo at 4:18

there is NO way that would sound so amazing if it weren't for the neck pickup


Your name is Brutal Hate so wtf?!? I think you're the one who fails cause you're one of those person who can't argue but just write words liek fail, no, shit, lol, fuck, whatever... and because of your name

and Arcane, the neck pickup is used to get smoooooooooth lead sounds. Yes it hides sloppines, but it gets that smooth round sound.[/quote]

Yes, but I don't like it that sound. Many people use the neck position for sweepings cause they can't play them clean and then I have to say this is kinda ridiculous. Either I can sweep or not. Using the neck pickup to reduce the noise is nothing for me.
Do you know how much does a MM-04 boost cost? If i buy it apart

I've bought mine for around 70€. But it's hard to find one.
Many people use the neck position for sweepings cause they can't play them clean and then I have to say this is kinda ridiculous. Either I can sweep or not. Using the neck pickup to reduce the noise is nothing for me.

You sound like this to me:

"I'm so good at guitar I don't need a neck pickup. All of you who use neck pickups SUCKS, play sloppy and should feel bad."
Versatility depends on what you want. E.g. the C-7 you just got is actually pretty versatile: 7 strings, fixed bridge so you can change tunings in seconds, two pickups with coil split system, 24 frets... And that's cool. But what if I want to play thrash metal with tons of tremolo action and play Vader style solos? I'm fucked! Or what if I want to play blues with my RR24? Sure I can, but won't sound nearly as good as if I try to play it with e.g. Snowy's setup.

And yes the SV is a great guitar, but like I said there's people who DON'T want a neck pickup. That doesn't mean he has to get the Alexi, the RR24 is a solid guitar and, as you tried with me in Musamaailma, so is the AL 600 (if what you're looking for is an offset V guitar with Floyd rose and only neck pickup).

Good point. I still say the ESP Alexi is a bit overpriced. You are paying atleast the extra 100-200€ for the name...the rest is the unique features.

The RR24 was great, but still not for me. Kinda miss it for the soloing though, that guitar had great solo sound.
Yes, but I don't like it that sound. Many people use the neck position for sweepings cause they can't play them clean and then I have to say this is kinda ridiculous. Either I can sweep or not. Using the neck pickup to reduce the noise is nothing for me.

Oh man, oh man! Do I have NEWS FOR YOU.


Not everyone uses that pickup to sweep, some actually like the sound of it.
Umm, neck dive aint positive to me :zombie: Heaviness of body is RR24 was light too but not too light and did feel pretty good. I am suspecting they got big quality differences though...kinda hit/hit/miss thing or something.
Good point. I still say the ESP Alexi is a bit overpriced. You are paying atleast the extra 100-200€ for the name...the rest is the unique features.

That's what I said! :lol:

My RR24 can diaf. it was made of the lightest shittiest alder available.

USA RR's are so much heavier and actually body dive.

Well, they also cost twice as the RR24 :lol: