I see your point....
Actually i love this jackson...is it still available?
dude i was telling you that i acutally more or less liked that stuff.
and dont tell me you're 21![]()
so,what are you trying me to tell? ones former bands always suck?
your voice and your camera arent that good.
I'm sorry but I can't bring myself to click play simply because of your face in the preview picture![]()
I really enjoyed your Heir Apparent cover, awesome faces aha. It's good when people actually have fun playing covers.![]()
they had mentioned it before
About the whole thing on Andry's guitar, I was gonna quote but there were too many posts, so I'll TRY to sum up:
HOLY FUCKING SHIT! Have you guys realized what you're doing? Most of you are just bashing the guy for wanting the guitar and talking crap about a guitar that isn't that overpriced actually (STD goes for 2000, same as USA Jacksons or Signature Ibanez) and basing your answers on your own preferences and not focusing on the fact that is Andry's money and guitar.
Matias, the fact that you now aren't any more into soloing and that you prefer 7 strings and heaviness doesn't mean everybody else wants or needs that. I myself e.g. couldn't live with your setup, I need a Floyd in at least one of my guitars.
Mr. Black metal and pretty much everybody: neck pickup isn't a must by any means! Sure if you like it it's ok, but belive it or not there's people who doesn't like it/prefers to use only the bridge pickup.
And about the versatillity of the guitar, I don't see how 6 strings, 24 frets and Floyd make a guitar not versatile.
Now, to Andry: do you want THAT particular guitar or you just want an offset V with 24 frets and Floyd? If you just want that then go to Thomann or Musik Produktiv, order it and be done. But if what you're after are just the specs then my advice (even though I'm quite an Alexi fanboi) is get the RR24 or, if you don't mind the neck pickup (I just didn't want it on my main guitar) then the SV as someone has suggested is a relly great choice for you. Same body as Alexi's, 24 frets, original Floyd Rose, neck thru and two pickups, which are indeed more versatile than one. So to sum it up, if you don't mind the neck pickup and saving some cash, go for the SV. It goes for around 1600 at Thomann/MusikProduktiv... and it's an awesome guitar.
Yes, long as fuck rant, but some posts seriously made me go WTF? All in all, no matter how much we bash everybody else's opinion it's all down to Andry.
What the fuck's wrong with them?![]()
Matias, the fact that you now aren't any more into soloing and that you prefer 7 strings and heaviness doesn't mean everybody else wants or needs that. I myself e.g. couldn't live with your setup, I need a Floyd in at least one of my guitars.
And about the versatillity of the guitar, I don't see how 6 strings, 24 frets and Floyd make a guitar not versatile.
Alexi fanbois are queer anyway.
About the whole thing on Andry's guitar, I was gonna quote but there were too many posts, so I'll TRY to sum up:
HOLY FUCKING SHIT! Have you guys realized what you're doing? Most of you are just bashing the guy for wanting the guitar and talking crap about a guitar that isn't that overpriced actually (STD goes for 2000, same as USA Jacksons or Signature Ibanez) and basing your answers on your own preferences and not focusing on the fact that is Andry's money and guitar.
Mr. Black metal and pretty much everybody: neck pickup isn't a must by any means! Sure if you like it it's ok, but belive it or not there's people who doesn't like it/prefers to use only the bridge pickup.
And about the versatillity of the guitar, I don't see how 6 strings, 24 frets and Floyd make a guitar not versatile.
Yes, long as fuck rant, but some posts seriously made me go WTF? All in all, no matter how much we bash everybody else's opinion it's all down to Andry.
final mix test for the intro to my band's upcoming debut Veni Vidi Vici![]()
I still dont get why people pay more for having just one pickup instead of two.
And I couldnt live with a set up most of you guys use because I hate high gain amps and active pickups, a guitar can have 24 frets and a rose but for me it still doesnt appear versatile because I just don't get the sound I want (and again, not trying to be funny, that doesnt matter to most people here because they buy the alexi equipment.. to build their 'own' sound).
Anyway, I don't see the bashing? The guys just showed him a similiar guitar (which even had been used by his ''guitar hero'', so at least this part of his influences should be satisfied) which is not as expensive as the Esp and with a price above 1k it shouldnt be a bad guitar.
BUT am I playing too old guitars?cant you switch between to pus anymore? I dont get this neck pickup discussion.. sure my Ibanez looks nice with just one pickup,quite solid, but paying so much for a better look?
Don't you bitch at me Mr Evil Spaniard! I will get you so drunk you pass out and wake up in China!!!!!!![]()
(just kidding)
Well, I was still being objective. Here let me explain why I said what:
-I gave examples of guitars that actually had a Floyd Rose!! (even with 24 frets)
-I do still solo, just not as much
-Nobody said 6 strings+Floyd=unversatile. That and one pickup isI never encouraged for 7 string either...It's not so many guys that have a thing for them anyway.
-2 pickups...better to have them and not need them than to not have them and need them![]()
About the examples of other guitars:
ESP SV=standard series...looks alot like the Alexi guitars but has 2 better pickups than HZ and a neck pickup. Also costs more than 300€ less. So you get more for the money and all the features of the Alexi guitar. And yep, this is standard series...doesn't this make the Alexi ESP look overpriced? Also, compare to other real ESP standards like Horizon and such.
sooooo wtf is this debate about?