Guitar Player's Thread

They used to :p I actually enjoy them and own several albums, vocalist is probably one of the best i've heard in my life, so ha.
Well... I have seen Alexi CS guitars for 2100-2500 on a few pages so it could be that this is true. But only the Alexi scythe and so I think that they didn't use a wrong pic. Maybe it's because the Scythe guitar is a real ugly guitar comparing to the other ones :)

But look here:

It is a ESP CS pink sawtooth but STD version?!? I didn't know that CS STD guitars excist but maybe they just want to lure people...

WHAAAAAAAAAT? You really think that? :ill:

Yeah, some. But I hate them, cus they just steal all models from other brands and make money with it.

As all brands. Difference is, ESP sells quality for lower. A 400 LTD EX is much cheaper than a mid range Gibson Explorer, e.g.

Have seen the new (or 1 month old) video from the fat fish? KTS solo :lol:

This comment was brilliant: " but ive pushed myself past the limits now i would honestly put myself up there with Yngwie, well thats who i play like now" :lol:


Arcane or the kid in the videos?!

Obviously our almighty king Mr. Dick Olson.

No I'm not. Why should I? With Harley Benton, you get real creepy sound. Can't do that with stratocaster.

You gotta be kinding. If you really think that you've just made the whole thread stop caring for your opinions. Or you misspelled crappy for creepy. And please back me up on this people.

Arcane, you need to work on your bending, you playing otherwise seems pretty good, i'm not saying i'm better than you, but when you bend it kind of kills the mood, you should take some out of your skills practicing to practice bending and vibrato.

That wasn't Arcane :lol:
As all brands. Difference is, ESP sells quality for lower. A 400 LTD EX is much cheaper than a mid range Gibson Explorer, e.g.

The difference is that ESP makes it more than any other brand. They have no respect for old models. You're propably just saying like that because your hero uses ESP.

You gotta be kinding. If you really think that you've just made the whole thread stop caring for your opinions. Or you misspelled crappy for creepy.

Who the fuck is this asshat? And I wasn't kidding. You know nothing of BM-sound. All you know is that commercial mainstream sound.

Your ears isn't trained for BM. You might be deaf lol.

And please back me up on this people.

^^Oh just shut the fuck up. Harley Benton has never made a worthwhile guitar. I have played several and they are bulky,sound bad and the neck is almost rectangular. Also they can come with really big flaws like a big scratch over the fretboard.

ESP doesn't copy guitars more than any other brand. How about Dean? Riding on dimebags name? Or same with Jackson...making multiple RR signatures and profiting of the dead guitar hero? What the fuck man, every guitar brand does it! It just is that ESP makes more standard models and good price/quality relating. Like the 400 series.

You come here to argue, before your time this thread was clean you know!

To further justify this, I do not own a ESP or a Alexi signature so that's not why im on the defense here. I own a Schecter C-7 Hellraiser and a Ibanez MTM-2.
That's awesome!

I see that you've got an LTD. Is it your new guitar?

Nothing very exciting here, I just sit and riff for hours. I'd love to play in a band too.

Haha no that is my fuck I locked my keys in the trunk with my guitars so I have to use this back up guitar for the gig. It was pretty scary having to adjust to 24 frets right before the show. Thankfull it's a sweet guitar and we just put new strings on it.

And yes I'm talking about Arcane with the bending and vibrato guys.
^I'm sorry, I thought you thought the vid he posted was him.

The difference is that ESP makes it more than any other brand. They have no respect for old models. You're propably just saying like that because your hero uses ESP.

The difference is that ESP provides the wider range of ok priced models with different designs? Oh my god, how could they? They should be locked in jail for that! And yes, I defend ESP because my hero uses them, that's why I own a Jackson and intend to but a Schecter.

Who the fuck is this asshat? And I wasn't kidding. You know nothing of BM-sound. All you know is that commercial mainstream sound.

I am someone whose opinion is not biased beyond belief by a stupid poser tr00 gr1m attitude. I am someone who sees that sounding like shit isn't something you have to get "trained" to listen to, it's just shit. I am someone that doesn't fall into the retarded topic of "money and good tone equal mainstream". Are Nevermore, Necrophagist or Wintersun mainstream? Because their tone is neat. And btw, Immortal use ESP. But I'm sure Immortal aren't tr00 enough, they're mainstream bullshit.

Your ears isn't trained for BM. You might be deaf lol.

Congrats, you've reached a new level of retard. Most stupid statement you've ever made, and the lol doesn't make it joke, as we all know you don't joke, your BM gods wouldn't let you.

This is the face you'll put one day when you grow up and see how biased, stupid and ridiculous your ultra-BM poser attitude is.

Have a good day sir :)
The difference is that ESP provides the wider range of ok priced models with different designs? Oh my god, how could they? They should be locked in jail for that! And yes, I defend ESP because my hero uses them, that's why I own a Jackson and intend to but a Schecter.

Yes, with different stolen designs.

I am someone whose opinion is not biased beyond belief by a stupid poser tr00 gr1m attitude. I am someone who sees that sounding like shit isn't something you have to get "trained" to listen to, it's just shit. I am someone that doesn't fall into the retarded topic of "money and good tone equal mainstream". Are Nevermore, Necrophagist or Wintersun mainstream? Because their tone is neat. And btw, Immortal use ESP. But I'm sure Immortal aren't tr00 enough, they're mainstream bullshit.

Actually you are wrong. You just don't understand BM and you ears aren't trained to listen it. BM-sound as you would call it, is really creative and gives another perspective to metal music. Instead of nowadays mainstream metal which is produced with preset sounds, which just are boring.

Some actually want some complexity in their music instead some easy listening radio metal, which is generic.

And to Immortal thing: I don't care whether they use ESP-guitars or any other. It's just I don't like ESP, not that bands using them are posers. But one thing you got right; Immortal is propably the most mainstream BM-band after Dimmu.

Congrats, you've reached a new level of retard. Most stupid statement you've ever made, and the lol doesn't make it joke, as we all know you don't joke, your BM gods wouldn't let you.

Again, your ears aren't trained to it. It's not joke.

This really proves you don't know shit about BM. There is no gods. That's what BM is all about: antireligion and individualism, not idolization. Of course I prefer some BM-artists over other, but not on fanboi extend like some

This is the face you'll put one day when you grow up and see how biased, stupid and ridiculous your ultra-BM poser attitude is.

No. This indicates that you think that BM is certain phase in your life. You're wrong. Well could be for some, but true listeners also have some ideology behind it. What btw is "ultra-BM poser"? :lol: I know posers, but that is new term to me.

And last, I don't know your motivation, but it seems you're really having problems with BM, since you have to bash it all the time. Like you started saying: "OMG I DONT KNOW SHIT ABOUT BM, BUT I KNOW YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG AND WITH WRONG GUITARS". That's how I saw your post.

Have a good day sir :)

You too :)