^Yep, but if Mr Black metal's reply is as I expect it, I promise I won't reply again. I've explained myself enough. If he wants to stand by his crap it's up to him.
drunk? no, not really, why 're you asking :lol?
Because of your writting, you don't tend to write like that
First of all I'm not a kid, I'm propably older than you. And yes I know the difference of those words.
Really? Wouldn't say after the bunch of crap you're venting.
Actually you're wrong. To truly understand BM, you gotta get deep in to it. First it may seem like unclean, but after that you can find the true beauty of BM. Ave Sathanas!
To understand BM you have to listen to it and be done, it's not fucking phisics for fucks sake, there's nothing deep or meaningful in playing with shit tone. You can play with really creepy/dark/obscure/call it however you like and still be nice and fitting, but playing with crappy (not creepy) and clipping tones is retarded. Ave Cesar!
You're just so lame. Using words like tr00 really helps me to understand your retardness. But what is real musicians? People who play in bands or people who play guitar and have one-man BM-band? There are many in underground, don't know about mainstream, cus I don't follow that. Names would be worthless to you.
What is beeing a real musician? Knowing what the fuck you're doing, caring for the music you're making and the delivery you're going to make of it, caring for the overall quality... but I guess that's not real music, after all why put a whole orchestra, train them and gather the best players when you can just grab your mom's pan, hit it hard and record it with your new phone's mic? Fuck that horrid mainstream with their nice sounds and care for detail.
Again, BM wouldn't work with nice and clean sounds. It needs that kinda soundworld to create the feeling. If your ears hurt, you don't understand that. Watch the previous Youtube link and tell me, what in that is "random notes" and "shitty playing". So the music would be good, but you wouldn't listen to them? Dude, that's retard.
It wouldn't work because you're too retarded to accept it, but it'd actually work much better. And yes, I don't care how good the writing is, if the actual product doesn't have some quality, I won't listen to it. You say that's stupid? I don't see how that's more stupid than using worse quality when you can have better.

This was a highlight. YOU don't understand BM and you still bash it. YOU don't know anything about those things and still you think you some kinda over it and "it's hilarious, lol".
Again, it's not fucking rocket science, even if you think so. It's black metal: punk rock with double bass and some grim keyboards and screaming vocals. At least that's the kind of black metal you like, because when it gets somehow elaborated (e.g. Dimmu) you say it's mainstream.
Wintersun: Boring. Didn't like at any point.
Nevermore: Neverheard. But I believe they are some mainstream meloshit.
Necrophagist: Were good, before became sell-outs.
Wintersun boring and you listen to Burzum? You must be deaf.
Nevermore mainstream? I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to ask you to define mainstream.
Necrophagist sell outs, exactly how? Because they decided that they are gonna get nice tones now that they can afford them?
You still didn't answer, you actually try to avoid it even more. Nonetheless, that proves you don't have any clue about it. Let me give you hint: it's not about Satan, at least in christian context. Once again, what makes satanism one of the dumbest things humanity has come up to? If you still avoid, I certainly know you're an idiot.
I actually tried to avoid it even more? Are you retarded? How the fuck do you want me to answer?
And I am serious about what I've said, I'm not joking. It just annoying when someone comes with general knowledge and thinks to know everythin about this matter.
Yes, because I have to study the BM encyclopedia before discusing about if using a crappy tone when you can have nice smooth one is bad or if Varg Vikernes is a fuckig dickhead with a guitar or not. And you still call me lame? Go take a look at the mirror child/man/evil black metal demon. Your lords will be happy with you knowing you're talking shit to me.