Guitar Player's Thread

Ok yes, it has gone a bit longer than expected. I'm sorry.

@Mr. Tr00: It's impossible to argue with you. And you skipped the non-mainstream bands again. Write all the shit you want about how mainstream and not-undestanding I am.

@vitorias123: I know BM isn't that, but looks like it's the kind of BM that guy likes. Anyway, nice to know not all BM fans are like Mr Tr00. And about having issues with mainstream, you're gonna have to ask him, I don't care about how many CDs a band sells if I like their music :)

Well ANYWAYS. Getting back on topic. This is a song I finnished last night at like 3 or 4 am haha. I just recorded it a little bit ago. The intro sounds a little gross cause I didn't feel like switching channels but other then that i'm not too bothered by anything but intonation. Tell me what you guys think.

In case you notice any mistakes I just woke up and decided to record, I haven't touched the guitar in a week, I only played this once before recording and....I can't think of anything else hahah. Just kidding of course.

I like the riff at 1:40 quite a bit, and the song overall it's ok I guess, it lacks perhaps a bit more variety on drums and maybe vocals. Maybe the lack of vocals is what makes the main riff look repeated a bit too much. But I like the idea.

like what? :lol: I dont really know what you mean, though I was pretty drunk yesterday and I guess I posted something after I got home in the morning.

Dunno, may be just me :p
ok guys just both stop. Children of COB, point is. BM is like abstract art, you have to be into it and you have to like that kind of thing. Abstract art isn't abstract if it's realist and polished. There are certain stimulations of the mind that can be achieved through abstract art. The sound in BM is all part of the elements used to create the grim soundscape. By breaking the normal rules of music BM artists attempt to create more unique and meaningfull music. If you have a horror movie the evil monster lives in a creepy fucking house with creepy things. It wouldn't be a horror movie in the monster dude lived in a white washed fence single family home with a leather sofa and fireplace. Brutal I see your points you just have a condescending and very badly put together way of expressing them, partly due to a language barrier. Point is, shut up guys.

Yes. I don't think there was any language barrier between me and that fanboi. At least I could put my thoughts in english pretty well. And are you some forum police? This place is for discussion ffs.

@Mr. Tr00: It's impossible to argue with you. And you skipped the non-mainstream bands again. Write all the shit you want about how mainstream and not-undestanding I am.

I didn't skip them. :rolleyes: I just said that in my point of view those are mainstream and aren't special in any ways IMO. On the contrary, you didn't STILL answer the question about satanism. :lol: Admit your loss, poser.
Nevermore is amazing band.
I listen to BM for years and i never understood those satanistic ideology.

Vindsval, the vocalist and guitarist, made the following statement:“ Blut Aus Nord is an artistic concept. We don’t need to belong to a specific category of people to exist. If black metal is just this subversive feeling and not a basic musical style, then Blut Aus Nord is a black metal act. But if we have to be compared to all these childish satanic clowns, please let us work outwards [from] this pathetic circus. This form of art deserves something else than these mediocre bands and their old music composed 10 years before by someone else.

I listen to BM for years and i never understood those satanistic ideology.

What you don't understand in it? I mean it's very essential part of BM. Without it you can't experience BM fully.

Vindsval, the vocalist and guitarist, made the following statement:“ Blut Aus Nord is an artistic concept. We don’t need to belong to a specific category of people to exist. If black metal is just this subversive feeling and not a basic musical style, then Blut Aus Nord is a black metal act. But if we have to be compared to all these childish satanic clowns, please let us work outwards [from] this pathetic circus. This form of art deserves something else than these mediocre bands and their old music composed 10 years before by someone else.


Well that just proves that they aren't BM. When you think about, there are many bands which present them as BM, but after all they aren't. For example, Shining, Immortal and many other.
you're problem with the song is that the guitar pro drums lack variety? xD

Well, not the GP drums, the drums themselves, and I also think that real drums sound could help, but hey, that were just my thoughts after a listen.

I didn't skip them. :rolleyes: I just said that in my point of view those are mainstream and aren't special in any ways IMO. On the contrary, you didn't STILL answer the question about satanism. :lol: Admit your loss, poser.

Mainstream isn't a point of view, and I don't know what else do you want me to say about satanism. Poser? Again, look at the mirror.

Nevermore is amazing band.
I listen to BM for years and i never understood those satanistic ideology.

Vindsval, the vocalist and guitarist, made the following statement:“ Blut Aus Nord is an artistic concept. We don’t need to belong to a specific category of people to exist. If black metal is just this subversive feeling and not a basic musical style, then Blut Aus Nord is a black metal act. But if we have to be compared to all these childish satanic clowns, please let us work outwards [from] this pathetic circus. This form of art deserves something else than these mediocre bands and their old music composed 10 years before by someone else.


Never heard of the band, but now I have nothing but respect for the man.

What you don't understand in it? I mean it's very essential part of BM. Without it you can't experience BM fully.

Well that just proves that they aren't BM. When you think about, there are many bands which present them as BM, but after all they aren't. For example, Shining, Immortal and many other.

Wait, so now, according to you Immortal isn't BM? :lol:
Mainstream isn't a point of view, and I don't know what else do you want me to say about satanism. Poser? Again, look at the mirror.

Mainstream isn't a point of view? What the fuck that means? I didn't mean that's my point of view. I said those bands are mainstream. If you really are that stupid as you wanna present yourself, here is the question (in which you never answered, can you read, asshole?): What makes satanism one of dumbest things humanity has ever come up to? Here you go, if you can't see it, you should go to optician.

Wait, so now, according to you Immortal isn't BM? :lol:

No, it's not. It doesn't have satanic message, therefore no BM.
Never heard of the band, but now I have nothing but respect for the man.

they are awesome

What you don't understand in it? I mean it's very essential part of BM. Without it you can't experience BM fully.
I dont understand ideology cause i dont want to.For me BM is music,just like DM,jazz,pop,rap and so on.At the end,its all about music.I understand that some ppl are into those things,but im not,i rarely even talk abt BM cause most of my friends dont listen to metal at all.I dont look like a metalhead,i listen to a lot of non metal music and I just dont care.
Well that just proves that they aren't BM. When you think about, there are many bands which present them as BM, but after all they aren't. For example, Shining, Immortal and many other.
At some point you are right cause i know what type of BM you like,but I still love to call them BM.
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Mr. la Hate ,you hunt your food yourself right? because buying in shops is so mainstream and 90ies
I dont understand ideology cause i dont want to.For me BM is music,just like DM,jazz,pop,rap and so on.At the end,its all about music.I understand that some ppl are into those things,but im not,i rarely even talk abt BM cause most of my friends dont listen to metal at all.I dont look like a metalhead,i listen to a lot of non metal music and I just dont care.

You don't want to? Cus I don't see any point in listening BM without satanism. It just don't make any sense, just like christian "BM". You're missing quite a lot by that.

At some point you are right cause i know what type of BM you like,but I still love to call them BM.

That's why everybody thinks they are BM. :lol:
Then tell me what the fuck is Immortal.

Mainstream isn't a point of view? What the fuck that means? I didn't mean that's my point of view. I said those bands are mainstream. If you really are that stupid as you wanna present yourself, here is the question (in which you never answered, can you read, asshole?): What makes satanism one of dumbest things humanity has ever come up to? Here you go, if you can't see it, you should go to optician.

I already said it, I don't care how much satanics try to add message and deepness to the thing. God doesn't exist, neither does satan. Done. If you wanna go all philosophic about Satan is not the christian Satan but just our way of saying evil/whatever the fuck it's your thing, but I still find it pretty retarded. As well as e.g. the crap bands like Gorgoroth do of taking goat and pig heads around at gigs. No.1 is disgusting, no.2 it's pointless, no.3 it's a waste of the animal. And also won't say it again, satanism was 0'1 of my post, so don't focus on that looser.

And no, Nevermore, Wintersun and Necrophagist are not mainstream.

No, it's not. It doesn't have satanic message, therefore no BM.

You're retarded.
I already said it, I don't care how much satanics try to add message and deepness to the thing. God doesn't exist, neither does satan. Done. If you wanna go all philosophic about Satan is not the christian Satan but just our way of saying evil/whatever the fuck it's your thing, but I still find it pretty retarded. As well as e.g. the crap bands like Gorgoroth do of taking goat and pig heads around at gigs. No.1 is disgusting, no.2 it's pointless, no.3 it's a waste of the animal. And also won't say it again, satanism was 0'1 of my post, so don't focus on that looser.

As I already previously posted, you don't know shit about satanism. That Gorgoroth thing isn't about satanism, that's just theatre. Well now it is officially proven, you don't know shit about satanism and the statement you made considering it was just prejudices and some christianity brainwash. I was right. Congrats, you just failed!

You're retarded.

No, actually it's you :lol:
^Indeed he is.

@Mr. Black metal: You know, why don't you take a look at the last page and see who's the one getting all the negative comments and all the laughs? It may bring a bit of light to you seeing as you clearly need it. Also, do you really expect me to take seriously the opinion of someone who thinks Necrophagist is mainstream, Immortal not black metal and bad tone and satanism a must for BM?