Guitar Player's Thread

i'm serious. he is a much more versatile guitarist than gilbert will ever be. I'd take a solo from him over a gilbert mindless 80s wank solo any day.

but i guess there's no point in trying to talk sense into a fanboi :p

Talk sense? Dude, style is a matter of opinion. Let's not go down that route.

I'm not going to state it as a fact but I'd say Paul Gilbert's raw technique is a billion times better than 90% of any electric guitarists I've ever heard. Just his overall sound and clean picking, legato, tapping etc is much more controlled and just much better sounding.

I wouldn't class Guthrie as any more "versatile" than PG either since all I've heard him do is jazz BASED music. Sure, Paul plays alot of the same licks but if you compare the musical style of all of his bands, then you'll see he's not a one trick pony.

But let's not argue about opinions now, I'd rather spend time thinking about the next forum jam. Hopefully this'll be a better run since more people might be attracted to this BT more.

The 1st COB Forum Jam is now up on my Soundclick page!!!!
Hello guys,I have one quiestion for you:

My local shop owner wants to desperately sell 4 Marshall Valvestate 100V Heads(which are OK but I don't really dig),and he's selling them very cheap,at 250 euros.The Head in which I was thinking was Peavey's Valvekink 100V,with either Leem or Behringer 400W Cab.Valveking has 7 valves and costs 565 euros brand new,and the shop owner says that Valvestate,brand new,is 650 euros.

My question is:can I compare the 1 valved Marshall to the 7 valves Peavey?Has anyone tried both?

what is wrong with that?

nothing of course.. but I personally would prefer something that is enjoyable to listen and not extremely repetitive simply going through exercises.

Anyways, I hear you warheart. Though MAB is also in this category regarding technique, yet the only people interested in his music are mainly 'shredheads'. Of course you can always bring it down to personal taste on any issue. But i'd imagine anyone who can improvise at that level in jazz as well as be a technical monster on guitar would have no problem running up and down scales and exercises as fast as possible.

Not trying to diss Gilbert at all, but I'm just saying as a guitarist myself I have a lot more respect for Govan as a musician.

Now on with the forum jam :)
Hello guys,I have one quiestion for you:

My local shop owner wants to desperately sell 4 Marshall Valvestate 100V Heads(which are OK but I don't really dig),and he's selling them very cheap,at 250 euros.The Head in which I was thinking was Peavey's Valvekink 100V,with either Leem or Behringer 400W Cab.Valveking has 7 valves and costs 565 euros brand new,and the shop owner says that Valvestate,brand new,is 650 euros.

My question is:can I compare the 1 valved Marshall to the 7 valves Peavey?Has anyone tried both?


I'm sorry, but there's only one right answer to your question: G
o to a music store which has special test-rooms.
Play both amps with your own guitar.
Play them quiet, play them loud.
Test different sound modes, clean, crunchy, HiGain.
Check the setting-possibilities.
Play them through the cabs which are in your price range.

I never played the peavy amp, but I played a borrowed valvestate a couple of weeks. The sound is ok because of the price. But compared to amps which are just a bit more expensive, it sucks.

That's just MY opinion, but I couldn't hear any similarities to the soundcharacter of a DSL, for example. Plus, the input bushing (?) is not very robust, but always remember: There's probably no better solution for 250 Euro.

So what you have to do is: test 'em out.
PG as promised :p Yeah ino his face is completly different but hey.


I should find a cheap mic sometime this weekend so hopefully I can get some material down sometime next week.

@mitch how do you go about converting the rar files to mp3? because those uploads are look killer!
You don't convert .rar files to mp3, it's just a compressed format like .zip. You need to download WinRar and extract the files.

The mp3 files will be inside.
alright, i just uploaded an album called "Doppelganger" by The Fall of Troy. now, be warned that this is NOT metal or any shredmaster showing off his skillz...HOWEVER, this band is really good music-wise. you guys might not like the vocals (i hated them when i first heard it) cuz it's like singing mixed with screaming, but the screaming is really good. the fall of troy is a progressive hardcore band. and honestly, after you give this album a 2nd listen, you should be hooked. the songs are really guitar-driven (which is basically what made me love them) and the time changes on the some of them are pretty fuckin sic.

so be open minded, and try it out.
alright, i just uploaded an album called "Doppelganger" by The Fall of Troy. now, be warned that this is NOT metal or any shredmaster showing off his skillz...HOWEVER, this band is really good music-wise. you guys might not like the vocals (i hated them when i first heard it) cuz it's like singing mixed with screaming, but the screaming is really good. the fall of troy is a progressive hardcore band. and honestly, after you give this album a 2nd listen, you should be hooked. the songs are really guitar-driven (which is basically what made me love them) and the time changes on the some of them are pretty fuckin sic.

so be open minded, and try it out.

just checked out a couple of their videos on youtube... :zombie: