.....but do any of those videos really answer the question of if anyone else in here has ever used one????.....no
I think it's a little too reminiscant of Bodom/ Norther.
not saying it sounds bad though, it sounds pretty awesome.
I was thinking the same thing, he told me that he can sweep at that speed but not 100% cleanly
There was a guitarist at a local music school that supposedly would've nailed that sweep with no effort, he was tremendously good at sweeping. According to his teacher they figured out that he could sweep 22(or 24, cant remember which but lets say it was 22 lol) notes per second at the most. I heard him once and he was stupidly fast, didnt count the notes though lol. Never heard about him again though, wonder what became of him.. its like 4 years ago now
Theory lesson over.![]()
edge iii=![]()
ok,then i stick with saving up for rr24 (2 more years,and i'll have enough money for one )![]()
And I saw the 1st four songs of the Behemoth set, which crushed balls..
Okay guys! I'm trying to sell my Ibanez MTM2 to get a RG7321 or save up top a S7320. Is this a smart idea?If I would put everything in priority I should first get a Noise gate and a new cabinet though. Not even getting to needing another head if the randall blows up. =/
1000 series Floyd Rose means just the color (black). The Alexi 600 has always had an OFR made in germany. Which pickup will you get? The FH-2?
I'd be extremely surprised if you could play that sweep cleanly and at the tempo you wrote the song to be in.
Seriously, STFU. You're just talking from what you've heard. Edge III is actually pretty ok for the price, unlike say ESP or Jackson cheap tremolos.
agree .. great fucking tremolo...+1
I'd gladly take the Edge III over any Jackson tremolo.
Don't say anything until you've actually tried them yourself.
oh how badass and metal of you.
Dont think about the pickup dude, changing a pickup doesnt cost much and selling the old one afterwards covers most of it. Dont decide your guitar purchase on the pickup model.
I know, I've torrented it but GP5 for Mac has an annoying interface.
that toolbox isn't even there when you first open it. My clone has the exact same interface as GP5 Windows.
If I can see correctly, then the only difference there is an EMG, and comparing that to a Duncan is comparing just apples and oranges, really.
And a matt black paint job, an Edge II Pro tremelo (I think) which is often praised as being the best trem Ibanez have ever made, different inlays and no neck/body binding.
I think you need glasses.
No. Although you know I don't like the MTM2, it's much better than the RG7321 imho. About the S7320, are you sure you wanna get back to tremolos? Also, while it's quite versatile, I don't think it's the best guitar for metalcore. I'd stick with the MTM2 and do what Marfal told you. Is not like you go crazy soloing all the time, so not having that last thin string wouldn't be much of a problem, amirite?
Because a mate of mine just had to light a cigarette in the venue as they were doing the Behemoth soundcheck.Why only the first four?![]()