Which GC did you go to? As I know the one on OBT/441 has a lot more to choose from than the one in Winter Park.
Yeah, I went to the Winter park one. I usually go to the OBT one since it's closer to my house, but I was up at my girlfriends who lives in Winter park so I decided to go give it a try while she was at work. I was actually thinking about sending you a message so you could meet me up there and we could play but I completely forgot
Have you checked out any of the Blackstar amps? Pretty good tones form those things. If I remember correctly guys that used to work at Marshall started Blackstar, so they are pretty much budget Marshalls.
I've yet to try one, but I've heard good things, in most part from the people here though

But yeah, I was actually looking at a few of them in the musicians friend catalogue that had came in the mail the other day, they seem decent enough.
I believe the 6262 is a 6505 clone, but for about half the cost, but there are the Bugera horror stories with QC. I have a Bugera V22 and have had it for over a year now and have yet to have a single issue with it.
I had quite a bit of interests in these about a year or a year and a half ago and I was actually ready to go buy one, I don't remember what model it was though. I think it was the 6262... Whatever it was they had advertised on the back of guitar world with some guy raising his hands ala Jesus lol. But yeah, I ended up hearing about some of the same horror stories you have and decided against it.
They had that there? Damn, I'd love to try an XXX, from what I've heard they are awesome (although discontinued). There is the 3120 and JSX though, the latter I have tried and it was pretty awesome. XXX is a pretty bright-sounding amp in relation to more modern metal amps, so I'm not really sure what you mean by low-heavy. The 5150 and 6505 are much darker-sounding.
I'm pretty sure it was a XXX... Whatever Peavey amp it is that has the Mudflap girls printed on the chrome of it? I think that was it. But yeah, they had it sitting in there, it was used though so I'm not sure what may have been done to it by the original owner, but I wasn't super impressed with it. Don't get me wrong, it was still a great amp, it just didn't grab my attention like the JVM and 6505 did.
I have also tried the JSX, but it was years ago when I did and I didn't know enough about amps at the time to really judge, but from what I remember it felt almost like a more modern rock to maybe slightly metal amp. I don't know, maybe that was just me and my bad judgement, but it just didn't feel heavy enough to me at the time, but it could have just been because I knew diddly fuck about amps back then.
Also, I don't really feel that the 6505 is a dark sounding amp. Maybe a little, but not too much. I was running my RR24 into it and it managed to smooth out my leads alot without making them too warm or too bright. The rythym was really tight and responsive too, which is what I'd come to expect of it from what I'd heard. I don't consider it too dark sounding when compared to things like Mesa's and Riveras but, that's just me