Guitar Player's Thread

^It just shows a 403 error D:

Hello, I just signed up and thought I'd greet you all.

By the way mitch, I can't find any decent pics of your wildchild, only exception would be the one where all hardware was taken off.
^It just shows a 403 error D:

Hello, I just signed up and thought I'd greet you all.

By the way mitch, I can't find any decent pics of your wildchild, only exception would be the one where all hardware was taken off.

Damn, will try and fix it later. Also thought Id update the tone a little anyways since the "choked" wah JE-1000 was a lil too much :P I love it but there could be a tad bit less
Damn, will try and fix it later. Also thought Id update the tone a little anyways since the "choked" wah JE-1000 was a lil too much :P I love it but there could be a tad bit less

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Long time since i've posted, sup guise. I changed to an 81 in my J2SP, sound pretty killer, slays the HZ3.
And holy fuck I have posted a lot on this forum.

This very thread is what got me into this forum in the first place, awesome. So if any lurkers or newbs are reading this, post your questions, we are usually very helpful.
Very! rough recording but thought the tone sounded okay :p

J-50BC equipped warmoth super strat into JE-1000 into Korg on a clean channel ("valve") into an edirol. Then into Samplitude with LePoul Solo C vst and LePoul LeCab with GodsCab impulses, a little reverb from Freeverb and lastly a little EQ from a Paris EQ vst.

Not perfect but sounds decent to me :p
^Do you have a wah on that thing? If so plz turn off :(

Haha, its actually just the JE-1000 but thru the setting on the Korg it got way agressive. I agree its way too much.

Gonna do a new base tone at another time, 'cus its incredibly annoying :P
What Korg thing? And I guess its your EQing that fucks up the tone or makes a whaish sound.
What Korg thing? And I guess its your EQing that fucks up the tone or makes a whaish sound.

The PX4D. I recorded with a clean setting, and since I wanted to keep the JE-1000 i choose the mid to be very much in the hi-mid area. That didnt sound to extreme without distortion, but with it sounded crappy :p

Ive been toying around today with different recording setups - thru a dist pedal with impulses, thru the line out of my amp and came to the conclusion that the easiest and best sounding thing for both rhythm and lead was a somewhat gainy setting on the korg and then post EQing (with impulses, and the Paris VST Eq) and a little bit of reverb sounded best.

I quite dig this tone, and while its still kinda wahish (JE-1000) it doesnt strike me as something that would be annoying in a mix but actually sit rather well in a mix.

Also played a little around with the setting one the JE

Here goes:

Still sounds kinda "fake", but its acceptable for me for just recording ideas n songs on a small scale. I dont have the money for something like the axe fx and i dont have the facilities to record my amp so this is good enough for me and incredibly easy :P
I'm hearing the old version right now. You seem as skilled as me thus far, perhaps a little more. If those random "smurfs" I hear are sweeps then we're equal there xD
haha cool man :p
it's kinda rough tho, but Im working on my skills :D
the sweeps are mostly these kind of sweeps:
havent actually gotten them clean yet, but they rock when theyre clean x)

edit: now when I listen back to the first one, goddamnit thats rough :P but then again it was merely just to test a tone
Just bought a PRS SE with a bare knuckle pickup on the bridge, along with a TS-9 and a Blackstar HT-5R (which I've named the Neighbourator). Feels good man.
awesome, I guess used then :P
I hear the value on those SE's are very high :D pics or it didnt happen (;
also what bare knuckle in the bridge? Bare knuckle rocks! Some of the best p-ups ive ever had the pleasure of playing
Also Blackstars rocks :D sounds like you just bought a whole other rig :P
Just bought a PRS SE with a bare knuckle pickup on the bridge, along with a TS-9 and a Blackstar HT-5R (which I've named the Neighbourator). Feels good man.

holy shit, in a thread full of RR24 and ESP-Alexi owners, you are winning!

no offense gaiz <3
I have a Freeman :(

Well I remember being like 8 years old, my sister had a classmate who owned a cream Gibson Flying V. Ever since she told me about it I've been a fan of V shapes, and roughly one year later I saw a blue Jackson King V at a store with dad. Of course I asked him to buy it for me but he didn't :P
Then, within a month I found this picture on the net (, and immediatly fell in love with the RR shape. Do I still lose D:? XD
Well, ever since then I've never really liked any other shapes, and of course when I first heard about Bodom I looked it up on youtube, watched Downfall and saw yet another beautiful RR in Alexi's hands, so no more different shaped guitars for me anymore. By the way I could only stand clean vocals at the time so I quickly stopped the video, annoyed at how such a horrible thing messed up that excellent melody.

Heh, currently I listen to it again and I can only say it's the most beautiful combination I've ever heard.

Ps.: A couple of months ago I spotted the same King V at the same store, perhaps it was never bought. I asked about its specs and am now glad dad didn't buy it back then :P
awesome, I guess used then :P
I hear the value on those SE's are very high :D pics or it didnt happen (;
also what bare knuckle in the bridge? Bare knuckle rocks! Some of the best p-ups ive ever had the pleasure of playing
Also Blackstars rocks :D sounds like you just bought a whole other rig :P

Kinda, except for the TS-9 (which is old anyways, but in great shape) everything's in mint condition. Nonetheless, I got everything for less than $1000 on ebay :)

It's a warpig. I can't really tell you if I like it or not so far because everything is new so it's difficult to tell what is responsible for each feature of the final sound I hear. And I did buya new rig: I moved and left my crappy cheap equipment back home so I needed some stuff to start over. :)

holy shit, in a thread full of RR24 and ESP-Alexi owners, you are winning!

no offense gaiz <3


Why, just because I'm not using an OMGAlexi pointy guitar with an insufficient number of (bad) pickups and I'm not scouring the web looking for somebody, anybody selling a crappy overpriced Lee Jackson preamp doesn't mean I have better taste! :loco:
with an insufficient number of (bad) pickups
Insufficient to you :P I never really use the neck pickup on my guitar, let alone the middle one, so with an Alexi or RR24 I'd be just fine (actually no, but that's for some other specs). I don't believe I'm the only one though :confused:

Also, nice amp name :lol: I've got a 100-watt amp for home practice I can't use to even a fraction of it's potential...