Guitar Player's Thread

Long time no see, nice that this thread is still running!

Recently got my band running, good ol' Hard Rock/Rock N Roll.

Might not be your thing, would be nice to get some feedback anyways, be it good or bad!


P.S @ The Kid, you've gotten much better, congrats on that!


And yeah, I really like how this sounds. Mixing sounds really professional. Bass and kicks could use a bit more oomph though
I am think of changing the HZ4 in my Alexi Edwards because i never dug this sound. I want a more COBish or Starchildish sound. Any recommendations for a new pickup ? I know about all those options with blackouts, j50bc + boost, or Alexis signature set. What about bareknuckles? To be honest i dont even have a clue how to test different pickups on this guitar as i dont know how to solder and i dont have any other pickups lying around.

I want to buy a pod HD or and X3 live in future but right now i dont have the money to do so. So at least i want a proper pickup.
Soldering is easy, it's nothing technical but takes a steady hand for small areas. If you can find a J50BC then you won't get a closer sound...
Ebay is the only place I'd look. Not sure what that is in £££ exactly but I think I paid about 50. I've bought two I believe and it was years ago but I'm pretty sure it was around that price...I was desperate, you see. :D

As for the others, I've read before that some of the others are similar but not close enough, it just depends how much you care about getting that sound. Guitar for me back then was all I had so I spent everything on it, now there's alot more going on so I just play and that's it.
I am think of changing the HZ4 in my Alexi Edwards because i never dug this sound. I want a more COBish or Starchildish sound. Any recommendations for a new pickup ? I know about all those options with blackouts, j50bc + boost, or Alexis signature set. What about bareknuckles? To be honest i dont even have a clue how to test different pickups on this guitar as i dont know how to solder and i dont have any other pickups lying around.

I want to buy a pod HD or and X3 live in future but right now i dont have the money to do so. So at least i want a proper pickup.

What guitar are you putting it in and what is your amp situation? Those determine tone more than a pickup. Some good general pickups IMO though (since we don't know the rest of your gear) are Seymour Duncan's SH-5 and SH-6, as well as Dimarzio Crunch Lab.
Its and Edwards E-AL-128. I mostly use it at home with a shitty pocket pod to save my neighbors nerves. I want to buy a POD X3 live or an HD to use at home and on stage when I have enough money.

I used the guitar on various setups before but i never really fell in love with the tone.
Its and Edwards E-AL-128. I mostly use it at home with a shitty pocket pod to save my neighbors nerves. I want to buy a POD X3 live or an HD to use at home and on stage when I have enough money.

I used the guitar on various setups before but i never really fell in love with the tone.

In that case I wouldn't recommend spending much on a pickup if you're using a pod. It won't really change your tone a whole lot. The main difference you'll be able to tell is whether you use an active pup vs a passive pup, as well as a high output or a low output. In that case I'd probably recommend just any medium-high to high output passive pickup that you can find a good deal on.

Seymour Duncan: SH-14, SH-5, SH-6, SH-15, SH-11
Dimarzio: Crunch Lab, D-Activator, X2N, D-Sonic, Evolution

My personal favorites of those are the SH-5, SH-6, and Crunch Lab. Any of those would work, although the X2N and SH-15 would prob be a bit overkill for a pod. Again, I think with the current situation go with whatever you can find a cheap deal on. Pretty much everything's going to give you clearer/stronger tone than the EMG HZ :p and it'll all be tweakable with EQ-ing anyway.
You can get ceramic magnets for pickups pretty cheap or maybe exchange one from another. Just replace the alnico magnet in the J-50B and you've got yourself a J-50BC (;
The J-50's often go for much less because theyre less desired. The only ones there's been up on the bay lately have all been the 100 smth dollar ones while the j-50s have been priced more reasonable for an old p-up around i dont know 30-50$ which is what I bought my bcs for originally :P
Glad I stocked up on these before they became somewhat rare and expensive :P JE-1000 + J-50BC is just magic