Guitar Player's Thread

well i got no help from the ontopic section, let me try here...i was just wondering how to play the part in talking of the trees when you have to play the 3 note sequence on the 5th fret on the e b and g strings, how would i pick the notes all up strokes or up up down or some other way?
The way that feels most comfortable to you :p

If it's the riff I think it is, I'd start with a downstroke on the E, and upstroke on B and G string
Can anybody recommend me a free (or not so big) 5 string electric bass vsti plugin.

Seems like I always have problems when I export midi bass tracks from GP, import them to reaper and add a vsti plugin. With the low notes like an fsharp on the low E string (not downtuned) most plugins dont play them or make them sound like an NH. Pretty much all the plugins i tried have the problems or sound very bad. What am I doing wrong?
You're out of range. Stop writing notes that are too low to be played in real life and the program will actually generate sounds that sound like real life.

I know you said it's an f# on an e string, but what octave are you in? are we talking the f# inside the bass clef? or are you going below the bass clef?

It might be that the person creating the plug in thought that was out of range. That's what we do when we create sound files: we make it sound like shit out of range so people will learn to learn the range of the instrument for which they are writing.
Thats not true. I do have vst plugins which sounds better than a lot real bass guitars I know. The only problem is that I can't get them to simulate a nearly good human playing. full notes are okay but all which is =/> 8th's it sounds too artificial
Actually i am in the normal range for a bass guitar. Not even downtuned. I need vstis for quickbrecordings. And i dont have a bass or the ability to play it as i would neeed to play it in order to let it sounds as i imagine. So which vstis are you guys using besides trillian?
Hey guys!

I've been following this thread for like 4 years as a guest. Now I finally registered. Just wanted to say hi.:p