Guitar Player's Thread

I've got a 100-watt amp for home practice I can't use to even a fraction of it's potential...

100W amps have to be the best marketing tool for amp sellers to draw in the suckers.

I have a 50W and have never used it to potential and have played live in many venues.

Not many situations warrant 100W, every venue mic.s you up anyway.

inb4 headroom debate.

A 100 W amp is only about 10 dB louder than a 10 W amp anyway, all other things being equal. I just love people's comments like "WOW this amps is only 5 Watts but it's SO LOUD LOL"... it's just as loud as 5 W are expected to be, which is really only ~15 dB quieter than 100 W :P
A 100 W amp is only about 10 dB louder than a 10 W amp anyway

Yep, loudness is measured in dB not Watts.

Difference between 50W and 100W is only 3 dB.

Although a 100W is barely noticeable in loudness over a 50W the issue is when rehearsing or playing trying to turn down for a mix.

I can get a good spread of volume adjustment hardly ever going more than half way, our other guitarist who had a Mesa would set it around 1 and it was either too loud or too soft, he often chose too loud. :rolleyes:

You wonder why so many bands have a bad mix live? A mixer can turn you up without a problem but if your amp is too loud he can't turn the volume down from where he sits.

You wonder why so many bands have a bad mix live? A mixer can turn you up without a problem but if your amp is too loud he can't turn the volume down from where he sits.


Wow s thanks.. Who would have thought ?!
Wow s thanks.. Who would have thought ?!

It sounds very obvious but surprisingly time after time some you'll find knob jockeys pumping up their amps too loud at front of stage.

They also don't realise they practice in the rehearsal room a lot louder than what they need on stage so dial in at the same volume or even higher afraid people might miss out on hearing their solos. :rolleyes:

Thats why im using a booster for my solos . I guess most people crank up their amp
at gigs because the sound on the stage is shit and /or they haven't got any monitors (or shitty ones)
I guess most people crank up their amp
at gigs because the sound on the stage is shit and /or they haven't got any monitors (or shitty ones)

I've actually seen where the drummer told the sound guy to turn up the guitarist and the dumbass guitarist went over to his amp and turned it up, you just have to trust the sound guy and hope he can do his job.


Why, just because I'm not using an OMGAlexi pointy guitar with an insufficient number of (bad) pickups and I'm not scouring the web looking for somebody, anybody selling a crappy overpriced Lee Jackson preamp doesn't mean I have better taste! :loco:

:notworthy all of that was gold, verily good sir

Dude when you see my NGD perhaps around the end of this year or the beginning of 2013 you will shit your pants
I've actually seen where the drummer told the sound guy to turn up the guitarist and the dumbass guitarist went over to his amp and turned it up, you just have to trust the sound guy and hope he can do his job.


well if the drummer didnt have any monitors there would be no other way to make him hear the guitarist better BUT I know what you mean. everybody thinks that the sound dudes are just lazy fucks with a fucking easy job which is FUN FUN FUN. well yeah of course there are really shitty ones, too but thats another story..
here's my finally finished RR kind of thing.
First tried to build it as cheap as possible so the neck sucked donkey balls. Now have a warmoth neck, and it sounds pretty sweet :D

The body is from an epiphone demon v that i had to totally rebuild - carving out the floyd holes making the backplates and the neck pocket that didnt fit at all.
Even filled out the neck pickup route with wood and polyfiller :P

Still needs some final readjustments, but it's well intonated mostly everywhere and the action is great and you can actually hear it pretty loudly acousticly which before with the crap neck you couldnt.

A different take on an alexi inspired rr with some inspiration from caparison :D



the pics dont have very good lighting, its kinda hard to catch the awesomeness of the pic. But its basically almost flourescent blue against black