Guitar Player's Thread

Thanks man :D its a really great tone, even for things not omg Alexi like as you hear ;)

haha, it really depends on the guitar. My V in that has a body from an old Epiphone V - it's some kind of low grade poplar but still sounds decent imo

on pickups..well it really depends but you can get a lot of great pickups. I prefer the j-50bc and JE-1000 for me but sadly the price of the j-50bc has skyrocketed on ebay. Think I bought mine for 30 quid and made the JE-1000 myself so that was cheap enough :P

But really besides that, the best pups I've heard (and Ive had like 15 different in diff guitars and tried quite a few on friends) are surely Bare Knuckles. Just bang for your bucks, you know that with those its def. not the pickups that are lacking!

Look into th Rebel Yell, damn that one has some crunch and sweet tone.
Well... That's why I'm not modifying my current guitar :lol:
I have always wanted something like the J-50BC, yet not an actual J-50BC (for a few reasons). EMG's are not my thing, and I also visually dislike "naked" pickups.. Like, I'd put a cover on any pickup, so it could look more like an active while still being passive. Which is another reason I love the J-50BC.
I checked out Bare Knuckles' site a few months ago and wasn't convinced by any of the sound clips, but am going to hear them again anyway. I'm still looking for something like the J-50BC :P (Edit: I think I just fell in love with the bridge ceramic Nailbomb).

Oh, by the way, does anybody know about a font based on (or that was used in) the WildChild sticker? I wanted to place that sticker on my future guitar but now I've changed my mind and want different text on it... However, no font seems to fit it well and I'd like to try with the same kind of letters used in that sticker... Anybody?
If you really want the J-50BC why dont you get one?

Otherwise taking a PAF and swapping a ceramic magnet in might give you some of the same results, as essentially that is what the j-50bc is.
You'd still want a boost like the je-1000 then tho, cus alone that kind of pickup sounds like ass :D

sloppedy slop slop heres a cover of the IYF solo


cant play it up to speed yet, must say that this is not the style Im best at :P
Dimarzio Super Distortion or SD Dimebucker .. Which pickup would you guys prefer?

Duncan on the dimebucker:

available mods
Comes in any color you want. As long as it's black.

They be trollin at duncan

anyways, Ive always liked the SD since the Dimebucker sometimes gets muddy. However both are kickass :P the Dimebucker looks cooler :p

I prefer the Super Distortion, just well voiced for guitar (loads of mids, not too much treble :P)
Duncan on the dimebucker:

available mods
Comes in any color you want. As long as it's black.

They be trollin at duncan

anyways, Ive always liked the SD since the Dimebucker sometimes gets muddy. However both are kickass :P the Dimebucker looks cooler :p

I prefer the Super Distortion, just well voiced for guitar (loads of mids, not too much treble :P)
dammit I can't choose, I love the super distortion since I saw it on paul gilbert's guitar on intense rock II and boy that tone is AWESOME but Im not very sure wheter It'll be well suited for death metal (ive never seen metal players using super distortions ) . The dimebucker sounds very good in all metal styles AND looks cool although id like it on white or silver
dammit I can't choose, I love the super distortion since I saw it on paul gilbert's guitar on intense rock II and boy that tone is AWESOME but Im not very sure wheter It'll be well suited for death metal (ive never seen metal players using super distortions ) . The dimebucker sounds very good in all metal styles AND looks cool although id like it on white or silver

Generally a medium output pickup will have so many styles within it. Also the super distortion is pretty hot already. Its more about how you dial in the amp in the end and what kind of eq you want your pickup to have from the beginning.
A "death metal" pickup will often be much too muddy because people think more output=more win. Then they dime the gain on their amp and get phases ad libitum :p
Generally a medium output pickup will have so many styles within it. Also the super distortion is pretty hot already. Its more about how you dial in the amp in the end and what kind of eq you want your pickup to have from the beginning.
A "death metal" pickup will often be much too muddy because people think more output=more win. Then they dime the gain on their amp and get phases ad libitum :p

Yes I guess the amp is pretty important, as my amp situation, it sucks :( I have a small 15 watt marshall practice amp ... I plan to buy this

I'll put it in the clean channel of any amp and get that tone and use the boost for solos .... Il EQ the amp and see what happens :grin:
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^ Don't. That distortion won't help the sound of your amp even get marginally better.
Save up for an affordable Combo amp.

that video however doesnt do the dist pedal justice. I have a lee jackson dist pedal and the distortion is very amp like and incredibly cool, despite sounding kinda shitty on that video.

However: in front of a 15 watt shitty practice amp nothing will sound good.

Affordable tube combo is the way to go, and if it doesnt have enough gain you can get a lee jackson thing to boost or use as distortion, cus they rock!
the best pups I've heard (and Ive had like 15 different in diff guitars and tried quite a few on friends) are surely Bare Knuckles. Just bang for your bucks

What price range are we talking?

The best value ones I found were the Bill Lawrence pick ups. There's 2 guys making them so be careful not to get the ones sold at Stu Mac's. I had to wait a few months for mine, they hand make them and there is a queue.

Kent Armstrong pick ups I found are also pretty good value.

that video however doesnt do the dist pedal justice. I have a lee jackson dist pedal and the distortion is very amp like and incredibly cool, despite sounding kinda shitty on that video.

However: in front of a 15 watt shitty practice amp nothing will sound good.

Affordable tube combo is the way to go, and if it doesnt have enough gain you can get a lee jackson thing to boost or use as distortion, cus they rock!

what LJ distortion pedal do you have? the dg 1 ( on the video ) or the Hellfire pedal
what LJ distortion pedal do you have? the dg 1 ( on the video ) or the Hellfire pedal

I actually have the La Grunge, out of production.
The name sounds like a nirvana pedal, but its not :P does fantastic high gain sounds ^_^ was a real life saver yesterday where all I had was a fender amp that didnt have any drive at all :p smacked that in front and I had myself an awesome high gain channel, couldnt tell it was a pedal

Also, tribute to the guru: Mattias Eklundh

I got a j-50bc or whatevs sitting in my tool box with a je-1000 mid boost circuit, was original from my 1988 Charvel Model 6 swapped em out for EMG's.

Thinking bout putting em into my Jackson Performer 2.