Guitar Player's Thread

wow I suck at harmonizing, hah well to be fair I didnt have anything keeping me in tempo so it was hard to play two parts perfectly the same. Well this is the intro to Tears of Sahara( or something like the intro) and then some improv(which is bad cause I am not familar with the key).

and no I wasnt bored!
and no my guitar isnt out of tune its out of intonation.

Why? It's the same as Emin, just a perfect 5th up or 4th lower.

But yeah, play in time when you're harmonising plz.
Why? It's the same as Emin, just a perfect 5th up or 4th lower.

But yeah, play in time when you're harmonising plz.

yea thats what I meant, the whole playing two parts exactly in time. I cant really do it with no click or drums.
Just got back from Summer Slaughter at Soma in San Diego.
Here is my review:
Got there at about 6 pm. Saw the first two bands Beneath The Massacre and Ion Dissonance.
BTM: This band was probably the worst of the night, I just didnt like it.
Ion Dissonance: More heavy than technical, but they were good.
Up next, ARSIS!!!!:
Boy was this a good set. Opened with The Face Of My Innocence which is my favorite. Don't know the other 2 songs because the mixing was bad and I couldnt hear a thing.
Then The Faceless:
Pretty good, though I dislike the singer. Guitarists are good.
Then me and my buddies went to the lobby to escape the chance of having to sit through 2 1/2 hours of shit. In this gap, I met The Faceless's lead guitarist, and James Malone from Arsis (FUCK YEAH).
Then, the glory of the night, NECROPHAGIST:
I couldnt have been more happy with the setlist.
They played the entire Epitaph album in order!!
Then Marco Minneman (Has Played with Paul Gilbert) had a good sized drum solo about 6-7 minutes long. This is guy indeed the best drummer I have ever seen!
Then Necro jumped into Full Body Autopsy which was epic.
Then Intestinal Incubation
Then Extreme Unction
Then they ended with the perfect song, FERMENTED OFFAL DISCHARGE, by crowd request.
Very good night and I suggest every one see this tour! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
Just got back from Summer Slaughter at Soma in San Diego.
Here is my review:
Got there at about 6 pm. Saw the first two bands Beneath The Massacre and Ion Dissonance.
BTM: This band was probably the worst of the night, I just didnt like it.
Ion Dissonance: More heavy than technical, but they were good.
Up next, ARSIS!!!!:
Boy was this a good set. Opened with The Face Of My Innocence which is my favorite. Don't know the other 2 songs because the mixing was bad and I couldnt hear a thing.
Then The Faceless:
Pretty good, though I dislike the singer. Guitarists are good.
Then me and my buddies went to the lobby to escape the chance of having to sit through 2 1/2 hours of shit. In this gap, I met The Faceless's lead guitarist, and James Malone from Arsis (FUCK YEAH).
Then, the glory of the night, NECROPHAGIST:
I couldnt have been more happy with the setlist.
They played the entire Epitaph album in order!!
Then Marco Minneman (Has Played with Paul Gilbert) had a good sized drum solo about 6-7 minutes long. This is guy indeed the best drummer I have ever seen!
Then Necro jumped into Full Body Autopsy which was epic.
Then Intestinal Incubation
Then Extreme Unction
Then they ended with the perfect song, FERMENTED OFFAL DISCHARGE, by crowd request.
Very good night and I suggest every one see this tour! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

:cool: awesome stuff! I bet Symbiotic in Theory was awesome?
Here: said:
Actions speak louder than words as Jeff and Alexi express their feelings about Duncan pickups

Annihilator's Jeff Waters (Duncan Distortion and Jazz Model Humbuckers) just returned from a succesful two-and-a-half-month tour in Europe with Trivium. Click here to see what Annihilator has been up to. Jeff also has a line of Gibson/Epiphone Signature guitars coming out (in 62 countries!) soon... called, appropriately the "Annihilator Series"... 2 Vees and a T-Bird style bass!

By the way, those are the new Blackouts in Alexi Laiho's (Children of Bodom) guitar.