Guitar Player's Thread

Damn, that means he's going for a more "beefy" tone. And further away from the sharpness of FtR :(
Cool, i wonder what kind of tone he'll have on the new album. I hope it won't sound as thrashy as it did on AYDY.

Damn, that means he's going for a more "beefy" tone. And further away from the sharpness of FtR :(

Is that tr00? I have no idea how those pickups sound, if so, that kind of sucks!
Sound here:

Pick-up Info: said:
9-volt active humbucker for aggressive playing styles. Recommended for old school metal, garage, punk, thrash, drop tunings, and other heavy rock styles.

The “other” USA-made active humbuckers use unbalanced inputs in a differential preamp. The problem is, an unbalanced differential preamp is not very effective at cancelling hum. Our engineers figured out how to capture the tone that players want in an active design, but using balanced inputs. The result is 12dB to 14dB less noise, plus more lows, more highs, and more output. Simply put, Blackouts have more tone than other active pickups.

Complete Setup
Blackouts are available in individual neck and bridge models, or as a two-pickup set. All versions come with all necessary mounting hardware, including pots, jack, and a battery clip.

For all humbucker guitars. The blade magnets make this pickup suitable for both humbucker and Trembucker string spacings.
Cool, i wonder what kind of tone he'll have on the new album. I hope it won't sound as thrashy as it did on AYDY.

Is that tr00? I have no idea how those pickups sound, if so, that kind of sucks!

Well I don't know for certain. But every single guitar I have played with that has Seymour Duncans has a much deeper and "beefy" tone than say an EMG 81 or a Dimarzio pickup.
i wouldn't judge Duncans with this sound sample, yes the sample is GAY just as all the rest of their samples unfortunately. but i must tell you from my personal experience this pickups are do able to provide killer tone.
i am really curious to see what alexi will do with his tone on upcoming album
i wouldn't judge Duncans with this sound sample, yes the sample is GAY just as all the rest of their samples unfortunately. but i must tell you from my personal experience this pickups are do able to provide killer tone.
i am really curious to see what alexi will do with his tone on upcoming album

Tone come from alot more than just pickups, so you're right. I'm hoping it will sounds good on the next album.
:cool: awesome stuff! I bet Symbiotic in Theory was awesome?

they may have skipped that one, I don't know. Hard to remember. I tihnk they did, because I remember screaming it very loud :lol:
+ I got the very awesome shirt with the same name, on the front is Necrophagist and below it is a clock pendulum thing of some kinda that is all 3-D and shit, I will post pics of front and back.
Just got back from Summer Slaughter at Soma in San Diego.
Here is my review:
Got there at about 6 pm. Saw the first two bands Beneath The Massacre and Ion Dissonance.
BTM: This band was probably the worst of the night, I just didnt like it.
Ion Dissonance: More heavy than technical, but they were good.
Up next, ARSIS!!!!:
Boy was this a good set. Opened with The Face Of My Innocence which is my favorite. Don't know the other 2 songs because the mixing was bad and I couldnt hear a thing.
Then The Faceless:
Pretty good, though I dislike the singer. Guitarists are good.
Then me and my buddies went to the lobby to escape the chance of having to sit through 2 1/2 hours of shit. In this gap, I met The Faceless's lead guitarist, and James Malone from Arsis (FUCK YEAH).
Then, the glory of the night, NECROPHAGIST:
I couldnt have been more happy with the setlist.
They played the entire Epitaph album in order!!
Then Marco Minneman (Has Played with Paul Gilbert) had a good sized drum solo about 6-7 minutes long. This is guy indeed the best drummer I have ever seen!
Then Necro jumped into Full Body Autopsy which was epic.
Then Intestinal Incubation
Then Extreme Unction
Then they ended with the perfect song, FERMENTED OFFAL DISCHARGE, by crowd request.
Very good night and I suggest every one see this tour! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

:headbang: im going next tuesday. im going 6 hours before though. wtf, you didnt see decapitated? you are ghey. necro sounds like an awesome set

Did anyone hear that Alexi switched from EMG to Seymour Duncan?

ould this mean my guitar would become rarer because, a)they were going to discontinue it anways and b)because it has an emg?
wtf, you didnt see decapitated? you are ghey.

I am sorry, but I don't like ass-raping music. Though from what I heard (Had to go in for a couple of their last songs to get a good spot for Necrophagist) they sounded good. I don't care though, I fucking met James Malone!!! I also got a picture with him, will post once my friend sends it from his phone.
meh, i have a seymour duncan jb jr. in my dean...i am NOT impressed with it

They're cool for cleans. Really twangy.

Congrats EB. Seeing that shit must have made you feel like I felt when I saw and met Paul Gilbert. I hope there's a least 1 fucking decent video/audio from this tour.
Congrats EB. Seeing that shit must have made you feel like I felt when I saw and met Paul Gilbert. I hope there's a least 1 fucking decent video/audio from this tour.

Thanks, the highlight of the fucking night was meeting James Malone. btw, he was surprisingly using a Washburn during Arsis' set. k, here are the pics of the shirts.



Very cool shirt, oh and here is my Arsis shirt!



So Br00tal lol
The Arsis one was actually $15!
The Necro was $20. They were also selling the Necrophagist tab book, but more expensive than their online store, so I'll just get it later.