Guitar Player's Thread

This is going to sound uber cliched me being an Ibanez fan 'n' all but......Dimarzio > all.
Tube half stacks for under 1500 will be hard to find unless you look on the bay. However there are plenty of combos floating about for under and around, such as ENGL screamer 50. Has really nice tone to it, more overdrive sounding than distrotion but really crisp tones. Personally I think its a little over priced but hey. Theres always peavey aswel, they have a range of tube amps and there are plenty on ebay. Just ask around for the second hand amps which should be reasonbly priced. Oh and beware of Peavey heads. The product quality with them isn't always consistant, some sound better than others even if there the same model.

@swabs I'm not a mega-fan of Ibanez but I agree with you DiMarzios are freaking awesome.
Whatever, it's up to you. But like I said 'try before you buy' because Peavey's product quality isn't consistant.

yea but what if I wanted one used off ebay

@emptifier-are those good cabs? Ill check em out now.
yea but what if I wanted one used off ebay

Then your kind of screwed :lol: the seller could easily claim it to sound amazing but really its just one of the shit ones he's trying to get rid of. I suppose you could ask the seller how long he's had it, which could imply to you whether its good or not (the longer he's had it, the better it probably was). Although there's nothing to stop him from lying. You could also ask if he'd send you sound clips.
@EB that show sounds absolutly kickass I wish I could have been there. What was Diminished to B like live? I'm curious. :p Really cool shirts aswel, looks like you grabbed a real bargain.

Thanks, Diminished to B was fucking tight as hell as all the other songs. I cannot believe we were graced with the entire Epitaph album from start to finish!!!