Guitar Player's Thread

^ Awesome. How were Decapitated? I hope you didn't make the same mistake as EB and missed them :rofl:

I didn't miss anybody. I stood on my feet for 7 hours straight in the front the whole time...and decapitated were alright, i didn't think they were anything great. good guitarists tho, the playing was pretty tight.
Decapitated's new vocalist is nowhere near as good as Sauron (old vocalist). So that probably takes their live shows down a bit. But they still kick ass.
Good stuff Mystique!! Sounds like you had a blast!!

Just thought I'd post an updated pic of my scalloping project. I'm only doing 12-21 because alot of people say it's hard to keep chords intonated properly when you've got them all done and considering how deep mine are, it'd be pretty bad. So:


I'm going to re-string it later after work and play it.

The 12 fret really fucked up!!! The fret marker was really short and died half way though so I just pulled it out. I coloured in the dots with a silver marker and went over all the frets with it too. Looks nice and shiny. :D
Sounds cool Mystique!

I scalloped the last 4 frets of my acoustic. :D I actually wanted to scallop more, but I needed to play guitar, because I left my Edwards in the rehearsal room. :D Next time I change the strings I'll scallop them to the 12th fret. And then I have to paint the fretboard, and maybe I'll order some inlay decals from ebay. And I think I'm going to paint the guitar.
But now let me tell you about my little chat with was kinda like a interview cuz I found out so many things...haha.

So I asked him if he likes the tour so far, and he said yeah, he loves playing in the states cuz the crowds here are "wild and crazy." In europe, he says they're boring. And then I was like, "REally? what about finland and sweden and all those nordic countries...don't they have crazy metal fans over there?" and he said, they've actually never playing there yet, but only in norway. then we started talking about black metal. then i asked him how long has he played for and he said 7 years. and i was like, wow, you're really good for 7 years...and he said he practices 5-7 hours a day!! i was like, "holy shit! what about muhammed how often does he practic?" and he said muhammed doesn't practice at all! he said once muhammed didn't play guitar for 3 months and then the next time he picked one up, he was amazing on it. and here are his exact words, "Muhammed is a genius." And I was like, yeah dude, I can tell! then I asked about their next album...and he said they're really lazy and haven't even written any songs yet...but they wanna come back to tour the states next they should be recording soon...well, as soon as the songs are written...

then I asked about the xiphos. I told him that I bought one and he said that's awesome (in his very thick german accent) I asked if muhammed had originally proposed the idea to ibanez and he said that ibanez actually came to him so he could just be kind of like the promoter. so they made him a custom xiphos in exchange for him promoting it. AND...he's getting another custom made and the fret inlays on this are gonna say NECROPHAGIST on them. how fuckin sick would that be?!

ummm...what else....oh he asked me if I was going to any afterparties (and this point, I was like, holy shit, i'll get to party with necrophagist) and I said I didn't know of any...and asked if he was going. he said he's waiting for some ppl to tell him about it and if I hang out with him I could come too. BUT my stupid friend Ofer had to go home and he was my I had to leave as well...but whatever, i'm tired. I asked him if the band drinks a lot and he said no because if they do, then they can't perform well the next day. but they get a day off after tomorrow's show so they're gonna drink heavy tomorrow night. (although i don't know if Muhammed drinks at all, cuz he's muslim) And then i mentioned alexi and his heavy drinking and how his skill have kind of gone downhill....and he said yeah, he doesn't really listen to bodom anymore because the new stuff is too "poppy" :lol: then we talked about alexi's stolen jacksons...

So yeah...there was some more chit chat but I'm too tired and in pain to remember all of it. This was a really brutal show and I loved...i'm gonna go eat now...hope you gusy liked the review, and sorry for all the grammatical errors/typos...i really don't care to fix them right now.

oh and sorry if i babbled a lot :p

oh and i just remembered, the problem they had with customs about entering the US was for all of them, not only Sami....

Once again another awesome event! Love the feedback thanks! his new custom will kick so much ass I can freakin' feel it. The guys sound like real cool guys and its too bad you couldn't party with them.
So I got my guitar restrung and it doesn't actually feel that different at all. As you saw, my scallops were pretty deep and it doesn't go out of tune at all, even though I play real hard at times.

I'm glad it's like that 'cause it feels quite nice and plays the same. Plus, it looks awesome at the same time. :D
I tried an RG350MDX at my local shop today. It was ok. The action was set too low to my liking but the main complaint I have is your fingers dont feel solid on the guitar. I dont know I feel like that will slip. I much prefer my RR3.
Sounds awesome, I was tempted to scallop my old squier strat but I'm trying to sell it and my shoddy craftsmanship would bring the value down, not that its worth much anyway. Did you ever get that bright RG you were watching on the bay?
Conti said:
I tried an RG350MDX at my local shop today. It was ok. The action was set too low to my liking but the main complaint I have is your fingers dont feel solid on the guitar. I dont know I feel like that will slip. I much prefer my RR3.

That's a nice looking guitar. It's a shame they don't do it in a more exciting colour than just black.

Pheonix said:
Sounds awesome, I was tempted to scallop my old squier strat but I'm trying to sell it and my shoddy craftsmanship would bring the value down, not that its worth much anyway. Did you ever get that bright RG you were watching on the bay?

You could always buy a neck from Ebay for as cheap as possible and just practise on that. Or even just get a long piece of wood and use that. Just pretend it's a neck and just scallop bits out of it.

I didn't get that guitar, nah. It went for $1000!!! :O

I am bidding on an ADA MP1 & MC1 atm though so maybe I'll get one of those instead. It's $305 atm and I'm willing to pay just over $400, which is about £220.
Ouch 1000!!! Awel better luck next time :p and good luck with the preamp, I hear nothing but godd stuff from them. Oh and thanks for the advice I'll go practice on some wood, after all I got plenty; that storm we had tore apart a tree in my back garden.:D
Ouch 1000!!! Awel better luck next time :p

Yeah, I thought there's no way I'm going to pay £500 just like that for a guitar that I wasn't that bothered about. If it went for around £200-300, I would have taken it but I think £500 was pushing it a bit. Also considering I only had about £360 in the bank and I wasn't going to get paid for another 2 weeks so I wouldn't have been able to pay the dude staright away. It was "custom" made by some guy I know too so you won't see 'em often.

Pheonix said:
and good luck with the preamp, I hear nothing but godd stuff from them.

Thanks. Yeah, me too. I just want something better than what I have now and I know the MP1 will be just that and more. I'll need to start looking into the rest of the stuff that goes with it too otherwise I'll just have a preamp and that's it. I'm also watching a Marshall 8008 poweramp and it's only $29 so hopefully, I'll be able to bag that too. Ends on Wednesday though so who knows. I don't even know how to work all this stuff but I'm sure I'll figure it out. :p

Pheonix said:
Oh and thanks for the advice I'll go practice on some wood, after all I got plenty; that storm we had tore apart a tree in my back garden.:D

Ah cool, plenty of material then! As long as it's straight and thin like a guitar neck, it shouldn't make much difference.