Guitar Player's Thread

I'm sorry to sound annoying BUT.

I just got a new PC and I was wondering what recording programs I could use? :lol: I checked the Steve Smyth thread, and It helped a bit, but I'd like your opinions as well.
I'm quite able with Wavepad and Audacity, but I'd like something more professional.

Symphony X is pretty much the only prog band I both like and listen to :lol: For some reason, I just can't get into DT at all, altough I may try once more with those recommendations Ruins so thanks for those.

sadly, me too :p.

although, the glass prison is such a badassed song.

a lot of the stuff i listen to has a bunch of prog elements though. bodom can be argued to be kind of progressive, if you listen to hatebreeder/FTR. I don't really know too many "true" prog bands.

Angra for instance, (thanks joe for reviving me on them :p) if you listen to the songwriting, orchestration, and overall composition, coupled with the musicianship, although can't really be considered pure "prog," they definitely have prog elements floating around abundantly in there.
Symphony X is pretty much the only prog band I both like and listen to :lol: For some reason, I just can't get into DT at all, altough I may try once more with those recommendations Ruins so thanks for those.

Anyone else think the tone of Paul's SG in this is just delicious?

I was actually thinking about that just yesterday, so i went and bought a Tube Screamer today, and luckily they hade a sale on those in my local store. Smaller amps often give a fuller sound aswell, he's playing on a Laney practice amp in that vid. And i also bought a Buckethead mask for halloween :lol: I need to find a bucket and a wig soon though :ill:
I was actually thinking about that just yesterday, so i went and bought a Tube Screamer today, and luckily they hade a sale on those in my local store. Smaller amps often give a fuller sound aswell, he's playing on a Laney practice amp in that vid. And i also bought a Buckethead mask for halloween :lol: I need to find a bucket and a wig soon though :ill:

go N3KR0!!

but you have to have nails like
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I was actually thinking about that just yesterday, so i went and bought a Tube Screamer today, and luckily they hade a sale on those in my local store. Smaller amps often give a fuller sound aswell, he's playing on a Laney practice amp in that vid. And i also bought a Buckethead mask for halloween :lol: I need to find a bucket and a wig soon though :ill:

go N3KR0

but you have to have nails like this!


lol how depressing, I can't link youtube to a word/phrase/picture anymore.
Ahh man, I think halloween is useless shit meant to get ppl buy lots useless stuff from stores..

Or a nice opportunity to get drunk with some creativity :lol: The mask costed me $3, and the other parts i'll try to borrow for free.

I just tried the Ibanez TS, and it's even more awesome than i imagined, even when played through a 15W practice amp.
We're allowed to dress up at work on Wednesdat so I think I'm gonna go in as the scream murderer. :D

I just need a long black cloak.
but that's so typical :p

I have the mask so I might as well. There's also nothing original about Dracula, a zombie, a policewoman, schoolgirl etc etc but I bet there'll be people that'll do that.

The point isn't to be different, it's just to have fun and dress up for Halloween. There IS a competition for best costume and the 1st prize is £1000 but we don't see a penny of it so fuck it.