Guitar Player's Thread

New amp :D dont mind the playing tho, just did whatever came to mind.. hadnt played Chokehold for atleast 6 months and I wasnt warmed up :p

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My name is Mitch. I am 20 years old, I live in England & my favourite thing is Children Of Bodom. :)

Good night!!!

I had to write COB after my fave "thing" because I don't know how to write "my fave band" or something. :p
Ahh :p. It's nice that you know finnish, a bit. I wish I knew something other that English or French (or Spanish, but that doesn't count because I suck) :lol:

Hey, nice tone, Justinschut.


Minun nimeni on Mitch. Olen 20 voutias, asun England & minun lempiasiani on Children Of Bodom. :)

Hyvää yötä!

Pretty good Mitch :lol: Olen 20 vuotias. Also if you wanna add the morfem to the end, meaning like in england or at england, It would be "Englannissa" in finnish. Suomi, Suomessa. Amerikka, Amerikassa. Etc. etc. ;P
I made a video of all my pics of my Jackson Stars 'cause ppl on Youtube kept asking about it and it was getting on my nerves.

Check the video info, that's basically the whole point of it.
