So I decided to continue on that riff i posted some time ago, i've been working on it on and off, but finally finished it! I'm pretty satisfied with the rythm tone, even though i hardly know anything about mixing, and you'll have to excuse the sucky drums/keyboard. but the lead tone sucks arse, which you'll notice.
Anyways, i created this myspace account to upload some future tunes o' mine (hopefully), so some input would be awesome! Also, notice the Necro inspired title, basically taking two awesome words that have nothing to do with eachother and putting them together!
Since the paycheck will be arraiving soon i'm also buying a Korg PX4 tomorrow, so hopefully i'll be able to record some lead stuff that actually sounds kewl. I'll still be using the POD for rythm though.
Teh myspace
If you want to download it (Why would you though?

Here's the yousendit. I think it's a tad better quality than the myspace, not sure about that though.