Guitar Player's Thread

wtf it was a plain black T?
A plain black poncho looking T then:lol:

called being a smart shopper, also called being mature, > the ADD instant gratification generation that we live in today.
Yeah i know. I only meantthat when im looking for a guitar its first about 3-5 and then goes down to 2 and i am so unsure about which to get when its down to 2:lol: I always keep swapping my opinion for one or the other. Then its really pain in the ass when you have 2 kickass guitars to choose between :P
So I decided to continue on that riff i posted some time ago, i've been working on it on and off, but finally finished it! I'm pretty satisfied with the rythm tone, even though i hardly know anything about mixing, and you'll have to excuse the sucky drums/keyboard. but the lead tone sucks arse, which you'll notice.

Anyways, i created this myspace account to upload some future tunes o' mine (hopefully), so some input would be awesome! Also, notice the Necro inspired title, basically taking two awesome words that have nothing to do with eachother and putting them together!

Since the paycheck will be arraiving soon i'm also buying a Korg PX4 tomorrow, so hopefully i'll be able to record some lead stuff that actually sounds kewl. I'll still be using the POD for rythm though.

Teh myspace

If you want to download it (Why would you though? :lol: ) Here's the yousendit. I think it's a tad better quality than the myspace, not sure about that though.
Sounds pretty good, but the song title doesn't match the music lol. I was expecting to hear some death metal or something >.<
@Inhe/Marc/Carl :p : Awesome stuff and very, very tight playing. I like it how carefully you pick the triplets. Atm, I'm just a bit confused about the structure, I should listen to it more often I think.
Sounds pretty good, but the song title doesn't match the music lol. I was expecting to hear some death metal or something >.<

Well yeah, that's kinda the point of it :ill:

@Inhe/Marc/Carl :p : Awesome stuff and very, very tight playing. I like it how carefully you pick the triplets. Atm, I'm just a bit confused about the structure, I should listen to it more often I think.

I like how you pay attention to small details, thanks!
I got like 30 songs i've written, but they all suck, but i came up with a cool riff the other day that might turn it something kewl. But i won't record that until i got the Korg, so i can add some lead stuff.
So that one was the only one you recorded?:kickass:

Now that i think of it, i recorded a "demo" for one of the songs from my band (my myspace is for my "project" ) Although we're not metal, it's more like rockish pop. Since it's just me and the other guitarist that writes the songs, we had to use sucky drums/bass on this one aswell. There's supposed to be a guy singing, but we haven't gotten around to record that.

I recorded all the rythm and he did all the leads except the last "solo" at 3:20 which i played.
A plain black poncho looking T then:lol:

Yeah i know. I only meantthat when im looking for a guitar its first about 3-5 and then goes down to 2 and i am so unsure about which to get when its down to 2:lol: I always keep swapping my opinion for one or the other. Then its really pain in the ass when you have 2 kickass guitars to choose between :P

I buy plain black shirts by the bundle ffs :p

although they actually fit me so maybe i win.

but hey when i bought my axe, i knew i wanted a V, 24 frets, OFR, and neck thru so uh. I dunno. just seemed the right pick. I've never regretted buying it. specially after I got the action perfect this weekend, lil less than 1/32." fucken sweet, amazing what 1/32" will do for you (I used to have it around 2/32 cause I was too lazy to readjust it) :lol:
I buy plain black shirts by the bundle ffs :p

although they actually fit me so maybe i win.

but hey when i bought my axe, i knew i wanted a V, 24 frets, OFR, and neck thru so uh. I dunno. just seemed the right pick. I've never regretted buying it. specially after I got the action perfect this weekend, lil less than 1/32." fucken sweet, amazing what 1/32" will do for you (I used to have it around 2/32 cause I was too lazy to readjust it) :lol:
So you do have a Edwards or Jackson stars?:p Sweet. And yes if they dont look like ponchos you win:lol:
I wouldn't order it through a European dealer....I'd rather order it through an American dealer..

If i'd order a custom shop guitar i'd prefer to be near the factory. So I can the see and try the pre version of it (I dont know whether there's a better word in English).

So why dont you order it from a european shop like RAN and you can see your "baby grow up"?
What happened to the thread? Why did it get smashed together with this on-topic bullshit?