Guitar Player's Thread

@Inhe: Yeah now that im ready to take on the truth:lol: Nah i wont get big on myself for some praise...its only a sign that i should keep on practicing even harder. Yeah thanks...I have shitty webcam. I should have someone film it with digital camera. I playd with randall in that video just for the record. and no included pedals...just plain randall and the red gain channel :)
In most auctions for new or like-new sm57s thet say "never registered", so I'm not quite sure.

Never heard of the Audix I5, but from what you described it sounds worth it. Still not sure because the statistics go against you :lol: "Used in 95% of recording situations", so it sounds like it is of good quality and widely used by professionals.

maybe it referes to the warranty?

So I finished my second song, there are some bad parts where i'm not playing in the beat, but i think it sounds good overall, and I also threw in a shitty harmonized solo.

Messianic Defecation (i still suck at titles)

Or click the myspace below, whatever suits you best!

If you want to download it, go here.

not half bad! :kickass:

That's really cool.

I might just snatch that PXR4 (I think that's the name? I'm too lazy to look it up) from the guy that has it. I think he wants to sell it for 150$.

didnt korg just announce the PXR5 or something?

Here's a "Lake Bodom" version I just uploaded to Youtube.

Note: Do not expect it exactly as the original.

Here's Angra "Nothing to Say"

and X Japan "X"

you're lead playing was actually pretty alright, however, your sweeps sounded horrible. your hands aren't synced enough (i only listened to lake bodom).

I made a video demonstration of the gear I use 'cause everyone keeps asking me.

did you scallop them yourself? I have some cheap ibanez i bought as a beater, and i kind of want to scallop the neck...

makes me feel like im not practicing enough

probably cause you arent...



How would you's play this?
I play it 3 fingers and slide and repeat sequence for the 4 note run

now, should i pick all notes, or leave the slide note unpicked? Up til now i have only done the slide with no pick, but it really sounds weird.

if it were a three note pattern, i'd pick everything on one string. and just looking at it (i didnt pick up the guitar to fuck around), i might even play that on one string too. however, mitch raises a great point. if you TRULY know your fretboard, you should be able to transpose that into one position. my classical training leads me to try and finger that all in position, seeing as they're consecutive notes/patterns... not like say the needled 24/7 solo, where there really isn't a "pattern" on the ascending bit.

tl;dr: try it every possible way you can, and find what suits you best. like mitch said, no fucking point in making things hard on yourself, you can do that by complexity and speed etc. oh, and pick everything :p

EDIT: you won't fucking believe this :lol:

Yeah that guitar is crazy im sure...I hope someone playing it will get some flaw in the machinery and it will break all the strings:lol:
Now that he wants criticism, he only get's praise. I think the attitude has alot to do with it, a humble person doesn't get as much critique :p I thought it was pretty tight, but it's kinda hard to hear it that way.

Well yeah, it was good. The only thing I would say is learn the song a bit better so you don't have to keep sliding down because you don't know the chords and during the main riff bit, get the rhythm a bit tighter. Other than that, it was perfectly fine.

This is the bit I mean:

A-7-----1-----3--------5-----3-------- etc...

shredtastical said:
did you scallop them yourself? I have some cheap ibanez i bought as a beater, and i kind of want to scallop the neck...

I did yeah.
even though you didn't ask me the question but i think this links might help you

wow, thanks a lot. somehow, though, that seems way more effort than its actually worth :erk:

i am not sure if its good nor ok that i am doing this but any way
i have found Guitar Heroes - 12 Donkeys (single)

you'll get b& for this shit :p
Pretty good. I like the tone more than hte last one. Got alot better with lower treble. I just hope it would have less noise but oh well. Pretty good ;)
^Thank you nazgul :)

If someone noticed i had pretty good tone IMO on the video too...straight from Randall Tube head. Bad quality though so you woudnt hear all of its glory. Really love the Hatebreeder-like tone i can get from it. Its like a bit more ballsier old bodom tone.
here's my promised record:
note: i like a kinda trebley sound and i didin't play everything totally clean in that record, it's a typical jamming record...that's it..enjoy

So it was basically just a lot of palm muting with chords + a not so great Smoke on the Water? Sorry but imo that's not the kinda thing I would put on the internet.

Not trying to be offensive, just being honest.

@ phenom: well done, that tone was pretty cool.
So it was basically just a lot of palm muting with chords + a not so great Smoke on the Water? Sorry but imo that's not the kinda thing I would put on the internet.

Not trying to be offensive, just being honest.

@ phenom: well done, that tone was pretty cool.

i posted before it was a jamming session, not a song or whatever AND it was just made to show u my sound in general...
my idea wasn't even to show u how great songs/riffs i could play just a simple record