Guitar Player's Thread

That would be great. Do you know if Alexi or Roope or any other cool guitar player appear this year?

From SOB:

"On January 18th and 19th Alexi and Janne will make an appearance on the huge music fair NAMM in the USA. Alexi will be present at two signing sessions for ESP guitar and later on these days he will present live clinics with Janne. "
Awesome :D.

Does anyone have some feedback/experience on/with [URL=""THIS[/URL] guitar?

I have a few extra dollars I was saving for another guitar, but I'd have much more this summer, and I'd like another (Not too expensive) guitar.
i rly like it...the amp simulations do sound very good in the amp and also with earphones...sry got no time for recordings tho...i ghot a test on history 2moz which the teacher told us of today..-_-

could u post one uf ur records with ur pod version plz? for moar info plz contact me via msn...(u got me added i think (?))

aww, so just record something after your test. And for me the amp simulations actually sound MUCH better thru headphones than going thru my practice amp. I'm sure it's the same for you. Well, here's something I did yesterday, I was thinking of redoing it, but I think I'd rather just do another song, since my time is so limited. (listen thru headphones for better pod quality).
Indeed. Do you have some recordings? I'd like to hear your tone. And that isn't exactly "my" tone as in that's what I'll use for my own songs that I write, I still have to find a tone for that. But I like to find a tone that suits every song I learn (not trying to match the original guitars, but trying to find whatever I think works well for that particular song) so for example, I have a different one set up for a Metallica song I'll record next. do you do the same thing?
Hmm yea I think I do the same. I have a tone that I use for playing In Flames songs, and then a tone I use for everything else. Plus a clean tone. As for recordings...well I have already submitted a solo for the forum jam #3. Although the solo isn't very good, I think the tone was good in that, so you can listen to that soon. Maybe I will record a song tomorrow since I have the day off :D Yes, I think I will. And then I will post it. Did you make a solo for the forum jam?

edit: any suggestion for an in flames song to record? apart from december flower cuz I can't play that solo full speed yet
Alrighty, I shall await your solo for the jam and your post for tomorrow :) But no, I didn't record a solo for it because I initially didn't like the backing track. maybe I'll give it another listen.

and yeah, for a good In Flames song that's not too hard, I would say learn Biosphere. I had learned it long ago, but I think it was basically the rhythm stuff, so maybe that's I'm saying it's not too hard, hehe.
I was looking through the 2008 Ibanez catalogue that Corny posted, and when I saw the H.R. Griger, I got curious cuz I never knew where the weird artwork on those guitars came from. Griger creates such beautiful and deathly artwork, I'm really intrigued by it. And I'm glad Ibanez decided to do a series after him. So anyway, this is what I found, I thought it'd be cool to share:

I like his Necronomicon work too:
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aww, so just record something after your test. And for me the amp simulations actually sound MUCH better thru headphones than going thru my practice amp. I'm sure it's the same for you. Well, here's something I did yesterday, I was thinking of redoing it, but I think I'd rather just do another song, since my time is so limited. (listen thru headphones for better pod quality).

Sounds really cool, i bet you're pretty satisified with your choice? :cool:

If it was my recording, i would raise the volume on the rythm guitars, but that's just me.
aww, so just record something after your test. And for me the amp simulations actually sound MUCH better thru headphones than going thru my practice amp. I'm sure it's the same for you. Well, here's something I did yesterday, I was thinking of redoing it, but I think I'd rather just do another song, since my time is so limited. (listen thru headphones for better pod quality).

pretty nice tone and playing...yah i'll find out how recording with pod works and then i'll record sth tonight :D
^and Giger (without the "r") designed loads of stuff for Dimmu Borgir, I think.

Btw, the POD seems to pay off for you! Great recording and playing.
he didn't design a shit for them if so they took his artworks like every body else. the only design he officially made was for Jonathan Davis's mic stand.

talking about Giger, he is the father or the mother how you like for Alien and Aliense the movie and many more other cool things
he didn't design a shit for them if so they took his artworks like every body else. the only design he officially made was for Jonathan Davis's mic stand.
Ah ok, I thaught that the cover of the world misanthropy DVD was a giger creation he did for them. And didn't he design the keyboard stand of mustis?

Whatever, I'm not a DB fan and I'm not a Giger fan. The Ibanez Graphic looks crappy imo.