Guitar Player's Thread

Since everyone is showing videos i may as well. I may record some videos but as you can see the quality is shite.
This one is out of sync and i made up the end:

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im thinking of getting this thing. my friend has the exact same one and i've played it and its actually pretty decent :lol: i need another guitar to mess w/ different tunings. my dean is for really low drop c-drop a stuff. my alexi is for standard e so this would be for "bodom tunings" . any thoughts?

I think you should focus on playing and progressing instead of continuously shopping around for new gear and guitars.
Why don't you just save the money, get better at playing, and then in a year or so treat yourself to a really good guitar.
Haha, I thought about it yesterday and wondered if you still want it after such a long time. I get the rest of my christmas money next month (when I visit my mum), so it'll be no problem at all to send it.

Btw, I had the idea to upload a pic with me and the mag, but I was afraid of your anger :lol: