Guitar Player's Thread

tip? Replace your EMG 81 :lol:

I've got one too and I fucking hate it, nails on a chalkboard.
I've got an 85 in the bridge and the 81 in the neck.

But I really hate the 81, so I'm pretty much exclusivley using the bridge pickup for now :lol: (which will change when I get some Dimarzios)
COCOB: You use the typical "bathtub-settings". That means: much bass, little mids, much treble. These settings work very good when you play alone, but in the band-context, the guitar goes down. The first step has to be: Add more mids! The guitar is a mid-instrument. The best sound when you play alone is never the best sound in the band-context.

From there on, be careful with your presence control (if you have one at your amp). Try to take away some gain too. Less gain=more punch. I know that you have gain on 7, but keep in mind that randall has very much gain and that the EMG has so much output. The gain of my powerball is always between 4-6/10 when I play with a band.

You have to tweak during the rehearsals, because your amp sounds different
a. in bandcontext
b. at high volume
Thanks! If you can help me a bit more:

My amp (Randall RH150G3 head + Randall R412 cabinet) has this controls (all from 0 to 10):

-Gain (gain 1 [classic] or gain 2 [modern])

How would you set it? We are guitar (just me as the other guitar player quit last month), bass guitar, vocals and drums.

EDIT: The head is -->power: tubes, pre: mosfet
My amp has this controls (all from 0 to 10):

-Gain (gain 1 [classic] or gain 2 [modern])

How would you set it? We are guitar (just me as the other guitar player quit last month), bass guitar, vocals and drums.

Contour is pretty much the same as presence.
On a side note, I know that Canon Rock has got fucking boring, but this kid totally pwns all other versions man. He's mini-Steve Vai and I don't say it because of the guitar only. Check it out. I'm as bored as everyone of the Canon, but this is just OMFG!

Sorry if it was posted before, but in the last months at least I don't remember it beeing posted, so chek it and say what you think of him.

EDIT: If yo want something not that heard, check this one. It's fun to watchs too.

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lol yeah. I just like Gustavo better. He's so laid back. Plus you can literally see him smiling throughout the entire thing.