Guitar Player's Thread

Glad everyone enjoyed the jam. (well, most of you)

Damn, I missed another COBOT Guitar Heroes session. I'll have to check in this thread more often.

Dude, we've been arranging this one since like December! Because of my internet connection, I wasn't able to do anything with it since then, I would have thought you'd have seen it mentioned it at least once. You've just GOT to do a keyboard solo in the next one otherwise I'll just hang myself!!

dude, is there any way you can fix my solo, It's like two beats off those whammys are the four quarter notes before the solo
like this
I understand if you can't, it's just kind of way off and sounds ridiculous XD

Fucking gay. There's always one that gets misplaced. I'll see what I can do and then post it again.

Cool stuff everyone! I wish I could have taken part (I could have when it was first announced). I was going to record a keyboard track but I'm afraid I'm not good enough to improvise yet :( Still learning how to play. I'll definitely do the next one, that is if I can get a new guitar within that time. Also, can we choose a more rockin' backing track next jam? :lol: This one bored the shit out of me, sorry :lol:

Good job again everyone :headbang:

There's nothing that says anything about improvising any of it. I always write my solos because 1) I'll end up improvising something that I'm not happy with and 2) to test my solo writing "skills". I always listen to Alexi and think how he comes up with some things so I try and do the same. Guitar, keyboard, bass, piano, violin, skin flute, it's all good. :p

Mitch's was the WORSE!!... No I'm kidding, it was my favourite in the sense I really liked the use of his vibrato/whammy bar technique. Definitely better and more original than your high pitched to low E dive bomb constants.

I wouldn't be suprised if someone thought mine was the worstt, I did. :p I didnt' even bother with anything flashy so it's not like "OMG WOW", I just wanted to do something melodic that I was happy to listen to.

Hey, super playing everyone! Everyone who took part in the other jams seems to have gotten better, that's cool :kickass:

I think Mitch's and Conti's solos are outstanding, because both have the most developped and controlled vibratos. Mitch's is my favorite, it reminds me of a mix of Sambora and Satriani.

I will take part in N°4 again :)

Thanks man, it always means alot when someone comments my vibrato. I do have to say Conti's vibrato was awesome too though, definitely one of my faves for sure.

Bravo to those in the jam!
I have to keep up on those I didn't even know about them.

Check my sig, I usually have a little thing in there when I've got a jam in the works. I dno when the next one will be, everyone might be like "ugh, what if we have to wait a whole month again" :lol: Sorry peeps.

haha I thought the same exact thing at first, but then I thought why not just give it a try. It's not too bad if you try to get used to it. But for our next BT can we do that bodom one again? the passage to the reaper one that we tried so long ago but for some reason everyone was "too busy" at the time so we just called it quits. I say we attempt that one again. It's a great BT imo.

Like Eli said, I always try to pick BT's that have excellent sound quality and for this one, I thought it'd be interesting to see how all of us could just stop with the shredding and actually come up with a tasty melody that fits well over the chord changes. It's definitely something you need to work on if you're in a band of some sort 'cause you gotta be versatile enough to not play the same solo in every song (sorry Yngwie!). It's a big change for most of use also because it was in a major key and had 3 maj chords and only 1 min.

Anyway, the Passage To The Reaper one would definitely be cool, yeah. If everyone can give their input on when we should launch another, we'll give it a go.

I think the Waltari-thing from Alexi's/Janne's NAMM 08 Jam would be awesome.

Another good idea, I thought that was really cool.

You mean Waltari - Move ?

No, they Waltari thing they played at 2008 NAMM wasn't "Move". Give the youtube video a watch, it's right at the end.

In his old Jackson guitars he used EMG 81 if I'm not mistaken, then he used the EMG HZ for a little while.

Nope. In his Jacksons, he used the Jackson J-50BC strictly. He switched to EMG HZ3's when he started playing ESP in 2003.

┼Victim of the Night┼;6919216 said:
OhMyGoodGod!!! Finally here it is... so, what to say?

I read some of you guys didn't like the backing track, and it's ok... as far as I'm concerned, I find it amazing, and also that was right the kind of backing track that very often not many people choose to use so I thought that it was a nice idea for you g33tarplayerz trying to jam over it, cuz it was something different.
Anyway, I loved this third forum jam as well, I was so glad after hearing it... you guys and gal are awesome, I thank you all so much for taking part in the jam and doing such a good work, everyone did a very nice job! :)

@ Earth Breather: very nice solo, and I liked so much the way you made it end!
@ Conti: kickass solo, I've always liked those kind of 'runs' you make with notes!
@ Mitch: I just love you! Well, ok, forget that... I really loved your part, you made some 'works' that I've always adored... lovely solo!

You know I agree with you about the backing track, makes a change. The next few will probably be heavy metal in a minor key again so it was nice to freshen things up and not be able to use harmonic minor!

And you seem to enjoy these forum jams more than I do! I usually hate 'em cuz I suck at writing solos so I'm like "ugh, what do I do now...".
Guitar, keyboard, bass, piano, violin, skin flute, it's all good. :p
I think there's something wrong in this sentence... :err:

You know I agree with you about the backing track, makes a change. The next few will probably be heavy metal in a minor key again so it was nice to freshen things up and not be able to use harmonic minor!

And you seem to enjoy these forum jams more than I do! I usually hate 'em cuz I suck at writing solos so I'm like "ugh, what do I do now...".
One of the things I've always admired in you is the fact that you're humble, and I hope you keep being that way 'cause arrogance and the "I know it all" attitude lead us to nowhere, but all I wanna say is that you don't "suck" like you always say... everything I heard from you has always had something that stroke me, and I literally adore your playing and despite me being noone I really think you (like other guys here) are on the right path to get always better.
We like you, so please believe more in yourself.
Now I stop bothering you.

fucking huge tl;dr fest.:kickass:

Hey ex Bear, shush, Mitch's posts are always worth to be read. :)
Downlaoding the jam now, cannae wait ^^

On a different subject, I tried out an Ibanez Presitge RG2550E in a store today.

My god it was amazing, the neck was perfect, and the sustain :O wow the sustain. And that was only with Dimarzio/Ibz pickups! And considering you can get one for only £569 on the web, I am seriously considering it. (I really cant get over how good the sustain was :lol:)
I think that the backing track was pretty cool! I didn't record anything because I hate my V-Amp sound and couldn't use my PX4D (To be exact, I recorded something, but I didn't sent it).

The backing track Nr. 2 (the metal thing) was way more boring imo.

And I share Mitch's and Eli's opinion: I think it's a very, very good idea to try out different styles. So far we had:

1. Blues Jam
2. Minor Metal-thing
3. Normal Ballad

So it could be really funny to try out this techno-waltari-thing sometime.

@pickup-question: Please try the HZs out before you agree with everyone. Not everyone likes EMG (me included) but they're still treated like the holy grail of metal or something. Tastes are different.
I tried the HZs in a used RR24 with an ENGL Powerball and I liked the tone. Others here think they suck.

So if ANYONE goes like "they definitely suck dude!!1!", you can assume that the opinion of this person isn't worth anything. People like this doesn't know anything about guitars.
Just listening to the jam now, impressive stuff ^^

Oh and am I the only one who was really reminded of Dream Theater's 'Scenes From a Memory' when listening to it? I dunno, I think the backing track just sounded a bit old DT style :lol:
Indeed, the jam was fantastic guys yet again. Some really crisp playing and composition skills are on show. I only wish I could have been part of it this time, too bad. And just for the record I thought the ballad was the best backing track so far ;)
Just listening to the jam now, impressive stuff ^^

Oh and am I the only one who was really reminded of Dream Theater's 'Scenes From a Memory' when listening to it? I dunno, I think the backing track just sounded a bit old DT style :lol:
i was :) maybe because of the length of it... and maybe its self flattering to compare it to them
I'm concidering buying some recording equipment, nothing super-advanced-professional stuff, just something I can plug into my computer and use for recording:loco:... So, what are you guys using, or recomending?

I'm really a noob at this kind of things. :p