Guitar Player's Thread

indeedy, But due to the way I was holding my phone it's all sideways :lol::lol:

Still, got 20mins with alright video quality (if you play it at the original resolution of the file, google stretches it:/) and excellent sound quality.


Video deleted, a video thats the right way up is "processing". but im going to bed, check back tommorow.

FFS, don't hold it sideways.

As soon as google is done with this It will all be fine.

It's just I use two phones :lol: I have my new phone which I use as a phone, but it has terrible video quality. And its one of those that you hold sideways like a camera. So when I got my old phone out, that is simply used for gig purposes I totally forgot I had to hold it the other way :lol:

But it's fine, I found a program to rotate videos so its uploading now.

Good audio quality for a phone.

Here we go ^^


Phone ran out of memory halfway through Sea of Lies :/
Do you mean like a midi synth? I do have one, but it's just so much easier to write it out in gp. I extract the gp files with drums, synth and bass (sometimes choirs) into a single file.

Haven't you said this over 9000 times already? :p

Seriously, they look awesome, that's top quality tone :cool:

What kind of characteristic do the vader cabs have? I only know that necro uses them.

lol i have said this a lot :lol: butim really excited. the vaders have a lot of bass response and are really good for low tunings, its very balanced and articulate.

Just for the record.

Romeo was fucking flawless at last nights SX gig. He is a god.

Here we go ^^

Phone ran out of memory halfway through Sea of Lies :/

SICK! i bought my ticket last week, the shows next month. is MJR always on the left side? because there playing at this really tiny place and he'll be inches in front of me pretty much :) i always go 2+ hours before the show to be right up there
thanks for the vid :)

good fucking luck to selling it for so much money. who knows maybe you will find a n00b
Next guitar plan :lol:


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you tune in E? How is that a low tunning? Anyway congrats if you really get it. They're belived to be badass.

yeah i do, but i use my backup dean for low tuned stuff like nile and my amp is horrible for low tunings

Next guitar plan :lol:



dude you shouldve gotten that anyways theres only like 1000 bucks on ebay ive seen like 800 BINS to. my next would be this badass

and btw i went to GC today, i played a mesa dual rec. that thing is badass, played it for like 30 minutes. i brought my alexi to because i hate all the shittily setup guitars there. i also played a vht deliverance and it sucked IMO and its the same price as the dual rec. i played a spidervalve as well, wasnt amazing. just meh, better then shit regular spider series but...
Yes my son:lol: Spider is suckzor!! :lol: I am playing through my peavey and it pisses me off. I want MY RANDALL NOW!!!!! The peavey is just so noisy and is starting to bug me. I will get a good 220€ for it if i sell it tho. A + is that i can brag about it being discontinued :lol:

@Failure:Yeah...i really want that guitar but a EMG HZ is such a no no that it needs SD immediately. I can sell the EMG HZ and thats a fuckin big plus. I will just state its the same pickup as in alek c signature guitars and it will go fast like fucking fuck...or if they have changed out EMG HZ to SDs by then i will say its the one he USED to have :lol: It's a very good price for such a guitar(the edwards)...i really want one :lol: Oh and cool you tried the Mesa...I would want to try some marhsalls because thats where im heading next(i think)

EDIT: AND WTF IS UP WITH ME AND THE ":lol:" PICTURE?! :erk: There was like 5 of them in my message:lol:
question to germans, corny in particular, do you intened to come to Musikmesse in rankfrut?