Guitar Player's Thread

Am I the only one who finds Roope's variation thousand times uglier than his actual models? Although Henkka's bass does look badass :kickass:

@Inhe: if you want kickass tone and simplicity, go for the JCM 800 (either the normal or the KK).

@the phenom: If your budget is not high, why don't you try Peavey 5150's copy Bugera 6260? For ~600€ you'd get a full tube head with a crushing sound (even too much for my taste, but I don't like really distorted tones, so maybe it'd suit your desire for gain, :lol:).
@the phenom: If your budget is not high, why don't you try Peavey 5150's copy Bugera 6260? For ~600€ you'd get a full tube head with a crushing sound (even too much for my taste, but I don't like really distorted tones, so maybe it'd suit your desire for gain, :lol:).

The only problem=bad cleans and marshall for 700€ is nothing so it would rawk:kickass:
Am I the only one who finds Roope's variation thousand times uglier than his actual models? Although Henkka's bass does look badass :kickass:

Nope, I think it looks terrible. There's nothing on the body and it's a plain white/grey colour. The only thing that looks appealing is the neck.
I hate how its only an Ltd and the colour sucks major balls.
If there wan an edwards Roope version i would get it instead of teh Edwards Arrow Head i'm getting
hey guys, your toughts about this guys:
cool this guys have some skills
the keyboardist should work on his lead sound though.
and they should focus alil bit on the groove of the song it is great that they can shred and wank so feast but its not something that you can really connect to and headbang with
cool this guys have some skills
the keyboardist should work on his lead sound though.
and they should focus alil bit on the groove of the song it is great that they can shred and wank so feast but its not something that you can really connect to and headbang with

Are you kidding, the keyboardists tone is awesome, seriously! :lol:

On the other hand, i don't like the guitar tones, but it was cool that he did some "MAB over-under".

I liked the part that starts at ~00:48.
i don't like their tone either but it works live, its noticeable and some what clear
about the keyboardist his lead sound sounds like nintendo to me
i don't like their tone either but it works live, its noticeable and some what clear
about the keyboardist his lead sound sounds like nintendo to me

I don't think that's the live sound, i think they just dubbed it over a live vid, i could be wrong, but it's out of sync alot.

Exactly what i like about it, you can hear everything.
The band would be better without the singer, just instrumental, :lol:

Bassist and guitarist on the right are awesome, :kickass:

yeah the guitar dude is prolly the best around, he's self-taught
i think the singer is out of the band now (not really sure about it)

i don't like their tone either but it works live, its noticeable and some what clear
about the keyboardist his lead sound sounds like nintendo to me

i agree with the keyboard thing, maybe its the shitty camera mic, i dunno

I don't think that's the live sound, i think they just dubbed it over a live vid, i could be wrong, but it's out of sync alot.

Exactly what i like about it, you can hear everything.

the sound is live too, i think the fucker that edited the vid fucked up at some parts.
My CS J-Stars RR arrived in Slovenia 3 hours ago...should be at my place on wednesday! Can't fucking wait!!! :headbang:

Btw, I just put DR Red Devils strings on my Ferrari Red Jackson RR PRO..looks really nice now :). I'll take some pics of it when the sun is up again.
My CS J-Stars RR arrived in Slovenia 3 hours ago...should be at my place on wednesday! Can't fucking wait!!! :headbang:

Btw, I just put DR Red Devils strings on my Ferrari Red Jackson RR PRO..looks really nice now :). I'll take some pics of it when the sun is up again.

Wow, I'm happy for ya!!!! I remember the day that I was at work and my mum texted me, telling me there was a large package sitting in the hallway with my name on.

I swear, that clock hand didn't move from then on. :lol:
Yeah. I've decided that I'm holding the jam off. I was expecting about 12 solos and I ended up with about 4 so I'm now waiting for Jose and Mystique.

And update will be posted when everything re-starts again.