Guitar Player's Thread

i posted this a while ago but got no response...heres another try, anyone have any particularly handy info on changing pickups im going to put some EMG's im my guitar but dont know it worth trying on my own or should i just take it to the shop??
depends on how much knowledge in electronics you've got.
could you solder together simple circuit of lamp 2 wires switch and power supply (like battery) if yes you can change the pickups your self as well.

check this link:

you can also do what warheart said, provide us with pics
Thanks for your kudos and for the advice.. as i told you it is not mixed yet.. only eq while recording.
After having recorded all instruments + vocals im gonna mix it real good.
I tell ya, it'll kick ass.
Here's another one i did, but we did this, when we were not too good at recording and mixing, now were better.
Feel free to check it out:
coool! even if the mix could be better, i like it as it is. every instrument has it own space and you can hear it very well in the mix.
good job!
@Ruins: Thanks for that link. If i get the edwards e-al-128 and put in a Seymour Duncan SH-5 it's not gonna be a big deal i see...just to rip out all electronics excluding the volume pot and solder it.
Another question about PA2, anyone tried it with active p-ups? Because EMG sells it as booster for actives and for passives, and they sell a ''kk packk'' with EMG81+EMG85+PA2.

I think the PA2 is the one I have in my RR. It's noice is certainly noticable when you switch it on but it does have a very drastic effect.

When I'm plugged through my pc, it gives off a lot of hum and fuzz but when I play through an actual amp, it sounds much better, but you have to turn the gain down otherwise it'll sound shit.

When you have it off, does it give hum and fuzz too?

And also, would it be too much to ask for a short recording showing it?

Oh, and also, would you sell you EMG that came with the J2SP?

Yeah i would say that too. I would never buy a PA2 separately and put it in my guitar though...thats just unneccesary for me!
Me too but obviously, it was for Alexi/Roope because they were going into a GP-1000.

My need is not because of the amp, but because I want to have a boost for the solos WITHOT using pedals, don't ask why cos I don't have a logical answer, but I hate pedals.That's why I want a booster like that.

ah ok! Thanks a lot! :) I will never be a Booster user i predict. Im more of a OD pedal person :lol:

As explained above :lol:
When you have it off, does it give hum and fuzz too?

And also, would it be too much to ask for a short recording showing it?

When it's off, it doesn't hum, no. It's as if it isn't there.

And I can do a recording, what exactly do you want? Just a chord, while switching between on and off?
does anyone here have any recommendations for castlevania-like composers/pianists? guys that had that whole dark, spooky, expressive feel.
I was up late because I was watching a vid...:lol: :err:. So it's your turn to stfu. :p

And yes, I am a Creature Of The Night. :Smokin:

What vid were you watching? Maybe I could watch it too... :)

Yes, you seriously love night just like I do, I think you're definitely "Victim of the Night #2".... :lol:

And now... yeah, I'm gonna stfu. :cry:
Another question about PA2, anyone tried it with active p-ups? Because EMG sells it as booster for actives and for passives, and they sell a ''kk packk'' with EMG81+EMG85+PA2.
Okay i can simply say to that it will be so noisy its useless. It was pretty noisy with EMG HZ already and EMG 81 has a damned high output and noise level:lol: BUT THATS JUST ME!:lol: FUCK ALL BOOSTERS!:lol::lol::lol::Smokin: Kerry King has a amp with a noisegate inbuilt so it wouldn't mean anything to him. He does operate at extreme gain levels.
Alexi and Roope have noise gates too. Pretty much everyone that plays live at high volumes will do so don't go complaining about noise from a booster when you're sitting in your room!!
When it's off, it doesn't hum, no. It's as if it isn't there.

And I can do a recording, what exactly do you want? Just a chord, while switching between on and off?

Well, I'd use it for soloing mostly, so a bit of lead (first off then on, maybe your upcoming solo for the festival thing??:lol:) and just show this hum while not playing. If you want to record a pair of chords go on, the more the better. And thanks.

P.S.: What about selling the EMG that came with the J2SP?

Okay i can simply say to that it will be so noisy its useless. It was pretty noisy with EMG HZ already and EMG 81 has a damned high output and noise level:lol: BUT THATS JUST ME!:lol: FUCK ALL BOOSTERS!:lol::lol::lol::Smokin: Kerry King has a amp with a noisegate inbuilt so it wouldn't mean anything to him. He does operate at extreme gain levels.
Alexi and Roope have noise gates too. Pretty much everyone that plays live at high volumes will do so don't go complaining about noise from a booster when you're sitting in your room!!

Mitch got it. I want it neither for home nor recording, but for live performances.
Hi folks, I just returned from the musicfair in Frankfurt, it was AWESOME.

Bad news first: I noticed that I had left the fresh batteries for the digicam at home when I entered the fair. So no pics :( :(

The only things I could do for you guys:
@brad: I checked the Xiphos 7-string. The setup was good and it was pretty cool to play. Light and good balanced. The bridge was fixed though, what's a major turn down in my eyes.
@mitch: yes, I enjoyed the musikmesse it for you too. ;)
@inhe: I listened carefully to the marshall vintage modern in live action, because Mr. Paul Gilbert used it. More info down the page.

I didn't check much equipment, I mainly listened to cool players:

- Kiko Loureiro: I knew that he is good. But I didn't knew that he is so...WOAH. I stood there, at a very small space at the side of the corridor with an ultimate bass-beast, they played to a playback CD. He promoted ESP and Zoom and had a very, very good tone.
The technique and the absolutely original licks made him become my new 3rd-favorite-guitar-player (after Vai and Pablo). Plus, I liked that he played all these hyper fast licks with the same right hand technique like me (open right hand) and not with this fist technique.

- IA Ekhlund: I think you guys know, that he has a very self-contained way of playing and many interesting ideas. I like him (I own Freak Guitar II), but I'm not a fan of his extreme dry tone, he promoted Laney, of course.
But he gets 123087235ß734589 bonus points for merriness and niceness. He was so funny.
"Ok, everyone, please sing along, just like this (in 16th)! '1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 1-2-3-4-5-6 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4 1-2-3 1-2 1'"
"The next song is based on arpeggios. You know, like the five-string-arpeggios all the power metal bands play" - plays very fast random five-string arpeggios and sings with a voice like an eunuch: "STEEEEEEEEEEEL FIREEEEEEEEE DRAGOOOONS EXPLOSIOOOOOOOON!"

- Paul Gilbert: He was there for marshall and he was BRILLIANT, cool, nice, you name it. I queued up 40 minutes before, so that I got into the 4th row. He played 50 minutes, but nothing from GOOMY. I haven't heard all songs of the new album yet, but I remember that he played:
Gargoyles, I cannot lie, an Elvis Costello Cover and Scarified, Technical difficulties.
He was funny and nice too. He played alone, without a band but with a playback CD, in a small room. After every song, he turned around, took the Tracklist, and yelled the next track number to the roadie, so that he could skip to the right track.
"The next song is from Racer X, it's called SCAAAAARIFIEEEEEEEED"
- silence... Paul notices that he forgot to tell the roadie the right track number...he turns around, looks at the tracklist.... turns to the mic again:

Well, when I first heard that Paul changed from Laney to Marshall, I was disappointed. But today, Paul sounded great. He played the Marshall Vintage Modern, 2x12 Combo. He played without a mic and not with much effects, so he had a very pure tone. The amp is very, very honest. The dynamic range is so wide, that the volume knob of your guitar can change a lot. The amp shows you if you play good or not, but this gives you more possibilities of expression too. All Marshalls I've heard so far had this character, but especially this one sounded very cool. Go for it, Inhe :cool:

Jeff Loomis:
Ok, he didn't say a single word and was very shy, but he played extremely fast and extremly flawless. Equipment was Shecter Sig and Engl Special Edition. I recognized some Nevermore tunes like "Born", but he combined it with endless cool solos. I'm still flashed how someone can play so fast and clean over such a long time.

Yngwie Malmsteen:
Well, it was Yngwie. I'm glad that I could see him, but compared to Kiko and Paulm, it was boring. The typical Yngwie thing, cool, but we heard it 123238947289 times. His performance was good though, much guitar throwing on stage.

So the only sad thing was, that I didn't see Andy Timmons because he played at the same time as Paul Gilbert. Special Highlights were Paul and Kiko.

@mitch: your last videos are awesome, you freak.
Postjump: He is when he gets one, as I'll do with MM04 (hell of a lot easier to find), but in the meantime a PA2 could work if it works how I think (when off as it was not there, while on some hum and fuzz but as it's just for short live spots [just for solos] doesn't matter, you can always blame it on the venue and the fact that young bands always get shitty sounds, :lol:).

EDIT: Great review Corny!
Postjump: He is when he gets one, as I'll do with MM04 (hell of a lot easier to find), but in the meantime a PA2 could work if it works how I think (when off as it was not there, while on some hum and fuzz but as it's just for short live spots [just for solos] doesn't matter, you can always blame it on the venue and the fact that young bands always get shitty sounds, :lol:).

EDIT: Great review Corny!

Well yeah....You could try it. I would advice against it though :lol: As you well might have noticed! It just is not worth it at all. I would up for a MM-04. I believe Musamaailma has them amirite?
Awesome Corny, sounds like you had one hell of a day. Thanks so much for taking the time to try out the Xiphos, it's much appreciated :) Totally agree about Mitch's new vids to, they're excellent, especially the one with the scream mask!