Guitar Player's Thread

:lol::lol: 700$ for that piece of shit! Even if you buy all the parts and assemble it yourself would be cheaper!!! :lol: That dude should tell us the shit he's into, I want to try it too, because something that makes you belive someone is going to pay 700$ for that must have taken something or be really fucked up in the head, :lol:

In other news, to get some better tones and less noise for the recordings as well as a better recording software than Nero Soundracks, I'm thinking on getting a toneport (exact model UX1 Toneport). So what are your opinions? Anyone has tried/has one? As I already have a good pedalboard (Korg AX1500G) I haven't even considered getting a Pandora or a Pod, I just want the thing to record and Toneport seems a good choice.


on-topic: It looks like a piece of shit :lol:



Sorry...had to:lol:
That sounds really cool man, nice and smooth and clear. Was that done with your POD? if so that could be one of the best POD tones I've ever heard, usually they have that digital harshness that I hate but that sounded great.

No, it's actually my new amp! Marshall Vintage Modern. Although it sounds alot better than my pod, i don't think the pod sounds that bad. Listen to my songs on myspace if you already haven't, all the guitars are recorded with a POD.
@Earth Breather: A bit late but your Deathklok cover rocks, as well as the DT vid and that cool lick. Only thing is that IMO you should get a better solo tone and then it'd be even more :kickass:

thanks for the input! I am stuck with shit tone for a good 3 days :lol: My POD is at my band's rehearsal space so I am stuck with my shitty practice amp for now. :erk:
I have already fucking said that I'm running it through a 10W practise amp and is being recorded with a £100 digital camera mic. Sorry that I don't have a fucking professional tone with just one preamp. :rolleyes:

And for your information, I'm not into the whole shity over distorted Mesa tones and or stupidly bassy and heavy stuff from ENGL or whatever. I like it thin with a bit of mid.

Goddamn man, don't take it so personally, youd think Ive just insulted your dead grandmother.

I already mentioned it could just be shit quality vid, I didn't know it was a 10w practice amp, youre not that special, I'm not going to read every post of yours. I don't like Mesa tone either, I tried a Roadster out for a couple months and I'm just not into it. I'm into Laneys myself and I like Mid's very much.
I could have sworn you made a thread about your new ENGL (?) and I responded to it like I didn't care, even though I was green with envy :lol: Do you still have it?
In other news, to get some better tones and less noise for the recordings as well as a better recording software than Nero Soundracks, I'm thinking on getting a toneport (exact model UX1 Toneport). So what are your opinions? Anyone has tried/has one? As I already have a good pedalboard (Korg AX1500G) I haven't even considered getting a Pandora or a Pod, I just want the thing to record and Toneport seems a good choice.


Altitudes? Didn't you have one?
:lol::lol: 700$ for that piece of shit! Even if you buy all the parts and assemble it yourself would be cheaper!!! :lol: That dude should tell us the shit he's into, I want to try it too, because something that makes you belive someone is going to pay 700$ for that must have taken something or be really fucked up in the head, :lol:

In other news, to get some better tones and less noise for the recordings as well as a better recording software than Nero Soundracks, I'm thinking on getting a toneport (exact model UX1 Toneport). So what are your opinions? Anyone has tried/has one? As I already have a good pedalboard (Korg AX1500G) I haven't even considered getting a Pandora or a Pod, I just want the thing to record and Toneport seems a good choice.

hey this is an example of my solo tone using the toneport.

and rythm tone