Guitar Player's Thread

I'm considering buying a wah, a noisegate and a delay maybe. What pedals sound good?
The weeping demon was okay in my opinion, but nothing spectacular. Some stories, links, video's are always welcome. I'm playing mostly death metal, sometimes cob, sometimes yngwie.

to phenom: I hope you get your pedal fixed, I know how you feel, I'm used to have errors on anything I buy.:lol:
But yea, try going back to the store.:)

I don't believe you can, because all moving parts for adjustment inside, are on the backside of the board, meaning even if you slipped, all you'd do is scratch some green shit or hit a small soldering dot, neither would cause any massive damage, unless repeated 9001 times

What about driving over with a car?:p
Well i meant that i slipped and pushed the screwdriver so the trimpot was knocked out of place. It's still in the solders but i think i broke the component. Actually i dont even think the BH2 has those controls. The Max-lows and max-highs. Im not sure. What's wrong with the battery cavity on the WD though?:lol: It's easy as shit to use. Not that i even use a battery.

@marfal: Yeah thanks. hope so aswell.
Yeah it does...

Thanks for the pity :lol: Well i guess i can blame my carelessness. I would btw have considered buying a BH2 if the fucking store had had one :( Postage from Thomann can rape one in this kinda shit.
yeah, also buying expensive equipment without trying it is, a very risky thing.. I took a chance on the Morley, it was used and far away, but i struck gold and got a 2001 model, it was barely touched, since the one who owned it was a bass player :lol:

but yes, it sucks man, that it got broken.. If i lived near you i'd probably be able to solder everything back together, but alas.. I'm used to stuff breaking, so i've grown up using soldering irons and workarounds for broken parts, its handy in some situations, to be able to do things the macgyver way. BUt its really been a pain in the ass all the way.. Sorry to hear about it, im sure the folks at the shop will help you out :D
Well i did try it. And i still think it sounded fucking great. It's just the little thing that it broke :lol:

Fuck im a moron. I still wonder how the fuck i was supposed to adjust those trimpots? w00t.
the way he picks is really fucked up. Lane reached close to these speeds with good technique when he was alive.

btw At The Gates was FUCKING AMAZING! Municipal Waste and Darkest Hour played also. MW is so fucking insane. Their like a thrash/punk/speed hybrid. Their guitarist got a new custom. It's carved in the shape of their symbol.
yeah ATG was the 2nd best concert i've ever been to, so fuckin good. municipal waste was pretty good, im not a fan of that style usually but it was fun. and he got the custom a while ago. DH was pretty good, there were a lot of hecklers though lol. the guitarists new MII is hot though. and yeah ATG just blew everything out of the water, fucking win, i cant believe i fucking saw them. i shit myself when i heard they were playing at wacken last year then i heard they were coming here...i was like crying. been listening to them since i was 11
yeah ATG was definitely a "starter" metal band for me, along with bodom and in flames. It was cool to see them, but honestly there were people were have been listening to them for over a fucking decade. It's so awesome, like people were literally crying when they came on. I mean, I popped a boner when they came on, but damn. Just shows you how powerful music is.

BTW, the new all shall perish album leaked. GET IT. Some of the most intense guitar work on this album I've heard in a while. Plus it has a guest solo appearance by Mr. Cooley!
I'm considering buying a wah, a noisegate and a delay maybe. What pedals sound good?
The weeping demon was okay in my opinion, but nothing spectacular. Some stories, links, video's are always welcome. I'm playing mostly death metal, sometimes cob, sometimes yngwie.

to phenom: I hope you get your pedal fixed, I know how you feel, I'm used to have errors on anything I buy.:lol:
But yea, try going back to the store.:)

What about driving over with a car?:p
For a noisegate i recommend the ISP Decimator!

the way he picks is really fucked up. Lane reached close to these speeds with good technique when he was alive.

btw At The Gates was FUCKING AMAZING! Municipal Waste and Darkest Hour played also. MW is so fucking insane. Their like a thrash/punk/speed hybrid. Their guitarist got a new custom. It's carved in the shape of their symbol.
FUCK YEAH, Municipal Waste is such an awesome band!
For a noisegate i recommend the ISP Decimator!

FUCK YEAH, Municipal Waste is such an awesome band!

I remember way back before Municipal waste got big they used to come to my town all the time because we had a huge underground punk scene going on at the time. The punk kids would rent out these park lodges for like 50 bucks for a day and they would have these punk shows in these park lodges and municipal waste would show up in their shitty van and they made all the punk kids circle pit around the OUTSIDE of the lodge while they were playing. they also used to bring like those foam boogieboard or bodyboard things and they would jump off of picnic tables on and shit it was hillarious.

Il see if i can find some mad old pictures