Guitar Player's Thread

I wouldn't say Bodom. I listen to way too much Bodom and I don't see the similarity. I see it more Arsis-like (knowing the differences obviously) than Bodom. Alexi has done really cool solos, but for the rythms and normal riffs Alexi's melodies and compositions aren't that ''lead-like'' IMO.

Well, of course when I think Bodom I think Alexi too (he is a big part of it :p) and sometimes tend to think Sinergy too.

I think it actually has more Sinergy to it (in wich the rythm playing tends to be "lead like" too), than CoB. But there's some CoB licks, and incorporating some of that lead into rythm doesn't make it any less the samme licks :p.

but I'm just rabbling really.

It definately reminds me of Arsis much more though.
I just didn't think about it that much, because I don't listen to Arsis that much.

Oh and to failure: I love your sig. The new Michael Romeo caparison sig is...well sick :p .

real schmexy
Good Playing Mitch!
@Mitch:awesome job!:kickass:
daaamn Mitch, that's a lot of songs you just did. Watching you with the whammy bar, like in the ETID intro, makes me feel like such a bum :lol: I need to start utilizing that bar.
Awesome vids Mitch, and tone! just totally made me want to smash my guitar :lol: That playing is so awesome...I bet you practiced your ass off some years back. I can't even see myself ever reaching that level :lol: Rock on!
Mitch - holy moly, you are good :p
Awesome !!! Seriously, I'm thinking about putting you in my guitar heroes. I really loved Triple Corpse Hammerblow, not a lot of ppl cover it and I think it's one of the best songs COB ever made.
That is awesome man ....totally dig your tone your face playing ...just love it man

Thank you all very much for your kind words! I really appreciate it and it inspires me to do them in the first place. :)

I was going to upload the original videos so you can hear my guitar better but it was about 78mb in total and I couldn't be bothered. :p

Don't be too hard on yourself, Alexi has never even been at that level.
that's just blasphemy
Mitch is way cleaner than Alexi, srzly!

:lol: I lol'd.

Maybe now. But to say that Alexi was never on that level is being too rash. Back in the day, Alexi definitely had clarity in his playing.

Yeah, I agree. His playing nowadays can be bad (CRY), but sometimes good (NAMM). However, back in '99-02, it was really good most of the time.

That is not a far argument honestly. Mitch IS cleaner than i have heard Alexi in a longlonglong while :lol:
Difference is Alexi rocks out on a stage doing it. A lot harder to play clean on stage than just sitting in your room. By the way those videos rock Mitch :kickass:
EDIT: Watch The Warrior Princess live (you can get it on the Sinergy Forum) Now tell me Alexi doesn't play clean, it's amazing!!!

Yeah, true. It's alot harder on stage with a low strung guitar and rawkin' out, being the showman he is, even if his technical playing thesedays isn't on par with 9 years ago.

I'd like to see some more original compositions by Mitch. Epic skills needs to be backed up by some great songs made by him! :D

I indeed should be doing my own thing, it's just that lack of ideas seem to put me off even trying. I get so annoyed that I can't create anything that I like, that I give up trying to. If I was in a practice room with a band, it'd be much easier but just sitting here on my own, it seems to be more difficult so I end up learning other people's stuff and get enjoyment from that instead.

On a whole other subject: Since it's been summer and all i've been on alot of vacations and doing alot of other stuff than play guitar, but even so, i realized that my skills haven't actually changed one bit, which is pretty cool, since you get more urge to play guitar when you haven't played for a while! :D

Lucky you!! When I came back from my time away, I sawked. My right hand could hardly move and my left was just stupidly uncoordinated. It felt horrible. :erk:

but i wrote THE sickest fucking tech deth riff yesterday, it has crazy sweepage and this sick ass part where i tap these harmonics, arg its fucking sweet. ima go play it right now

I actually liked it. I thought it sounded bad when you were playing it slow, because the speed didn't work with the nature of the notes, but when you sped it up to normal speed, it made a great riff. Definitely use it in a song!
Jeff Loomis with his new ENGL, sounds great and has tight bottom-end to his tone.

These clips are from a Nevermore gig in Seattle a few days ago. Its just Jeff, so the overall sound of the band is really lacking. Escpecially in the Narcosynthesis vid, sounds like it is just him jamming with Van (drummer) :lol:
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GREAT clip!!! I love this guy's style alot, I just never seem to be able to listen to Nevermore too much, although I did listen to three tracks from This Godless Endeavour this afternoon, which was great after such a long time.

I might just learn a bunch of solos though (if I can...:lol:).
I tabbed/learned by ear the Engines of Hate, Enemies of Reality, This Sacrament, diminished sweeps in This Godless Endeavour, and My Acid Words solos just a few days ago and today. Fun stuff! I will upload me playing Engines of Hate solo next weekend, I will be very busy from now on, so less free time for me :(
I indeed should be doing my own thing, it's just that lack of ideas seem to put me off even trying. I get so annoyed that I can't create anything that I like, that I give up trying to. If I was in a practice room with a band, it'd be much easier but just sitting here on my own, it seems to be more difficult so I end up learning other people's stuff and get enjoyment from that instead.

This is exactly what happens to me! :lol: Then i will have the odd week where i start getting cool ideas. Then back to what you described. I should make the most of those weeks :lol:
Well, of course when I think Bodom I think Alexi too (he is a big part of it :p) and sometimes tend to think Sinergy too.

I think it actually has more Sinergy to it (in wich the rythm playing tends to be "lead like" too), than CoB. But there's some CoB licks, and incorporating some of that lead into rythm doesn't make it any less the samme licks :p.

but I'm just rabbling really.

It definately reminds me of Arsis much more though.
I just didn't think about it that much, because I don't listen to Arsis that much.
I honestly didn't hear any Sinergy/Bodom in that riff. That riff was ok imo. Very reminiscent of Arsis, but I don't listen to them on a regular basis, so maybe that's why I didn't think too much of it.

I tabbed/learned by ear the Engines of Hate, Enemies of Reality, This Sacrament, diminished sweeps in This Godless Endeavour, and My Acid Words solos just a few days ago and today. Fun stuff! I will upload me playing Engines of Hate solo next weekend, I will be very busy from now on, so less free time for me :(

Finally some jootube videos from you! haha. And why will you be very busy now? Getting a job or something?
@Failure: i meant the part before the 5-string sweep tap thingie (just tab like this one plus 5 seconds before for me plz)

ehm the first time its a minor arpeggio starting on the 12 fret a string then its the same pattern a half step down. the second time its the same patterns except you tap the 13th then ascend (legato descending) and then the 12 on the second (legato descending) if that makes any sense

Jeff Loomis with his new ENGL, sounds great and has tight bottom-end to his tone.

powerball ftw, i've been waiting to see what engl he chose to use. fucking sounds sick
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I honestly didn't hear any Sinergy/Bodom in that riff. That riff was ok imo. Very reminiscent of Arsis, but I don't listen to them on a regular basis, so maybe that's why I didn't think too much of it.

I can hear bodom in Arsis too though. Maybe it's just that melodic death style, because I don't really listen to any other music in that genre but Bodom, Sinergy and maybe Craydawn.

Besides that, only "pure" metal that I listen to is Symphony X, BLS, Evergrey, DT (is that even metal?), Cacophony, Annihilator.

The rest is mostly instrumental, Freak Kitchen, Bumblefoot, Van Halen, Dokken, Gary Moore, Frank Sinatra, Joe Cocker, Frank Zappa and so on.

But I do listen to over 100 different bands (I'm at 108 at the moment), where as most of them I have atleast 3 salbums from them, often more.

So yeah, maybe I know too little (metal).

^ENGLs are great, but I'd take a Lee Jackson any day! :p
I indeed should be doing my own thing, it's just that lack of ideas seem to put me off even trying. I get so annoyed that I can't create anything that I like, that I give up trying to. If I was in a practice room with a band, it'd be much easier but just sitting here on my own, it seems to be more difficult so I end up learning other people's stuff and get enjoyment from that instead.

The exact opposite happens to me! In a band practice situation, i can't even think and just play random stuff.
The exact opposite happens to me! In a band practice situation, i can't even think and just play random stuff.
Me too! The cool stuff enters my mind when I'm alone, especially when I don't have a guitar in my hands (often on the toilet or while taking a shower :lol: )

But I have a new band for 3 or 4 weeks and it's a bit different. We wrote some cool melodies together and I never experienced this with a band before. I hope that I can show you people some recordings in a few months (they wouldn't appreciate it if I showed my recorded stuff here before it's "official").

But all in all, I'm not a teamworker, at least when it comes to the basic ideas.
Me too! The cool stuff enters my mind when I'm alone, especially when I don't have a guitar in my hands (often on the toilet or while taking a shower :lol: )
I often get cool ideas when I'm at work or in school. So go to the next toilet and record it with my mobile :lol:.
But the best ideas come when I try to sleep but often I'm too tired to get up and record them and I dont remember them the next morning.
But I have a new band for 3 or 4 weeks and it's a bit different. We wrote some cool melodies together and I never experienced this with a band before. I hope that I can show you people some recordings in a few months (they wouldn't appreciate it if I showed my recorded stuff here before it's "official").

But all in all, I'm not a teamworker, at least when it comes to the basic ideas.

Cool, look forward to hearing it. I mainly just find a riff/progression while playing guitar, then put it in GP and the rest of the song is done from there... without touching the guitar again :p
^Really? I can't even think about doing that. I might add some fills or breaks here and there, but the main thing and all the riffs I have to play them and then write them down.

And I'm really slow composing. It's taken me almost a year to finish the 5 songs we have in my band, and now it's been like 2 or 3 months with 2 songs already started but I can't think of a way of going forward so I'm stuck there, :erk:

Hey don't you need to update your sig? Unless you somehow can manage to upload new Bodom recordings with your guitar miles away from you :p

No, he's saying that he misses Ireland, despite the fact that he didn't have a guitar, internet, or anything.

At least... I think!

Bang! Nick wins the prize, :lol: I really miss Ireland beyond any point I could have imagined :erk:

┼Victim of the Night┼;7512992 said:
And in the past, like not too long ago, he had already posted in this thread some songs/stuff/compositions he wrote and played.


Me too! The cool stuff enters my mind when I'm alone, especially when I don't have a guitar in my hands (often on the toilet or while taking a shower :lol: )

But I have a new band for 3 or 4 weeks and it's a bit different. We wrote some cool melodies together and I never experienced this with a band before. I hope that I can show you people some recordings in a few months (they wouldn't appreciate it if I showed my recorded stuff here before it's "official").

But all in all, I'm not a teamworker, at least when it comes to the basic ideas.

Same to me, :lol:
Cool, look forward to hearing it. I mainly just find a riff/progression while playing guitar, then put it in GP and the rest of the song is done from there... without touching the guitar again :p

Yeah, i do it in a similar way. I write it out on guitar pro when i come up with it, and then try to play it on guitar, but most of it is written without the guitar.
^Really? I can't even think about doing that. I might add some fills or breaks here and there, but the main thing and all the riffs I have to play them and then write them down.

And I'm really slow composing. It's taken me almost a year to finish the 5 songs we have in my band, and now it's been like 2 or 3 months with 2 songs already started but I can't think of a way of going forward so I'm stuck there, :erk:

Bang! Nick wins the prize, :lol: I really miss Ireland beyond any point I could have imagined :erk:


Same to me, :lol:

To me composing doesn't take that long.

Mainly, I will know where I want to go with it before beginning, then find a melody or riff to build it up around so to speak and then it just flows. Sometimes the solos take a while, so I'll take a break and then do the solo another day.
I like composing with the other guitarist in a band, it may take longer but it helps to get outside views on your parts and spark new ideas.

For the next week and a half I'm going to be taking a break from guitar and strictly practicing drums. I'm going to be moving back to school then and wont have a drumset there so i will have plenty of time to practice guitar then. I'm building a studio this winter at my house and I want to get good enough at drums where i can record my own stuff without using fake drums and also be able to do session work for local bands if needed.

I will still be posting here though, maybe I should make a "Drummer's Thread" lol