Guitar Player's Thread

Hey guys, sup?
Yo Mick, awesome playing dude, do you think it might be possible for you to tab this riff for me? As I'm just doing sweep picking it'd be very helpful for me, ktxhnbai...

On the other side I want to spray paint my dimavery, have you guys any experiences with it? Hints would be welcome too...(I'm also planning on removing the floyd and the original mechanics from it and it replace it with some gold hardware...)
@flying v guy:Check, it's a german board for everything building-related. I think they will help you there.

But I doubt that the Dimavery will be worth the hassle, I can't stand this brand (sorry for bashing your guitar).
Indeed, I hear some bodom. You dont?

It could also be more classical. Vivaldi stuff. Idk. But it's certainly something I've heard before, alot, in bodom (a few of the licks of the riff :loco:).

I wouldn't say Bodom. I listen to way too much Bodom and I don't see the similarity. I see it more Arsis-like (knowing the differences obviously) than Bodom. Alexi has done really cool solos, but for the rythms and normal riffs Alexi's melodies and compositions aren't that ''lead-like'' IMO.
Ever heard of Cool Edit Pro, Adobe Audition, Cubase...? :lol: Man, get one of those (I can send you CEP including crack if you want), start trying sounds in your computer and record! I won't belive if you tell me that your computer is worse than my 7 years old one with 40GB of hard drive and that doesn't support WMP 11 :lol:

33 gb HDD w/ less then 3 gb's left :headbang:
it fuckin fails big time, buuuut i do have a mac g5
pm me that shit if you can

Hey guys, sup?
Yo Mick, awesome playing dude, do you think it might be possible for you to tab this riff for me? As I'm just doing sweep picking it'd be very helpful for me, ktxhnbai...

On the other side I want to spray paint my dimavery, have you guys any experiences with it? Hints would be welcome too...(I'm also planning on removing the floyd and the original mechanics from it and it replace it with some gold hardware...)

what riff are you talking about?
Ever heard of Cool Edit Pro, Adobe Audition, Cubase...? :lol: Man, get one of those (I can send you CEP including crack if you want)
Hmm i won't say "no" too ;)

Boring stuff I write because I'm bored enough to.
I'll buy a new OD/Distortion or maybe an EQ pedal tomorrow. I really like my Digitech MetalMaster pedal. Imho the rhythm sound when I record it in Reaper is awesome but it has no Mid poti and no possibility to reduce the gain.