Guitar Player's Thread

Because Im too metal for the metal hair... or i just want to get more girls... or because im starting to loose my hair in my 20's and i don't want receding long hair

one of those reasons :lol:
I don't know if this has been discussed here but Protone pedals are designing a Jason Becker "Perpetual Burn" distortion pedal.

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Because Im too metal for the metal hair...
Welcome to the club, I cut mine 3 months ago.

And @dave: That's funny, I didn't know that this happens outside of germany, too. Many metalheads here get a haircut these days, I don't know why. I know that I had never cut my hair if the quality of my hair would have been better.
In my BM band everyone had long hair, now there's only the drummer left with long hair. Before about 8-9 of my friends had long hair, now everyone but one has cut it.
I also have the impression getting jobs is a bit harder with long hair, because you don't look like a "serious worker", thats at least the impressions some of my friends had trying to get jobs in the past with long hair.

I had long hair twice in the past, but for the last 4 years it's been short. Sometimes I think about growing it back, but I'm not sure if I'll bother.
Pђoenix;7518472 said:
hah coincidence, I just ordered mine for November!!! :kickass: No way in hell could I have aforded the VIP ticket at the moment. Btw Congrats Corny on getting engaged!!


being without a guitar sucks dinosaur dick (and that's a lot of fucking meat)

:lol::lol::lol: That made my day!

This is stupid and wrong.

So true.

Why do you just throw in random sweeps and scales? If you know what a key signature is, then use it! Stay in one key for some time and then maybe switch to another. Learn some basic theory on the net. It's not hard at all. Or you can even ask us questions here, some of us would gladly help :)

That's exactly my problem, I know shit about key signatures and scales, I just throw stuff on top until something sounds cool. I know, I'm shit at composing.

I'm cutting the metal hair.

It is time

a)Because Im too metal for the metal hair... or b)i just want to get more girls... or c)because im starting to loose my hair in my 20's and i don't want receding long hair

a) Wat?
b) Bullshit, it doesn't help. Not even that, but long hair kinda helps me. If you want I'll explain you why.
c) Acording to the last pics you've posted, FALSE!
No disrespect to the dude, but Silenoz of Dimmu Borgir must have one of the ugliest custom RRs ever. What posessed him to come up with this shape?


At least it's unique. :loco:
The left half looks like Capirision Orbit, the right side is ESP RV but a bit sharper. I like it, would like it better if the left side curve in instead of out.
No disrespect to the dude, but Silenoz of Dimmu Borgir must have one of the ugliest custom RRs ever. What posessed him to come up with this shape?


At least it's unique. :loco:

That's one of the cooler RR's! Put a caparison head stock on it, and i could consider it!
THats the by far ugliest shape ive seen in years :lol: I'd rather be seen with a cardboard box with EMG's.

Infact.. that sounds epic :lol: i wonder..
It looks like the designer was drunk when he was drawing the shape, but actually I like it.
I am getting really pissed on Ibanez...their website sucks beyond any. They have not even put out a direct customer support number!!! :zombie: I want some info what kind of dip switches i can use to replace the ones that are broken since the store seems to be unable to find the problem and wont repair it for me! :lol:

(This concerns the weeping demon...i can solder the shit myself. Just need the goddamn info on what kind of dipswitches i need. I will also put them on a longer "cable" so i can put them right at the hole where you adjust for easy acesss.)

Frankly...Ibanez seems to be a asshole of a company to this point:lol: And i cant say they did a good job on the placement OR adjusting of the dip switches.

And no i dont want a fucking morley:lol: If i ever get a new Wah it will be a VOX which i mod to true bypass.
I can't stand people like Shawn Lane or Guthrie Govan. People appeal to different things.

I don't like listening to Shawn Lane either, but I do know (and hear) that technically, he is way beyond brilliant.
The music just doesn't appeal to me.

Guthrie on the other hand, has written some stuff I really like, and some stuff I find way boring :p

that MAB me was pure wank. He's really awesome technically, but if you're playing either fast or slow all the time, where does the change in the music come?
How isn't that much more playing scales and exercises, than playing actual music?

Nah, whatever - I haven't listened to much to MAB, so I won't judge him.


I really like instrumental guitar and a the moment I listen alot to

IA (glad to see someone else likes him! Everyone I know is like...d-uh...It sounds like a gameboy or something, and well it might do at some points, doesn't make the music bad)
Jason Becker
Eric Johnson
some guy whose artist name is Final Computer
Kiko Loureiro
Uli Jon Roth
and the two songs Mitch composed ^_^

and least, but not smallest...Yngwie Malmsteen (only the Rising Force album though)

just figured, this message is a little late - but I decided to post this nonsense anyways.