Guitar Player's Thread

I started with an Evanescence song, actually.

Just start with whatever you feel comfortable with, playing with other people in the early stages helps very much!
I thought this was an understatement. You have to think about those features for the instrument your writing for. If i'm writing something for guitar, i wouldn't do wide intervall, piano like chords, just because they're just not possible to play on a guitar. But that doesn't mean that i need a guitar in my hand to figure that out.

That's true for people as experienced as Paul Gilbert and that kind, for the rest of us, i stand by my statement.

I don't really see your point here.

What i'm trying to say is that if try to play a riff that comes from your fingers instead of your mind, you'll end up with what your muscle memory has been taught to play.

If you instead think of a riff or a part of a solo, you can come up with much more interesting ideas, because the mind is alot of advanced than our fingers, when it comes to most players. Then there's the top notch players, as i mentioned before, that can practically transfer what they're thinking of directly to playing it, but that's just a small percentage.

So there you have it, that's how i do it, if the other way works for someone better, then there's no reason to complain, as long as you're happy with how you're doing something.
Well you forget that your mind is what controls your fingers. So its not always just muscle memory that comes out on guitar. Otherwise, how would anyone come up with something different that has not yet been learned? I think that muscle memory thing helps to give "the style" of a player. Like if you really like playing the minor scale, then that will show in your compositions cuz your fingers probably stick to that scale a bit more than others, unless you will them not to. But I understand that your view is coming from a more "mental capability" perspective.

Anyyywayyy. Good to hear both sides of the argument. As long as we're happy with what we're doing, it really doesn't matter.

@Inhe, umosay and all the ''no guitar'' composers: I'm so jealous of you people, I'd love to be able to do that. Did you have a teacher for theory and all that stuff or are you al self taught?

Don't worry Mystique, there'll be always someone worse at that, and I'm that guy, :lol: I'm like the slower composer ever, and I tend to end up throwing random scales and sweeps everywhere with a couple of harmonics and tappings when it comes to solos. Even my drummer gets the things done just in his head faster than what I go with the guitar in the hands, :lol:

Yep, but he gets the basic riffs, then all the harmonies and stuff are arranged by him with Roope and Janne at the rehearshal place and they work them out with the theory, which I'd love to be able to do.
Why do you just throw in random sweeps and scales? If you know what a key signature is, then use it! Stay in one key for some time and then maybe switch to another. Learn some basic theory on the net. It's not hard at all. Or you can even ask us questions here, some of us would gladly help :)

I just bought a ticket for a Paul Gilbert show, september 27th! :kickass::kickass::kickass:

Financially, it was the wrong decision but whatever, it's PABLO!!! Too bad that the VIP tickets for 160 Euros are already sold out. They include a one hour lesson, the ticket, a CD, a DVD, a shirt...

Pђoenix;7518472 said:
hah coincidence, I just ordered mine for November!!! :kickass: No way in hell could I have aforded the VIP ticket at the moment. Btw Congrats Corny on getting engaged!!

Congrats you guys! But damn, I wish one of you were getting the lesson so you could tell us about it later :(
Well you forget that your mind is what controls your fingers. So its not always just muscle memory that comes out on guitar. Otherwise, how would anyone come up with something different that has not yet been learned? I think that muscle memory thing helps to give "the style" of a player. Like if you really like playing the minor scale, then that will show in your compositions cuz your fingers probably stick to that scale a bit more than others, unless you will them not to. But I understand that your view is coming from a more "mental capability" perspective.

Anyyywayyy. Good to hear both sides of the argument. As long as we're happy with what we're doing, it really doesn't matter.

Just look at Yngwie, he's got the harmonic minor scale imprinted so far into his brain that he can't play anything else :lol:

Congrats you guys! But damn, I wish one of you were getting the lesson so you could tell us about it later :(

When Paul posted about the VIP tickets on the RX forum, i went on vacation for the first time this summer, so i just missed it. And when i got back, i tried to e-mail to get a ticket, but they were all gone :( Still, i will be seeing him in Sweden, so atleast something good is happening to alleviate the pain!

On another note, here's is one awesome (but old) MAB solo. This tone is just killer.

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Lol, he's playing an old Dean Mach 7... Dean still make them, but they're shitty and cheap nowadays :lol:
am i the only one that finds MAB's playing unappealing? He's pretty much the only shredder I don't like and I don't even know why.
I can't stand people like Shawn Lane or Guthrie Govan. People appeal to different things.
I don't even really listen to solo guitar music often. Guthrie and Shawn are fucking amazing players, but nothing about them makes me want to listen to them. Only solo guitar players I listen to nowadays is eklundh, loureiro, vai, and satriani. Kiko is probably my favorite though because his songs are so amazing. Songs that tell stories are hard to make.